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Hello! My name is Brandon Vidal Lopez and I am a freshman working on my Mechanical Engineering major at the University of North Texas.

My interest in engineering began when I was little and was exposed to activities and classes which introduced and taught me the joy of designing and making things. Since then I have worked on many projects related to the field of technology and engineering which have helped strengthen my interest in this field of study.

In the future I hope to be able to use my degree to work on designing and creating technology that will ultimately help improve the quality of life for people. Some fields I would be interested in pursuing are space travel and developing renewable and clean energy sources to be more viable.

Block Image

Image 1: picture of a previous project in my rocket engineering class.

One significant project of which i have worked on was during my sophomore year of high school in my rocket engineering where we had to design and make a rocket to meet certain requirements. In this project I was in a group with three other people with the goal of creating a rocket meant to go one mile high while carrying a one pound payload with a budget of $900. This project allowed me to get experience with groupwork, designing and researching in a field which I was not familiar with.

While I do have some experience in repairs regarding computer hardware I am very limited to that field. By getting involved I hope to expand my knowledge and understanding of repairs to other fields so that I can improve on my weak points.


  • CAD
  • Bilingual (Spanish, English)
  • Groupwork


  • Video-games
  • Learning guitar
  • Biking
  • Rock climbing

Brandon Lopez








Membro dal 09/13/23

Hello! My name is Brandon Vidal Lopez and I am a freshman working on my Mechanical Engineering major at the University of North Texas.
