Thank you for the guide: I would not have attempted this repair without the walkthrough, but it was not bad in the end. You saved my wife’s laptop after she closed it on a binder clip! An expensive part, but it was still a good laptop and nice to keep it out of the trash.
Thanks for the guide! I was able to complete the repair and now my wife’s mac is back on her desk; she’s very pleased.
The most difficult parts for me were removing the battery (if I did it again, I’d be more comfortable — dissolving the adhesive in an area I couldn’t see was just slow and tedious work) and aligning the new battery just right. I had to kind of stick-unstick-and-restick the battery until I got all the important things (electronic connector, the single screw hole, the little rubber studs that sit against the base, the spaces left for the speakers) just right.
As some of the comments suggested, I did not disconnect the speaker cables or the trackpad cable— I just unscrewed the speakers and set them carefully aside, and bent the trackpad cable out of the way. Those zif connecters I just find too small to work with, so I avoid disconnecting them unless I have no choice.