The iPod Classic looks like the 5th Generation iPod, but with a metal front case and multiple case color options. Troubleshooting and replacing parts is somewhat complex, but we have made it easier below.
Note: There are two versions of iPod Classic: thin and thick. The thin version refers to the 80 GB, 120 GB, and thin 160 GB models. The thick version refers to the thick 160 GB model. If you are unsure which 160 GB version you have (as some parts are not interchangeable between models), perform the following steps:
1) Locate the serial etched on the rear panel of the iPod
2) Go to Apple's Online Service Assistant and enter your serial number and country
3) Look at the text under the picture on the left. If it reads "iPod Classic," you have the thick version. If it reads "iPod Classic (Late 2009)," you have the thin version.
iPod won't turn on
No matter what you do, you can't get your iPod to turn on.
Hold switch is on
Before delving into the guts of your iPod, check to make sure the hold switch isn't activated. If the hold switch is on, the iPod will ignore any input on the click wheel and refuse to do anything. If your iPod's problem isn't so easily solved, read on.
Drained/bad battery
If your iPod won't turn on, especially if it has not been used recently, you may simply have a drained battery. Plug your iPod into your computer or AC adapter and see if anything happens. Ideally your iPod will recognize it has been connected to a power source and charge its battery. If it will no longer charge, the battery must be replaced. We sell replacement batteries for both thin and thick iPod Classics.
Bad display
It is possible that it appears nothing is happening because the display is bad. If you hold the iPod up to your ear you should be able to hear the hard drive spinning. If the iPod sounds like it is working properly but nothing is visible, it is possible the display is bad and must be replaced.
Bad logic board
If your iPod does nothing when plugged into a computer, the problem most likely lies in the logic board. We stock logic boards, and we offer the instructions for installing them.
Bad click wheel connection
If the click wheel is not seated correctly, it is possible that the iPod will not boot. Be sure that the bar on the click wheel is completely flipped down to ensure a positive connection.
No audio or distorted audio
Your iPod turns on and appears to work, but when you plug in headphones or speakers, the audio doesn't play properly.
Bad headphones/speakers
It's unlikely your headphones or speakers are bad, but it's worthwhile to eliminate these as the source of your problem at the beginning. Try your iPod with another set of headphones or speakers just to make sure that the problem is with the iPod.
Bad audio jack
The most likely cause of audio output problems on iPods is a bad audio-out jack. We sell the thin and thick headphone jacks, and we offer free guides for replacement.
Restore icon on startup
Your iPod displays the text "Use iTunes to restore" on startup
Corrupted software
It isn't often that Apple gives specific directions about how to fix your problem! Restoring the iPod will erase everything on it, so make sure everything on the iPod is stored elsewhere prior to restoring. To restore, connect your iPod to a computer with iTunes installed. Upon connecting, a message may pop up, informing you that your hard drive is corrupted and/or in recovery mode. If one of these messages pops up, click the "Restore Now" button and follow the directions. If no pop up message appears, click "Restore" on the iPod summary page (click on your iPod icon on the left menu to find this page). Follow the directions to restore. If your iPod displays the text "Please wait. Very Low Battery," leave it plugged in. This charges the iPod enough to be able to restore. If the iPod hangs on this screen for long periods of time, you may need a new battery.
Bad hard drive cable
It is also possible that the sad iPod icon is caused by a bad hard drive cable. In this instance, re-connecting or replacing the hard drive cable (thin or thick) first is a good idea.
Bad click wheel connection
If the click wheel is not seated correctly, it is possible that the iPod will go to this screen. Be sure that the bar on the click wheel is completely flipped down to ensure a positive connection.
Bad hard drive
If checking the connections does not work, you may have a bad hard drive. If no information is being sent to the iPod from the hard drive, it makes the iPod quite unhappy! Note: iPod Classics have unique connectors, and only specific hard drives will work in them. Browse our hard drives (thin or thick) and check out our iPod ID page for compatible drives.
Bad logic board
If attempting to restore the iPod and diagnosing the hard drive and connections does not fix the problem, the issue is probably the logic board.
Sad iPod icon on startup
The iPod displays an image of a sad iPod when turned on
Corrupted software
Sometimes, a reset and restore will fix a sad iPod. Connect your iPod to your computer and use iTunes to restore the iPod. Restoring the iPod will erase everything on it, so make sure everything on the iPod is stored elsewhere prior to restoring. Sometimes it may be necessary to restore the iPod several times before it works properly. If you are unable to restore your iPod using iTunes, you can hard reset your iPod. iPod Classics can be hard reset by booting while holding the menu and play/pause buttons. This should result in a quick dark screen followed by the standard Apple boot graphic.
Bad hard drive
It is also possible that the sad iPod icon is caused by a bad or poorly connected hard drive. If no information is being sent to the iPod from the hard drive, it makes the iPod quite unhappy! Note: Video iPods have unique connectors, and only specific hard drives will work in them. Browse our hard drives (thin or thick) and check out our iPod ID page for compatible drives.
Bad battery connection
Another potential issue is the battery's connection to the logic board (a bad battery should not cause this error, however). To test this, carefully detach the battery and re-connect it to the logic board.
Bad logic board
If restoring the iPod and diagnosing the hard drive and battery connection does not fix the problem, the sad iPod is likely caused by a problem with the logic board. There's not much to troubleshoot here. Basically, the only option is to replace the logic board.
Folder icon appears on startup
The iPod displays an image of a folder when turned on.
Bad hard drive or cable
One of the best methods to diagnose a failing hard drive is to listen to the drive. If you put your iPod up to your ear, you should hear a smooth-sounding whirr of the hard drive spinning. Any loud clicking or grinding sounds may mean that your iPod's drive is failing. If you don't hear anything, the drive is not getting power or is very damaged and can't spin up.
One possible way of predicting whether the hard drive or cable is the culprit is to watch what happens when the iPod is attempting to boot. If the iPod goes from the Apple logo to the folder icon almost immediately, the cable is most likely at fault. In this instance, re-connecting or replacing the hard drive cable (thin or thick) first is a good idea. If the iPod hangs on the Apple screen for a few seconds before displaying the folder icon, the hard drive is probably the problem and must be replaced.
Note: Video iPods have unique connectors, and only specific hard drives will work in them. Browse our hard drives and check out our iPod ID page for compatible drives.
iPod doesn't boot past Apple logo
The iPod either boots to an Apple logo and freezes or continuously reboots.
Bad logic board
This is likely the cause, and the logic board must be replaced.
141 Commenti
Ok my ipod classic 160g only turns on when connected to the computer. When you unplug it, there's no response from pushing the wheel and it jus goes dim. Do you guys do repairs?
bedboy - Replica
No, we don't do repairs. But I'm sure you can fix it yourself! It sounds like you have a dead battery. Read the 'iPod won't turn on' section for more details.
Kyle Wiens - Replica
Picture of circle with X in the middle. bottom of screen directs to ipod support etc? Did I miss this in troubleshoot or is it the same as Folder icon?
jperschino - Replica
I put my IPod onto a speaker dock that I've used many times before with no problem. I heard a funny sound (sort of like a zzzt), and my IPod went dark and wouldn't work or charge. I reset it and it came on and played fine. But then when I tried to connect to the computer to synchronize, it went dead again. I reset it again, and again it was fine. But I can't connect it to sync and when I leave it connected to the computer, the IPod gets very warm. However, our wall charger works just fine with it. So I can play it and recharge it with the wall charger, but I can't synchronize or connect to the speakers. What's going on with it, and is it repairable?
Puzzled - Replica
sounds like something got into the charging port and is causing a short which would drain your battery would probably be good idea to clean port and replace battery
sha muro -
It seems to be either a software or logic board issue. Try doing a restore instead of a reset. If that doesn't work, most likely it's a faulty logic board. At that point, you can check out how to replace the logic board -- it's not for the faint of heart.
Apple also has a nice troubleshooter for the iPod Classic.
Miroslav Djuric - Replica
whenever i connect my ipod to my fm transmitter or use the headphones i hear a lot of static/distorted sound. i checked and the headphone or the fm transmitter were not the problem. i then replaced the audio-headphone jack and that didnt solve the problem. i still hear static.
the ipod works fine when i connect it to my computer. perfect sound, no static.
what could be the problem?
alexplainlater - Replica
I have the same problem, I really dont want to send it in if I dont have to. Any advise?
johnnymiu - Replica
That's quite the conundrum you've got there. We're speculating that it might be the battery (although we've never encountered a case where the battery caused interference). However, the fact that it works fine when plugged into a USB power source could mean that the battery is at fault.
The other potential problem may be the logic board. Given the same reasoning above, the board may have gone goofy and needs to be plugged in to work properly.
Miroslav Djuric - Replica
We're assuming you're talking about this icon. You can troubleshoot this in the same fashion as the sad iPod icon.
Miroslav Djuric - Replica
my ipod boots up but says "no music" even though it says it has 30gb used on an 80gb hard drive. All the other functions work as they should and ive tried restore and reset. Whats wrong?
codypa - Replica
codypa - Replica
I have the same problem what should I do.
ljcapaul -
my ipod after i turn it on shows a red 'X' inside a circle and under it it gives me a website link to ipod repair on their official website... i went to geek squad in best buy and they realized it was a hard drive problem... when i hear my hard drive it sounds like its skipping.. similar to a record player skipping since the pin is out of place...... does a ipod hard drive work like that or is it just a big block like in the guide? I have a iPod 6th/Sixth Generation [A.K.A.: iPod Classic]... I'd appreciate any help.. thanks !
prazzylingam - Replica
If it's a distinct click-click-click noise, 9 times out of 10 the hard drive's dead. The noise is a sure-fire sign for pretty much any non-flash hard drive that it is failing (or about to fail).
Miroslav Djuric - Replica
what would it be if not within the 9/10 probability?
Jose -
my Ipod is stuck in lock/hold. keep moving the switch on top and there is no change the closed lock remains onthe screen.
Pe3ter - Replica
My 160GB ipod is stuck in the music menu, but shows no music, artists, etc. even though the memory is taken up. It locks up on a song, but will not play. Any ideas?
WantmyMusic - Replica
Have similar issue. Did you ever find solution?
jake Ows -
My i-pod classic does not charge....when connected to the computer, the battery icon does not show it's charging then it goes to a screen that says "Connect to Power" with a battery symbol and a yellow triangle with an exclaimation point in it....can you tell me what's wrong? Thank you
NWF - Replica
My i-pod classic (7th generation 160gb) only works when connected to my car charger. Works great actually. I can listen to my music and everything (as long as it's connected to car charger). As soon as I disconnect it from car charger it goes dead. When connected to home charger the battery icon does not show it's charging then it goes to a screen that says "Connect to Power" with a battery symbol and a yellow triangle with an exclaimation point in it....can you tell me what's wrong? I've already replaced the battery. Thank you.
Claudia -
My Ipod has gray pixels on the left side of the display only when the backlight in switched on, and it seems to grow bigger. When the backlight switch off after 10 seconds, the gray pixels disappears. The display shows everything properly when the backlight is off. Is there a way to fix this or do I need to replace the display?
Also, it seems that my ipod has been showing signs of slowing down lately. It takes time for it to go from one menu to another. On the worst case scenario, it stopped responding to the clicker. I managed to fix it after using restore on itunes, but a couple of weeks after that, the signs of lagginess starts showing up again. I'm using a 80GB ipod classic.
bloodychaos - Replica
my ipod got soaked in the rain. i havent opened it up coz im too afraid to do so and also its still in warranty. though i think its not covered because its because of the rain it was broken... do you think they will be able to retain the data inside if i send it to apple?
consing - Replica
I don't know what I did, but my iPod's display is back to normal. You can still see 3 gray pixels but they're scattered. I notice it was gone a couple of days back after I charge my iPod overnight...hmm...
bloodychaos - Replica
if I get a logic board from an 80 gig and put in a 160 gig would it be O.K
DK7250 - Replica
my ipod wont charge it will put up the apple logo then it will say wait extremely low battery then it will put up the sad ipod but the battery wont charge either could that be a bad battery connection to the board or what?
jbridgm - Replica
If you'd like replies to your comments go to Answers!
originalmachead - Replica
that maybe your battery
DK7250 - Replica
I know this is an old thread but I'm having this same problem. I have a feeling it's the click wheel. If it were the battery, you probably wouldn't get past the "Charging.... please wait" screen. When I replaced the clickwheel, it started booting up on its own when i put the battery in.
Lauren Glenn -
what's up with the iPod if its really slow, wont charge, and shows the apple icon for a long time after i reset it
bridgette - Replica
I accidentally formatted my 160 gig iPod. now it shows i have no memory, but when its plugged into a computer, it shows 148 gigs of memory. how do i fix this problem so i can put music back onb it? email me at
Lucas - Replica
My 5g 30GB Video iPod will not charge. I get "Please Wait, Very Low battery." So, I ordered a new battery (and headphone jack) to replace the old one thinking it was a bad battery. The iPod still will not charge, or turn on and isn't recognized by a computer. Do I need a new logic board? Please Help!!
Brittney - Replica
you need to carefully prise open the case next to the switch, then you need to see that the switch is lined up with the slider, at this point you could also test the switch works by moving it back and forth with the same small flat headed screwdriver that you used to open the case,then carefully ensure they still line up before closing
mark bown - Replica
I have an iPod classic 80gb. started out just skiping songs on shuffle. restored it. not the songs wont sync back
kasey - Replica
After calling the (800) corporate Apple customer service number, holding 5 minutes to speak to someone, inquiring if the "dead battery no longer holding a charge" on my 60G 6 year old Ipod could be replaced, I was given 2 options proffered by the Apple rep: 1- mail in the iPod, or 2- go to the closest Apple store to have the battery "replaced on the spot while waiting." I was provided the closest retail Apple store location (20 miles from me), given the address & phone number, and advised it s/b approximately $50-60.00 and no more than 15-20 minutes of service time. An appointment was strongly recommended. I was fortunate to obtain an appointment for 5:10 pm that same day.
Upon arrival at the store, one has to register with a floor attending "receptionist." I was 15 minutes early, the store busy, but taken on time. The service rep entered the model/serial #'s into Apple's database, and was promptly informed on their system that Apple no longer supports that model (their most popular model for music, videos, etc).
I was offered a 10% discount if I would trade-in my 60G model and purchase the newer 150G model retailing @ $249.00. No transferring of content could or would be performed. I explained I no longer kept the "library" on "the computer associated with that IPod" as the library took up too much room in storage.
It was suggested that third parties could replace the battery and/or transfer the tunes w/a third party program that "was out there somewhere." A friend suggested (later) that I go to Batteries Plus as they have "batteries for everything!" After calling to confirm that statement, I was on my way to Batteries Plus, only 10 miles from my residence. They were most courteous, understanding, and accommodating. While their battery inventory system appeared to only support a 30G and 80G IPod, the service associate said he would try either (@ $28.95) and install it for merely an $19.95 additional fee. If neither battery eiuld work, there wiuld be no obligation to pay anything, either opened packages or labor for installation of s battery. In 10 minutes the Ipod not only worked, I was happily on my way.
I find it interesting that Apple does not support its initial products of faithful, longstanding customers, but is more focused on and primarily interested in their own marketing of/upgrading sales; whereas a third party can be and do much more accommodating!! Kudos to Batteries Plus!!!
Sent from my iPhone
Geoffrey Fradin - Replica
apple doesnt even sell parts for there devices they are only worried about selling the device not maintaining it they want you to purchase the next gen one. kinda feels like they Produce them with a limited life span it seems like to encourage this
sha muro -
My iPod has crashed and it apparently completes the display of the "apple" logo and then displays a big red cross, and further below shows the link to the support website of apple; I've tried the site and haven't read anything useful as such. I've seen many videos n youtube stating that one should just simply tap it, or even drop it to the floor, and it should probably work. I'm not satisfied with that, and haven't tried it. I wanted help with this, but I do wish to keep my files (music, videos and photos) without losing the from the iPod.
Athul Manojkumar - Replica
Hi guys, I used your teardown instructions to replace the screen on an 80GB iPod. It works, but now there is no backlight. I noticed on the replacement screen that there were two ribbons (one fat and one skinny with two connectors) and the skinny ribbon wasn't connected to anything. On the old screen, there is a similar smaller ribbon that is soldered to the fat ribbon. Do you know if this is the connection for the backlight, or what the problem is if not? Thanks!
John - Replica
Go on Ebay and buy another one they are relatively cheap,get the right generation and right size,fat or thin version,i have installed screens,i do not remember seeing to parts on the flex that are seperated.
If the screen is totally white sometimes it's the logic board but if no back light i would say i am 90% sure it's the screen that is faulty.
Ipodicus -
I just bought a replacement battery for my 6th generation ipod classic and it does nothing when not connected to computer but when it is, it flashes the apple logo like its trying to turn on but wont. It also isn't registering to iTunes. Is it because battery cable may not be completely in or is it a bad battery or something else?!?!? Help!!!
george dolph - Replica
My i pod just froze up while i was changing a song, the screen shows the time it froze and the right hand arrow. All you hear is a buzzing sound out of the earphones, what could be the problem.
vin - Replica
This is not the right forum for questions... Go here and start one.
originalmachead -
My iPod turns on, allows selection of music, but does not play. It is not the sound or headphones. The times along the bottom of the display do not change as when the music starts and the left display time increases as the right time display decreases. ?????
Sue pritt - Replica
the iPod shows all content currently on it as "other" when I try and connect it to my PC, it freezes iTunes, but iTunes resumes working as soon as it's removed, not sure what the issue is.
Glen - Replica
This is not the place to Ask Questions... go start a new question. You'll get more help, and get it faster.
originalmachead -
I have an ipod that when it goes to sleep, it puts itself into DFU mode. I've already zeroed out the drive and reloaded the software. still does it. i'm thinking logic board.
L0rdRav3n - Replica
I have an iPod classic 160gb 2007. I recently had trouble with it and had to restore it. It worked for about a month then I would get the Apple icon but no menu. When I plug it into iTunes, iTunes does not see the iPod. I hold the buttons to restore the iPod and then it sees the iPod briefly and tells me I need to restore the iPod. I follow the instructions and I get a black and white screen that says "Do not unplug, iPod is restoring." But this print is much smaller and it is in black and white. I can leave it restore for days but the screen does not change. The iPod makes clicking sounds but does nothing. I disconnect it form the computer and I get a black and white check mark that says "OK to disconnect". It stays on this screen until the battery dies several days later. I have tried restoring the iPod a half dozen times before I can get to the restore screen in iTunes. When I am able to click on the restore button I received a message saying "iPod could not restore Error 1439". What is wrong? Thank you.
PDQBach - Replica
my 80g Classic just shows “OK to disconnect”
regardless of the hold switch or length of time charging.
Dennis Herreid -
My iPod-Classic 120GB is turning on alright, but when i connect it to a computer the iTunes doesn't recognize it at all. I tried restoring it through "My computer" and it said that there's no problems on the drive. What can i do to fix it? thanks.
nastasia - Replica
Hi my ipod classic 160 gb thin made a buzzing noise in the headphones it would turn on and say it was playing by just made a static noise so I bought a new headphone jack and replaced it but still does the same thing can you please help?!
Clint Ouzts - Replica
When I plug it in, I can hear it trying to start. After it tries to start I get a picture of an ipod with 'X's" in it's eyes and a link to apple support. Any thoughts?
bramleydp - Replica
my ipod won't play next song. there is a new icon on top right of screen and i think this has something to do with it
gerrieden - Replica
My ipod works perfectly in every way except no light on. Back light is set to 10 seconds but never comes on. any suggestions??
shaqnkobenrice - Replica
I have exactly the same problem.and since I like my IPOD and would like to keep it, not just waste it becaouse of a missingbcakligt,I hope there is a solution to the problem. Did you manage to fix the problem? Probably one needs to replace the LCD-screen which seems quite tricky.
janeossowicki -
Need a battery and HDD for the Gen 1 iPod 5GB - any ideas on where to get it? This is special to me as I use to work For Apple when they were a smaller company and they gave this to me. I want to restore it.
kevin - Replica
my iPod classic 120G reboots when it is even slightly jostled and lately started to reboot after a few seconds of a new song. Very annoying having to wait for the reboot, scroll through to get to the song it stopped at, and start it up again, only to have it fail again a few songs later or when it is jostled. Cannot even listen to it when I am walking anymore.
Bill Palmisano - Replica
My ipod classic 160gb thin, will only charge a little bit. Once it reaches a certain point it 'locks up' and won't respond at all. Is it a battery issue?
Jack neill - Replica
when i turn my ipod classic 160gb thin model on, the apple logo pops up then says use itunes to restore and turns itself off after that, when i plug into itunes, itunes says ipod is in recovery mode and needs to be restored, i click restore, it goes through the process then restarts the ipod and again says the ipod needs to be restored, that hard drive sounds fine, the ipod says the battery is ok but im not sure what the problem is, any ideas?
Alex Goellner - Replica
I recently purchased a second hand iPod classic, after restoring it to its factory settings my computer cannot find the device when I connect it to my computer. Also the iPod, although it has full charge of battery, comes up with a symbol as if it needs to be charged? Have I ruined the iPod by restoring it? Is it too old to do anything about? It must be one of the early iPods as it's quite chunky. I would appreciate some advice please? Many thanks
Kate - Replica
No. Sounds like you have a bad battery. I just went through this and bought a 3000 mAh one on eBay and it works.... :) But you can get a regular battery for pretty cheap if you can open it and get it installed. It's not incredibly hard. It's just a single ZIF connector for it.
Lauren Glenn -
Have had a 160gb classic ipod since 2011. Recently have kept it plugged in to the USB port on my car stereo 90% of the time. Was playing fine and randomly cuts off and became completely unresponsive. No display, no reaction at all to reset attempts, doesnt turn on when plugged into power or anything. Tried to let the battery drain (kept it unplugged from anything for at LEAST 4 days) if maybe it was "stuck" and recharge and also no response or indication anything is trying to start up.
Also, at one point some water did leak into it, could see it on the display, but still worked fine except the occasional button press might not be recognized right away or correctly. Worth trying to fix, or should i just get something like a Fiio?
vanco5561 - Replica
My ipod died about a week ago... it wouldn't charge. So, I replaced the battery today. It powers on and works but it will not charge, not on the dock, not on my computer, not on a direct charging port to the electric outlet. Any ideas as to what is wrong?
Samantha Phillips - Replica
last month I added some songs to my iTunes library. I notice that when I sync my iPod classic to iTunes every songs appears to transfer but when I play my iPod it skips those new songs I added. I tried restoring but it doesn't work. HELP!
den - Replica
My ipod just turn on
Show do not disconnecting
Cant to connect to ituns
Arash Mosafer - Replica
Hi, I have an iPod classic 160 GB, Serial no A1238 (2009). It has now stopped working. It only displays the screen Ok to disconnect and will fully discharge. When charged again, the same screen appears and it will keep displaying the message till the iPod does not fully discharge and shut down. I have tried resetting. It shows the apple screen but then goes back to the Ok to disconnect screen.m Please advise what is the likely problem and fix for the same.
Thanking you in anticipation
tapankumarmukherjee77 - Replica
When I connect my iPod classic 160 GB to a wall charger st first it used to work but now with a different wall charger it corrupts my hard drive and I had to restore it and put my music back onto it. Can anyone recommend a wall charger that will not corrupt my iPod hard drive?
annaxenophon - Replica
my ipod classic has froz
neil kane - Replica
my ipod has froz can anyone help
neil kane - Replica
Can't delete songs from my 120GB Ipod can you help me as I don't know how to delete
Eddie Duke -
My 160 fell outta its pouch and it hit landed hard. Tried using Itune to resent several times, and now all the music are gone. Is it still repairable, or...
Paul William Hsu - Replica
You probably have a hard drive and it might be clicking, I bet. Go to and get the SD Quad unit. It lets you use Micro-SD cards in it (up to 4) as iPod storage. It works surprisingly well and is very battery efficient. Plus, you can drop it without damaging your iPod. I would think the worst you could do by dropping it is to break the display screen. :)
Lauren Glenn -
My iPod charges completely up. But when I turn it off overnight and the try to turn it on, it's completely dead ? Is that the battery.
debs444 - Replica
I have an 80G iPod classic
thankfully after a reboot/reset it is working fine
I am having difficulty getting it shuffle songs within a playlist. Although I went into settings, it will only give me the option of shuffling between albums or shuffling all songs. any helpful advice?
EB Kelley - Replica
From the playlist menu, select the one you want to shuffle and hit Play. If you have Shuffle set to Songs in the settings menu, it will shuffle everything in the playlist.
Lauren Glenn -
my iPod 160 will connect to my computer, itunes will open, and it will say "Synchronizing" for about 30 seconds then stop...nothing syncs. I've restored it checked and updated software on the ipod and my computer. what now?
Jill Ory - Replica
my ipod wont connect on the itune ipod classic gb pls someone help me thank you
dondeleon21 - Replica
My ipod 160 will not sync with ITunes........suggestions or help in Charleston WV
Buddy Covert - Replica
My ipod classic charger will not even go into the ipod charging port. I have tried multiple cords & see no visible obstruction :(
Am I doomed?
Garnicacorrine - Replica
My granddaughters iPod 6 volume has stopped working. No sound on either volume control or headphones. Any suggestions?
Raye Ann Brown - Replica
All my ipod classic (80 GB) shows is a "checkmark" on the screen and the words, "OK to disconnect". Meaning?
Rick Slater - Replica
I have the same problem, need help.
Herbert Benally -
My 160gb shows a "checkmark"on the screen and the words, "Ok to disconnect.
Herbert Benally -
Your drive is not restored with proper iTunes firmware. Instead of buying a new hard drive, go to and get an SD quad unit there where you can use micro SD cards for drives. Seriously. It's excellent. But do that only if you want a new drive and the other one is bad, I guess.
Lauren Glenn -
I recently did a hard reset on my 160gb thin iPod classic, but now it won't turn on. It was working fine before. Any suggestions and/or answers would be greatly appreciated!!!
Rob - Replica
Menu button inoperative on 120 GB iPod.
Plays fine. Center, play/pause, changing volume w click wheel etc, all work.
Cannot reset obviously, due to menu button inop>pressing menu plus center required.
I did wipe/reset/reload via PC. No dice.
Timon Hallas - Replica
I have a similar problem with my iPod except mine is the center button that's not working. I chalked it down to the click wheel. Seriously. I had a bad click wheel and none of the buttons responded. I thought it was a bad mainboard so I hooked up another one running 2.0.1 instead of the other's 2.0.5 -- nope..... both wouldn't work.
So I got a new click wheel and installed it. It boots up now except the center button is the only one not working. :( Figured it was the 2.0.5 mainboard I just got so I installed it in the 2.0.1 one.... nope, same thing. I got another bad click wheel.
I wouldn't think this component could affect these buttons since the buttons are not actually on the click wheel but it's the one component that differs in both situations and the same problem is on each mainboard. :)
Lauren Glenn -
A class action lawsuit is what should be done to appshit for selling thousands and thousands of defective ipods. lets face it we all got taken for a ride.
E C (weezee298) - Replica
Two iPods, both sad face after replacing to ssd evo Samsung.
Long story short... firstly on both, the Chinese adapter for the ssd drive is not compatible. iFlash adapter solved this, 5x more expensive. On one the battery connector seemed to have sheered off inside the plug exposing the wires protruding from the logic board which seemed ok, as the plug just fits snugly inside the wires... not so... replaced the logic board as I am not a micro solderer.. far too expensive to buy the equipment including a microscope... You Need That! Ordered a logic board which is hard to find these days.
So, my advice.. be very, VERY careful with all plugs, plastic wired cables when working on your "classic" iPod classic. The videos and pictures make it seem like a breeze, with patience and spare $ if it goes wrong helps!! The top battery plug is sometimes hard to lift, mine lifted out of its socket. SLOWLY lift the top lifter. Use iFlash adapters only, they work. Replace the battery while it is all open... format Fat32.
Auret Traisi van Lille - Replica
Thick 30gb comes on and fuction except will not go foward on play. Please advise, I need help love this IPod.
Patrick Williams - Replica
hello I have a 160g iPod, and every time I connect it to my computer it cannot be recognized by my iMac, at first it worked fine, but suddenly it could not read it! What should I do? it cannot be even restored!
Sal Plascencia - Replica
Go on line and look up trouble shoot in diagnostic mode. You then can check the hard drive, the buttons, ear phone jack etc. That should help some. Watch a few of the youtube videos on opening them. None of them are that good. Start where it plugs in then work on both sides placing something in the opening to keep it opened. Opening is sometimes very difficult.
I would try to reset it 6-7 times before I did anything else. That has worked for me in the past. sometimes you can’t load it the same way either. Sometimes you have to drag the music over to the iPod in iTunes shown by your music. I have 5 of them. I use them for books and music.
Dee -
Windows (10) Media Player will not upload ( Sync) music to my IPod Classic and shows
“connect a device “even though Devices & printers on the Control Panel displays the IPod icon .
Jack Stanton - Replica
Hi. Artists are out of order on iPod a1238. They are in alphabetical order in iTunes library but sync out of order on iPod. Any ideas? Thanks.
michael macheese - Replica
I have a 30GB classic that will connect to the mac and you can play off the classic. The headphone jack stopped working so I was then using it on Bose SoundDock and it was fine. Now the ipod shows it’s playing but there’s nothing coming through the Bose and while using the Bose remote you can see when you pause/play/forward and back are working so the Bose is talking to the Classic but there’s no sound. I pulled out my other classic a 160GB and it’s the same size and it played fine. I don’t know where to go from here. I have an entire audio library that without some 3rd party software I can’t retrieve off back into itunes. I’ve checked the port and made sure there were no rogue lint balls or other debris and still nothing. My endgame is for it work on the Bose Sound Dock. Any suggestions, tips, or tricks would be greatly appreciated.
HM Norx - Replica
It sounds like the connection might be bad. I would go to youtube and watch opening the 30GB you have. Sometimes it is easy…sometimes very hard. I have opened and redone 3. They were all different and once you get inside it’s easy to break things. Check for parts… it’s pretty old. If they have videos you will see the parts easy enough.
Dee -
My 120 g classic thick iPod shuts off/crashes during play randomly even when fully charged (I dropped it twice on the treadmill and started acting up thereafter). I have to plug plug it as to charge and wil come on. It plays continuously when docked to an ihome. I’ve tried restoring it to factory and updating the software to no avail. I have 64g left to use. Please help. I love my iPod but it’s very annoying when trying to workout and stops.
kcurley85222 - Replica
They hate being dropped. I would get a little 50$ one for work out and give it a rest at home unless you want to open it up. That can go south in a second or be very easy. I would watch a few videos on it. Getting the cover off is the toughest part on some of them. Then just move slowly and don’t break any of the connections.
Dee -
My ipod will turn on to the apple logo, but then shows a red x with a circle. Looking at the back of the case, I noticed there was some contained water. With this possible damage, what could need replaced? I’ve read that either the Hard Drive or the Battery needs replaced, but I am not so sure. Any advice would be appreciated.
Luke Giambrone - Replica
My first attempt at replacing my 5th gen’s hard drive with an SD card resulted in the red X screen, I replaced the ribbon cable and that did it. Anyhow, according to a few blogs I read, the HD, ribbon cable, or battery can cause that error, all are pretty cheap on ebay. If you think the logic board is fine, I would replace all 3, maybe even the headphone jack as well since it’s also cheap and you’ll already have the device open.
Brian Waymack -
When listening to my ipod while i’m jogging the music will freeze ever 30 seconds or so,and once i push the pause it will start again,but then every 30 seconds or so it will freeze again,and now it started changing songs by itself,and i hear some static from my earpiece also…Please help…Thanks
sammy69 - Replica
Is it a Classic? How old is it? You might have something loose inside. If it works at home I would delegate it to music at home unless you want to dig into its insides. I have opened and repaired 3 now. Getting the cover off isn’t always easy. The insides are actually not so bad. That bottom plug takes a lot of wear and tear.
Dee -
My iPod 5th gen 80GB video seems to have a playback issue only when using the 30 pin connector in my car. During playback it will randomly and very briefly hesitate or cut out, the problem does not occur when using the headphone jack and it doesn’t seem to be isolated to any specific tracks. I have a second 60GB 5th gen running Rockbox, I restored it back to factory settings just for testing in my car and it does the same thing, only while using the 30 pin (yes I tried a different 30 pin cable). When using a newer iPod touch in my car the problem doesn’t occur, I don’t see this as a solution because the 5th gen sounds so much better. Anyone else having this issue?
Brian Waymack - Replica
I connected my iPod 160 and was informed buy a prompt that it needed to be Factory restored. I have since restored my iPod but when I connected it to my computer to resync my music files, nothing crossed over and it says that there is no music stored on my iPod. Is it a bad battery, bad motherboard or processor? Please help!
Jessica Kon - Replica
It may be nothing or a lot. Did you try just dragging songs from several places into you iPod where it shows when plugged in to computer. Sometimes it quits being able to be loaded the original way.
Dee -
My Ipod was charged up over night. When I disconnected it. It was fine with the power on. I tired to turn it off by pressing the wheel “Play II”, then I suddenly got that frozen “No battery power remains. Please connect IPod to Power.” I did. It still won’t go away.
Lisa - Replica
I figure out to my own answer to my IPod Problems. This happen to me before.
If the IPod or Nano is frozen “No battery power remains. Please connect IPod to Power”.
Answers that I figure out.
Hold down the Menu on the top and the Center button at the same time on your IPod for few seconds until it unfreeze. It should go back to the menu as usually.
Lisa -
I replaced the hard drive in my iPod late model classic with an iFlash micro SD card. The old HD was definitely bad. Now when I plug it into a computer or charger nothing happens. It plays fine and traverses the menu with no issues. I was able to get it to connect to a computer a few times by rebooting it while it was connected via USB. The battery would show no charge if it was used for a while and if left on a charger it would charge the battery back up overnight. It does not brighten the screen when plugged in as it used to and doesn’t show it is charging. I replaced the battery thinking that was the issue but it did not help. Just trying to confirm if this is definitely the logic board at fault here.
David Shreeve - Replica
My iPod Classic 160 randomly jumps to the end of song selections—each time I plug it in to my computer, different selections get picked for this. Just had a new battery installed. Have no idea what is going on.
cristabelle85210 - Replica
So here’s a weird one. My iPod Classic thin (80GB, 6g) will play music for roughly 20 - 30 hours (playlist/songs/rand/sequential etc) and the will LOCK up. Menus still function, can switch to another mode , but NO SONG will start playing. This is very repeatable.
Some other observations:
1) Will happen when on battery, or while plugged into Yamaha docking station at stereo.
2) Initially the currently playing song skips or skips to the next track (s), eventually locking up.
3) I have tried full Apple restore twice. Prior to first restore I rebuilt the MBR using AOEMI. For each restore I reformatted drive in Windows as FAT32 prior to full restore.
NOTE: As of yet I have not tried wiping or create raw (unformatted) partition.
4) Reset (holding select and menu buttons) fixes problem until next 20-30 hour period lock. Shutting down (hold play/pause) does NOT fix problem
5) Apple diagnostics run with no errors
6) I do have a broken HOLD button (slider on top), i.e. allows function.
Any feedback is welcome!
jake Ows - Replica
Hi, I have an ld IPOD Classic 160 Gb and there is no llonger any backlight. I can see the display in strong light but very poorly. So everything works perfect but it is too troublesome to use without the backligt. Is this something I can repair myself or do I just have to waste it because of a missing backlight. Btw I have checked the backlight timer and intensity. So the settings arre correct. Would VERY MUCH appreciate your help.
janeossowicki - Replica
I guess I need to install a new LCD. The lamp must be a part of te LCD screen so I’d better buy a new LCD even if there are no other problems with the screen. There are youtube videos showing the steps so it’s just to follow what they do on the films - I hope! Fingers crossed. Anything I need to think about when ordering the LCD except making sure it is the right one for my model?
janeossowicki -
I guess I need to install a new LCD. The lamp must be a part of te LCD screen so I’d better buy a new LCD even if there are no other problems with the screen. There are youtube videos showing the steps so it’s just to follow what they do on the films - I hope! Fingers crossed. Anything I need to think about when ordering the LCD except making sure it is the right one for my model?
janeossowicki -
I to heard the I heard the zzzt noise. I was using my IPod Classic via the jack plug (from the top where you plug head-phones in) via my car’s audio system.
The battery was low, so while it was still playing, I plugged it in with it’s dedicated cable into the car’s USB charging point, and it made the above noise.
Everything still looked OK, but it behaved thereafter, as if it were not plugged in to anything, either in the car: with head-phones; or when I docked it onto my speaker at home. Everything looks as it should, buttons navigate and function, but when I press ‘play’, it counts up for a second or two, and then goes dark, as if it is not connected to anything.
I have done a factory re-set, and re-loaded everything via ITunes, which seemed to work OK, but it is behaving exactly the same way. My music is in there but it won’t come out, either via the top or the bottom!
What have I done to it, and is there any hope of putting it right?
Thank you for any help or advice you can give.
Gillian Lockie - Replica
I did update to my i pod classic 60gb then it dont want turn on what should i do ?
mostafa.potter99 - Replica
Need help please
mostafa.potter99 -
Ipod classic won’t connect to itunes . States it is corrupt. I try to restore and it tells me it can’t restore because it is busy or unknown error.
al clar - Replica
Hey there!
I have problem which is not listed here and im sad about it. My iPod classic 30gb 5gen (model: a1136) connects to pc normally, itunes sees it, i can copy music on there, works normally, i can turn it on, hold works, wheel works, it clicks when i scroll.
BUT when I want to play something, (i go normally music>songs>”some song”) it shows the titles, picture, time bar and play icon in left top corner, but it does not start to play the song, it freezes at 0:00. I can hear the hdd spinup and then spin down after 2-5 seconds.
Vojtěch ITrm - Replica
My ipod says no music when there is about 20 GB on it when i connect it to iTunes it says I need to restore it but i haven’t got any backup so i tried copying the files from iPod control/Music but its gets stuck and i doesn’t copy. is there anything else i could do?
bill - Replica
MY ipod classic when playing jumps to the next song before the one playing is finished. Eventually it will complete the playing of the song it jumped to.
rddevoid - Replica
I have a 120gb ipod with a bad screen (line going across it). I tried to replace it with an extra screen that I have (I believe this screen came form a 80gb ipod video). It powers on but shows nothing but a blue background then shuts off. I tested the extra screen in a 160gb ipod and it works perfectly. Is there some incompatibility with screens between models?
Brian Campbell - Replica
My 160 GB IPOD classic, starts to sync but when it get to 280 song it completes the sync and when I unplug it there are no songs on it. I have tried everything I could on the internet and so far nothing seems to work. I was able to get some info from advanced data. retracts 4, reallocs 321, pending sectors 8, Power on hours 75, start/stops 101, temp current 25c, temp min 23c, and temp max 54c. Can someone tell me if it is the harddrive etc. Thanks
Darrell Howell
Darrell Howell - Replica
I have 2 old iPods. A1051 (4GB) and A1099 (60GB) . Both units work. But, neither unit is seen by iTunes NOR file explorer in Windows 10. How can I fix this? I’d like to use load music onto them, but cannot get the computer or iTunes to “SEE” them. Thanks, Randy
Randy Timms - Replica
Hi I need to ask if you have the white plastic part that is located in the ipod 5 gen classic where you plug the charger cord into? Trying to put on a clear face but when I opened it I noticed someone has opened it already - Replica
when i switch it on it says error what should i do?when i connect it to my computer it does not show seems to be charging fine.
Alfie Fish - Replica
My iPod classic 160G does nothing even after being charged. It does not appear in my iTunes library when connected n makes no sound when attempting to turn on or start up. When opening up the iPod the hard drive cable was not completely connected. I reconnected it, but still no response in any phase of an attempted start up. What do u suggest?
bsforfun - Replica
I have an IPOD classic (both a thin and a thick). Neither will restore from iTunes. The thin one is stuck on a single screen. The thick one will play and move normally. iTunes recognizes it, but always asks to restore, but it will not complete the process. All of my songs are still on it and still play well. Suggestions?
al clar - Replica
I have this one album of 6 songs but it shows up in my iPod as 12. Each song plays twice and I delete the album and reput in same issue. How do I get rid of the duplicate songs? The album was bought from iTunes.
Anthony DeSino - Replica
My iPod can’t be forwarded onto the next chapter of the book? Instead it goes to the next audiobook?
judypatr - Replica
Hi I’m worried about my 160gb classic ipod. I have just updated itunes ap but it doesn’t recognize my ipod. What can I do?
Marco Vinicio
mperez - Replica
Hi, have a question about downloading my ipods content to a pc. Five years ago I had an itunes account of which I no longer have info about. I have some inportant stuff on the ipod I want to save to a laptop and thumbdrive. Is this possible without losing it?
Molly - Replica
My iPod classic it's on and I can move around like setting time zone but when I load music or videos it doesn't show them
Sidwell Baliti - Replica
iPod Classic 160 GB was working fine up until this morning. Then suddenly the audio went off? It’s not the headphones, I checked them on other devices. Everything works, -I can hear the wheel clicking, and each track just sounds like the iPod is turning off? Whatever, can it be and are iPod repair shops even still around? I tried resetting as well, and nothing.
dedwards7 - Replica
I have bought a new car Honda HRV self charging hybrid. I plug in my Ipod Classic, it plays for a while then freezes. I have to reset it using the middle and menu buttons. It stats to play again but freezes again. I have had other cars but the Ipod always played ok.
Honda say its not the car at fault. Can you help?
Michael Collins - Replica
I have a thin iPod classic. Just replaced the hard drive. Several months later I just started receiving horrific sound quality when using car usb but also with headphones as well. Like crackling/distorted sound, sometimes sound cuts off and come back on. What could be the issue?
Arnold Gutierrez - Replica
nanobugged down loaded on Amazon for that next essay in phycology. I pods battery gone just accept it.
Keith S. Taylor - Replica
My 6th generation iPod classic 160GB was adapted to use an SD card a few years back and currently wont communicate / sync with my iTunes on Windows PC. I have several cables and occasionally I can get one to work. I just bought a cable (actually listed for the later 2009 160 GB but this is just the same. can anyone advise please. many thanks
Simon - Replica
My ipod won't play no sound it just stopped
Susan Mantle - Replica
Wheel won’t turn to choose playlist even after rebooting
Delphine Jones - Replica
Does anyone here know how to get past the screen that says "Do Not Disconnect?" I have never been able to get past that screen since it arrived in the mail yesterday! Thank you to anyone who can provide any information.
Nicholas DiMichael - Replica
It charges ànd starts up but no soúnd!I hére the fly wheel
Chito - Replica
My iPod syncs ok, regularly. I have deleted a lot of songs (hundreds) from my library but now it is saying that there is not enough capacity to sync it. How is that possible?
Gordon Cubie - Replica