Wiki con Collaborazione Studenti
Un fantastico team di studenti del nostro programma educativo ha realizzato questo wiki.
Weak connection or no connection to the switch.
There is an issue when trying to connect your controller.
Joycons not fully attached when docked.
Make sure the Joycons are clicked in place or fully off the switch when docked.
Flight Mode (airplane mode)
Check to see if the switch is in flight mode as it disables some wireless functionality.
Very Low Battery/No Battery
The controller may have issues connecting if the battery is near empty or empty. Charge it to check if this is the issue.
Not synced up
Your controller may not be synced to your switch, try connecting it again.
Not turned on
Your controller may not be on, try turning it on again.
Button Input is Non-Responsive
Button input is not registering.
System may be out of date
- Ensure controller connected to device
- If the firmware is up to date, and the controller is connected, reset the controller by pressing the SYNC button
- Press any other button to wake up the controller
How to test Inputs:
- Access settings in the Nintendo Switch Console
Press the button or control stick on the controller you wish to test.
- Test the joysticks as well as the controller buttons
- One a button has been pressed, they will appear on screen, alerting you that the button is functional
Note: The test does not check for these buttons:
- HOME Button
- Capture Button
- POWER Button
- Volume Buttons
- SYNC Button
-If all buttons appear on screen, your controller has passed.
-Next, Test the Pro Controller buttons using a compatible game or application, and ensure that all buttons are responsive.
- If you have passed the button test but still have problems when running certain apps or games, you should:
- Check the game manual to ensure compatibility with the Pro Controller
- Move the controller closer to the Nintendo Switch System/Clear any objects between the controller and the system
- Remove other wireless devices from the area which may be interfering with the remote.
- If possible test the Pro Controller on a different console to determine if the error is with the Switch itself
- If the button test fails, either reference our Button replacement guide or take the controller to be repaired.
Joystick not responding
When the joystick is moved, the device doesn’t respond on the screen.
Manufacturer Variation in Left Joystick
If the left joystick isn’t responding without clear reason, a manufacturing issue could be the cause however there’s a simple fix that requires just 3 steps:
- Step one: Turn off the device, and obtain a clean toothbrush and isopropyl alcohol
- Step two: Wet the toothbrush with the alcohol, making sure not to completely soak it because the liquid could damage the device even more
- Step three: Carefully brush under the joystick with the toothbrush to remove any debris that could be there
Lastly, turn on the device and find out if the problem is solved!
The Controller Won’t Power On
The controller is not turning on, cannot be charged, or hold its charge.
Dead Batteries
Your battery level may be very low. Connect your controller to the Switch console via the provided USB-C cable for about 6 hours or until the orange light at the top of the controller turns off.
Battery is Defective
Your controller’s battery may be defective. If the battery is not holding power for approximately 40 hours of play time, you may have to replace the battery pack.
Part: Pro Controller Battery Replacement
Tools Required: Phillips #00 Screwdriver
Charging cable is Defective
The charging cable may be defective and therefore will not properly charge your controller. You may have to get a replacement USB-C cable for your controller.
Part: USB-C cable
Controller not Synced with the Switch console
After pressing the power button, you may notice that the LED light at the bottom of your controller flashes from left to right and eventually shuts off. This means that the controller is not properly synced to the Switch console. To sync your controller, use either of the following methods:
Sync via USB Type-C:
Connect the USB Type-A end into the dock and the USB Type-C end into Pro controller. Press the power button on the controller. The console should now respond to controller input. If not, refer to the latter method.
Part: USB-C cable
Sync via “Sync” Button:
- Step 1: Select the “Change Grip/Order” setting from the Controllers menu on the Home screen with the included JoyCon controllers
- Step 2: Press & hold the sync button at the top of the Pro controller until the controller lights begin to flash
Joystick drifting
Your joystick moves on its own and your inputs becomes inaccurate, or the controller is not responding to commands correctly.
The joysticks are not calibrated
If the joysticks haven’t been calibrated for a long time, minor drifting could happen.
To solve this, go to settings --- controllers and sensors -- stick calibration tool, to re calibrate the Joystick.
System is not up to date
If the system is not up to date, it might not process inputs from the joysticks correctly.
To solve this, go to settings --- system update, to update to the latest system.
Controller is not synced correctly
The controller might not have sync correctly to the Nintendo Switch console.
To solve this, go to controllers --- pair new controllers, disconnect all controllers and reconnect them.
Joystick is dusty
The base of the joystick might be dusty, which could cause joysticks to drift.
To solve this, clean the base of the joystick thoroughly.
Tools required: paper towels and rubbing alcohol.
The graphite inside the controller is not conducting well
The controller in conducted with graphite internally and it may have worn off after significant play time, causing conducting issues and joystick drifting.
To solve this, you may have to replace the joystick module.
Tools and parts required: replacement joystick package
27 Commenti
Where can I get my nintendo switch pro controller repaired? Everything works except the wireless part. It won't sync no matter what I do. Only works plugged into the switch. I've done every troubleshooting guide I could find to no avail.
rainbowlindy - Replica
I have the exact issue! did you get it fixed?
Keaton Hulme-Jones -
Same issue. Works on cable, but reporting low battery. Does not work when disconnecting from cable. I tried replacing battery.
Marcus Assarlind -
Same for mine
God5Gamer YT -
Can anyone help my pro controller has its player1 light on yet not sync to my switch and it won't respond what ever
Anthony Jordan - Replica
My switch controller works when nintendo is not docked but won't work in the dock on my smart tv
lbell460501 - Replica
When I move my hand. My whole screen moves with it without touching a button on a wireless pro controller. Can anyone assist on fixing this ?
Frank Rec - Replica
Does anyone know how I can reattach sync button on the motherboard. The button got very loose from pressing it too hard and fell off.
Slava B. - Replica
My controller wont power on, but none of the sections address my issue. No batteries will turn it on, and there is no charging cable. It is a pro controller and it simply does not power on when its buttons are pressed. I have tried a great number of solutions but to no avail. I have consulted forums and other websites like them and nobody else seems to be talking about this issue.
Jack Fitzpatrick - Replica
Get a charging cord for it, then try pluging it into the switch dock. Then, turn on the switch, and see if it turns on.
Jack Warner -
My pro controller works great, except for one flaw. The left thumbstick doesn’t pull back to the center easily when i move toward the left. I have a temporary fix where I move the thumbsitck around excessivly every so often, but I was wondering if there is a perminant fix for it. Thank you.
Jack Warner - Replica
My controller works perfectly on every game except payday 2… it says its compatible
Miles Boustead - Replica
We just bought a wx4 Nintendo controller and it won’t power on, we aren’t sure if we are maybe not pressing the right buttons but we have tried charging it incase it maybe needed charge but it still hasn’t turned on , because off this we can’t sync it up to the Nintendo
Cerys - Replica
How do you wake the switch with the pro controller ?
Deanna Hepner - Replica
My joystick on my Controller is stuck on the Up direction, even when the stick is straight. Any suggestions on how to fix it?
AJ Westwell - Replica
For some reason the lic pro controller has bluetooth but it can’t connect ever well it does but it isnt recognized like the normal pro controller is. So therefore it does not work with bluetooth
domininic prantera - Replica
My pro controller does not display sound please help!!
Eleanor Lose - Replica
I have a wired controller, and every time it connects to the doc, the home button flashes, then turns off. But every time I plug it in it does this. And it isn't random flashing either. It's the same, consistent rhythm and number of flashes. But then it turns off and refuses to connect to the doc. Anybody know what's going on? Absolutely no article talks about this
StarWhal156 - Replica
my switch pro controller keeps lighting up when my switch is not even on what do I do it only does this at night
Aidan Molina - Replica
Looking for some help here, my pro controller for the Nintendo Switch will not connect, whether it be wireless or wired. I have tried resyncing it, syncing via wired connection, making sure that it fully charged, different USB ports on the dock, using a USB-C to USB-C cable and connecting directly to the switch outside of a dock, etc. When trying to pair it wirelessly, the player number lights will flash briefly but won't do anything past that, same when wired. The only thing different fro the last time I used it is that the blue ring around the HOME Button is constantly illuminated. after research I found that the blue light will turn on after the controller was connected to a PC or from Alarm notifications. I have not set up any alarm notifications nor have I connected it to my pc. Battery was completely drained in between last use and current state, about 8 months time frame between use. I don't want to have to by another one, but I have run out of ideas. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Matthew Hiltz - Replica
Hi, did you ever find a fix for this? This is the exact issue I currently have and I can't seem to find any answers anywhere online
Richard Pugh -
yes, though what worked for me was leaving it for a few months for the battery to completely discharge and then plug it into the switch to charge it and now I have no problems. This may not be your fix of choice, but it worked for me.
Matthew Hiltz -
Controller will work fine when plugged in. Won't hold a charge (charge cable is fine). Replaced battery and same issue. Any ideas?
Dave Marshall - Replica
the d pad on my pro controller isn't working right when I press left on the d pad it wants to go up instead of the proper direction
gyrobomber327 - Replica
Is there anyway to get a pro controller to stop pressing the back triggers even though I'm holding them down? It's only the triggers
Fox Onesie - Replica
Cant even get my pro controller to connect USB or wirelessly it's my first time hooking it up it won't sync no matter what I do it just flashes I've tried everything I've read really disappointing when I just got the switch and the controller just to find out I can't use it
Ted Taylor - Replica
So what do I do when the controller makes up inputs?
If I'm holding A + zR and then press B it also activates L.
Example: playing mariokart then needing to brake a little in a drift causes me to use my items.
Toby Cruz - Replica