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Pot Displays E6 Error Code
On digital display, E6 Error appears while cooking or upon initial power up.
Steam Release Valve
Check steam release valve to ensure that it opens properly to allow excess steam to exit. Any build up within the valve or the valve cover can cause the valve to malfunction.
For more details see Steam Release Valve Replacement Guide.
Device Needs Reset
Unplug power cord and reconnect, resetting the internal system.
For more details see Power Cord Installation Guide.
Unit Too Hot
Try removing pot from unit and letting cool outside. If the unit was previously on a saute/brown cycle it may be too hot to seal properly.
Sediment In Bottom Of Pot
Stir the contents of the pot causing sediment to lift the sediment from the bottom of the pot. Heavy sediment can give a false error even if there is enough liquid inside.
For more details see Owner's Manual.
Pot Fails to Power On
When pot is plugged in, there is no indication of power on digital display.
Internally Damaged Power Cord
Ensure power cord is fully connected to an appropriate outlet and crock pot input, LED interface panel should be lit.
For more details see Power Cord Installation Guide.
Pot Overheats
While cooking, pot becomes excessively hot causing burning or error codes.
Steam Release Valve Malfunction
Check steam release valve to ensure that it opens properly to allow excess steam to exit. Any build up within the valve or the valve cover can cause the valve to malfunction.
For more details see Steam Release Valve Replacement Guide.
Bobber Valve Malfunction
Check Bobber Valve for proper operation, ensure the valve opens and closes properly and that all parts are present.
For more details see Bobber Valve Replacement Guide.
Pot Fails to Heat Up
When pot is turned on to a cooking cycle, it fails to gain appropriate heat to execute selected cycle.
Improperly Installed/Damaged Seal
Take off the lid, flip the lid over, and ensure the rubber seal is fully secured against retaining ring and seal is not damaged.
For more details see Sealing Ring Replacement Guide.
Heating Element Not Operating to Specification
Turn device on to any heating cycle for about 35 seconds. Carefully remove pot from outside shell revealing the heating element in the bottom of the pot. Heating element on bottom of cooker should feel warm to the touch.
For more details see Heating Element Replacement Guide.
Pot Over Pressurizes
While cooking, pot over pressurizes and throws error code.
Steam Release Valve Malfunction
Ensure that the steam release valve is clean and operates properly to allow pressure to release when necessary.
For more details see Steam Release Valve Replacement Guide.
Pot Leaks Water
While cooking, water puddles around and underneath pot.
Pot Improperly Assembled
Ensure all pot components are properly installed on the crockpot.
For more details see Owner's Manual.
Improperly Installed Condensation Collector
Ensure that the Condensation Collector is attached and fits snug.
Condensation Collector Damaged
Check for any exterior damage to the condensation collector.
For more details on Condensation Collector location see Owner's Manual.
For more details see Condensation Collector Replacement Guide.
44 Commenti
Overall, great start! Here are some items to fix:
The quote marks allow you italicize. Remove them except for the summary underneath each heading, e.g., Kindle 7th Generation Troubleshooting
Put a space between the equals signs and the characters: ===Sediment In Bottom Of Pot===
This will get you your subheading formatting.
Don’t randomly capitalize nouns, e.g., “Device.”
Read for grammatical errors, e.g.: “"Stir the contents of the pot causing sediment to lift the bottom of the pot. Heavy sediment can give a false error even if there is sufficient liquid inside"
Try to incorporate a specific replacement for each troubleshooting section. Then, we can link to the guides later by embedding the hyperlink on those components that are suggested need to be replaced.
Alyson Eggleston - Replica
My pressure release started releasing steam before the cycle was done - On its own. Its never done that before… is this common or is it a problem?
Marc Hetling - Replica
Second time I've attempted to use the pressure cooker on the express crock pot to no avail. What a piece of crap. I've had pressure cookers in the past and I guess what I need to do is go back to a pressure cooker. Not happy with this at all you know what they say. You get what you pay for bad investment
Margaret Hoffrogge -
I've tried resetting my instapot. Continually gives e6 error…
Sherri Mauk - Replica
My Express will power on to 4 dashes and no buttons will work. Any ideas?
Josh Hujo - Replica