1.) Did you drop ANY kind of liquid on your phone, whether it be coke, water, soda, Have you taken showers while listening to music from your phone?just know even if you say you didn't drop it in water, etc, does NOT always mean it doesn't have liquid damage. If it stopped working because of liquid damage, and the phone started working again later, doesn't mean your phone isn't deteriorating on the inside. 2.) Back up your contacts, pictures, videos, etc. Make sure you remember all your passwords to your Gmail, any other emails you have. -edited for niceness
No, yeah. Your "touchscreen" consists of two parts: 1.) Digitizer (a.k.a. literally the glass) and 2.) The LCD screen (the actual touchscreen that shows you your home screen, pictures, videos, and accepts your touch). These two components make your Note 3 screen, as one single entity (or part). The manufacturer (Samsung, in this case) are the ones to decide this, and actually, most if not all manufacturers are making ALL their screens as 1 part total as far as I'm concerned, from this point on. The reason be, because obviously they want to make it harder for repairmen or "rigmen" to separate the Digitizer (the glass) and the LCD (the "touchy screen" part), unless you have a specific equipment to separate them. Even with the special equipments, trust me, its still pretty hard. That being said, sure, you may have to only replace the Digitizer (the glass), but you would have to go through the same separation process like I mentioned above. And that's if the Note 3 assembly is just like the previous Note's,...