Wiki con Collaborazione Studenti
Un fantastico team di studenti del nostro programma educativo ha realizzato questo wiki.
Tablet won't turn on
No matter what you do, you can't get your tablet to turn on.
Drained/bad battery
It is possible that the battery is drained and needs to be recharged. Plug the tablet into the charger and wait a couple of minutes. If it still does not turn on, the battery may be dead and unable to hold a charge. In this case, you will need to replace the battery using this repair guide.
Bad charging port
Another possibility is that the battery is fine, but the charging port is broken. The charging port can be replaced using this guide.
Bad display
It is possible that it appears nothing is happening because the display is bad. In this case, the display will need to be replaced.
Bad/no audio
The audio coming from the speakers is inaudible or scratchy.
Tablet is muted
It may just be that the tablet is muted, so check to see if it is.
Broken volume buttons
The volume buttons may be broken, thus, not allowing you to change the volume on your tablet. They will have to be replaced.
Broken speakers
If there is audio coming from the speakers but it is scratchy, one or more of the speakers are broken. The broken speakers need to be replaced.
Cameras won't work
The cameras take bad pictures or don't work at all.
Camera damaged
If either (front/back) of the cameras don't work they need to be replaced with new ones. You can find the guide to replace both the front camera and the back camera here.
USB port won't work
The device fails to recognize a USB when one is inserted.
USB device is broken
It could just be that the USB device you inserted is broken. To test this, try connecting a different USB device to the tablet.
USB port is broken
If you have tried multiple USB devices, and none of them worked with the tablet, then the USB port is damaged or broken and will need to be replaced. You can find the guide to replace the USB port here.
SIM card/memory card isn't recognized
You insert either card into the tablet but nothing happens
Incompatible card
You may be using a card that the tablet's software can't read. Refer to the user's manual to choose a card that the tablet can recognize.
Broken port
If you are using a card that the tablet can read, but it still doesn't work, you will have to replace the port.
3 Commenti
I am not able to turn the experia Z tablet on. I charged it overnight as usual but this morning when I unplugged it the green light was still on and won't turn off. and I can't turn the tablet on. Please advise.
Vemila Karalasingam - Replica
Incompetent! AWESOME? Get real.
Kim Noack - Replica
I had mine on the charger all night and this morning it wont turn on it just shows the turning on sequence over and over again after freezing and does it again. Heck it since this month its been giving me problems. 5 times it restarted it self and none of the app cleaners work and it showed apps optimizing to 255. The only app i used was chrome.
konor.andrews - Replica