Hi! I'm Anthony Kouttron. I'm an electrical engineer, tinkerer, camera aficionado, scooter-man and an alumnus of RPI. This is an extension of my endeavors on www.salvagedcircuitry.com, my personal project site.
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More tech teardowns & contributions to current guides in need of some love :D
Best in tinkering. Keep on digging,
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Hi Reuben, I unfortunately no longer have this keyboard. You might have luck finding a broken one on ebay to grab parts from. Good luck.
Hi Francis, The files needed to print an end cap are all in the article! If you have a friend with a 3d printer, and a screwdriver, that's all you need to get the job done. Try it yourself! Good luck!
Hi! This is a very easy problem to repair. A lot of gh3 / gh4 control dials skip over time from the friction fit of the rubber dial and the rotating inner plastic dial loosening over time. This is normal because rubber changes over time. In this case, you just need to place a droplet of super glue between the inside of the rubber dial and the rotating plastic groove it sits in. You don't even need to dissemble the camera to repair it. Use your thumb and push the rubber on the dial up to dislodge it from the groove it sits in. You will see a c-channel shaped grove. This is where you want to put the super glue. Grab a sewing needle or pin and a tube of superglue from the store. Any superglue will work. The key is, use a small amount! Squeeze the super glue applicator bottle until a droplet forms on the needle tip. Place this droplet in the c-channel groove I mentioned above. Using a small amount will not overflow the groove so when you push back the rubber part, no glue will spill over and ruin the dial. I have a video of this process I will post soon, probably to youtube.
Try rotating the hinge by moving the flap back and forth. Then try pushing out the rod again. Good luck.
Excellent! I’m glad you were able to get your camera back to like-new condition again :D
Hi merlecole , The GH5 is a similarly disassembly, but the control knob is a relatively straight forward repair. All you need to do is remove the back shell of the camera. You would need to remove the two back ribbon connectors from the front half of the camera which are attached to the main PCB, but that’s the only mildly challenging part. Once the back half is safely removed, its smooth sailing from there. Good luck!
Hi Stephen!
I have ironically disassembled the modern keyboard version as well. Disassembly went a lot smoother with different methods. I will probably upload a guide in a few weeks, but is boils down to this: Wrap keyboard completely in heated pad/blanket for 45min, torque/twist keyboard longitudinally, use plastic and stainless steel pry tools and then it opens right up with very minimal hassle. It even goes back together seamlessly. You wouldn’t even know it’s been disassembled. The key takeaway is use a heated pad/blanket. You cannot use hot air gun because it will melt keys or warp the keyboard. Heated blanket does not damage the keyboard whatsoever. Good luck!
Hi John. While I used a heatgun to open up this keyboard in this teardown, it’s very easy to deform the plastic permanently if you use too much heat. I had a lot better success in later teardowns with using a 115v medical blanket heater. You can find them at your local drug store like riteaid and walgreens. The heaters are designed to wrap around a body part, like an arm. In this case, you literally just wrap the keyboard and it softens up the glue. After an hour or so, take the keyboard out of the blanket heater and torque it a bit either way. You should hear popping sounds, the sounds of the edges yielding. At this point, take a plastic spudger, insert it near the edge and pry a bit. The keyboard should give in and you should be able to disassemble the keyboard in a very clean manner. I did this with the microsoft modern keyboard and it worked great. It even fit right back together. I will be making a guide soon on the process.
Hi Bas! Unfortunately, I did not attempt to repair the broken aluminum key tabs that hold the key in place. However, I can point you in the right direction if you want to get creative and try a DIY fix. Carefully pop another key off your keyboard with something wood or plastic (like a plastic spudger) and analyze the metal locking tab design Microsoft implemented. Find another piece of aluminum of the same thickness and carefully cut out that tab shape. Try adhering your designed tab to the location where the broken aluminum key tab is situated. Epoxy or titanium putty should bond aluminum to aluminum. I would use a toothpick or sewing pin as an adhesive applicator. I think you will have success if you take your time and be patient. Good luck!
Thanks for your kind words Amarjit! This camera was tricky, but once you get around the surprises it’s not too bad :D
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Anthony Kouttron
Electrical Engineer | Hobbyist | Camera Enthusiast | Wire Wrap Aficionado
Repair test equipment, cinema camera equipment and other...