Why does tv turn itself on
What would cause the tv to randomly turn itself on?
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What would cause the tv to randomly turn itself on?
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this happened to my mawmaw. i thought it was time for a new tv so off to walmart i went. got a new tv…not a vizio again but an LG. got to mawmaws set it up and took the old set home and figured out how to fix it. in setting there is a setting to reset to all factory defaults. this will make the tv just like the day you bought it. when i reset it to factory defaults and reprogrammed the tv to my cable box it fixed the turning on by itself. what caused the tv to malfunction i have no clue but resetting the tv to factory defaults fixed this issue.
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If I'm not mistaken, go into your TV menu and search for a wake up to - alarm or timer. Some people set it to
record shows or just want it to wake them up. It also could be from a neighbors house that is on the same
freq. as your own remote. Do you have any other electrical components that are operated by the same remote as your TV?
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Turn it from Eco mode to quick start in settings. Did this and it doesn't happen anymore
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I've tried all the suggestions and nothing worked. I then found a setting in the “System” for the USB port. It was set to ”always on.” I changed it to “off when the TV off" and it worked! Vizio E43-F1
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Mine started doing this after having it for about 5 days. Nothing connected to it to interfere as some stories suggest on these trouble shooting forums. I wound up having to take the remote out of the room to get it to stop. Tried just turning it around so it wasn't pointed at it…nope..had to completely remove it from the room.
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You don't state the model number of your TV, so I'm assuming that you have an IR remote (IR LED at one end of the remote).
Use a digital camera (or the camera in a mobile phone) to check if the remote is transmitting all the time due to a stuck button etc.
Turn on the camera and then point the end of the remote that is usually pointed towards the TV, towards the lens of the camera.
When viewing the remote in the LCD screen of the camera (or phone) you should see the IR LED turn on when a button is pressed and be off when the button is released.
If you can't be sure whether it is on or off, try this test with a known working IR remote control unit
If you have a wireless remote (Bluetooth perhaps? no IR LED protruding from end of remote control unit) that may be why it doesn't matter which way it is pointing or where it is (within 30' anyway)
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