Why won't my tablet turn on?
When I press the power button, nothing happens. My tablet doesn't respond to it at all. Why doesn't my device turn on?
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When I press the power button, nothing happens. My tablet doesn't respond to it at all. Why doesn't my device turn on?
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There are a few different factors that could be involved. First I would check to see if your device is charged. Plug in your device and see if it responds. If it does then you either need to charge your device or the battery is not holding a charge, meaning you need to replace the battery. If this is not the case then a faulty power button is another possibility. There are replacement guides for all these cases.
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A complete list of all troubleshooting topics related to your device can be found here. Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 Troubleshooting
Will not turn on so how do you check the charge? Socket and adapter both working.
I tried everything and took it in to get checked . Mother board dead nothing they can do. So people please remember to back up your stuff.
Android Tablets that are better than this one are only $40 at Best Buy
I've just now been having mine randomly go dark, I plug in charger and hold down the power key & home key then it comes on. Temporary resolution.
Same with my Galaxy Note 8.0. all of it... charge, black screen, no battery shows up, no green light. I replaced my battery, and charge port myself (for $24 total btw). going to try power button (under $10) and then the motherboard (under $50). worth it to me... considering I paid close to $400 for this tablet, plus since I work on tablets etc it will help me know how to fix in the future.
I just wanted to let everyone know... i had the same issue on my n5110. i repair devices... i have replaced the usb port, battery, power button, and motherboard to no avail really. when i do the old battery stand-by of wetting the (in this case) connectors it will turn on for about 10 seconds (the circle logo makes almost a full circle) then shuts off until i wet the connectors again. so may not be getting a solid connection with battery.
another person said disconnect the battery (and charge cable) and press power to drain excess power from mobo... then plug in battery and turn on. tried it and nothing. i have been researching and testing theories for over 2months now with no luck. my next step will be to find some sort of way to 'bridge' the gap on the battery connector.
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Hi, would you by any chance be able to help me with the parts list for this device?
I have the same problem i.e. a dead tablet and local Samsung service center says that the Motherboard and battery would need to be replaced at an exorbitant price. I needed the parts list so that I could source those components myself and attempt a DIY replacement / recovery.
Parts list--
battery: http://www.ebay.com/itm/192033240447?_tr...
charger port: http://www.ebay.com/itm/201609254243?_tr...
not tested yet ... arrives today...power button assy: http://www.ebay.com/itm/171166535208?_tr...
Thanks a ton for these part numbers! ☺ Any other part details available... Such as motherboard, etc. Mine seems to be a motherboard issue...
i replaced everything (charge port, battery, power button, mobo) and no joy. someone posted that Samsung has an hours used coded in for a device to fataly fail in the hopes you buy another. if this were true then a new mobo should work. also the mobo can be found for under $20 on ebay... if you look hard.
My Samsung Galaxy Note 8 did exactly the same thing. I have replaced the battery, the usb charging port, the power button (but went back to the old one because the new one didn't have the pen lever). It will not turn on. If anyone finds a solution, please be sure to post!
I am very annoyed w/Samsung. I have (2) Note 8 tablets which I paid $300USD for each. Within months of each other the screen went black on both devices. I changed the battery and USB port with no success. I called Samsung and was told it could be the motherboard, they wanted a 300deposit for each device and said it would cost 190usd to fix each one.
A search for motherboards indicates they can range from 50usd for a used one to 104usd for an OEM. I don't think I am going to put forth the effort to fix either device at those cost.
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I had the same problem. I replaced the battery, charging port and power button with no success. One silver lining: I saved most of the tablet content on the Micro SD card so I was able to recover a lot of photos, docs, etc. Lessons learned: save everything to the Micros SD card and expect to buy a new tablet every couple years :-)
try doing a safe reboot follow https://goo.gl/mvLPZn
i replaced everything and no joy. someone posted that Samsung has an hours used coded in for a device to fataly fail in the hopes you buy another. also the mobo can be found for under $20 on ebay... if you look hard.
I've just now been having mine randomly go dark, I plug in charger and hold down the power key & home key then it comes on. Temporary resolution.
sir how can prolem my phone pelesh help me i am waiting your answer
I have had a lot of success reconnecting the battery connector on galaxy tabs. snap the back off and remove and refit all snap in connectors.
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Simple solution.
Hold the power button and the volume up button at the same time until the screen comes on.
Then choose to reboot the system by pressing the power button or if you had everythign saved use the volume buttons to go to factory restore option and the press the power button.
My guess is the software easily gets corrupted. Sqamsung doesnt update the Android OS as fast as possible. Hope this helps all. Cheers
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Didn't work for me
champion! fixed
Worked for me....happy girl!!!!
nope nada didnt work here either
I got an answer to my problem with my Samsung Galaxy GT-N5110. Replacing the battery with a new didn't solve it. I later removed all key pads (power, vol+, vol-). It started working well somehow. I then checked the flex the power, vol+ and vol- were sitting on. The power pad was weak and broken. Because of this the power button was permanently On. This was confusing the Tablet which made it to recycle the power On.
Solution: I changed the flex that control the power, vol+and vol-. It's a single flex which I bought online. This solved the problem. For about five months now the Tablet has been working as before. Pls check that flex and replace it. Hoping that there is no other physical damage on other ports.
Pls note-if you're not a Tech man like me don't try it. You may damage other tiny components on the board. Let a Tech man help you to fix this.
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I had this problem and simply let it charge overnight. The next morning, it started as normal. Maybe it shut down due to overheating.
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I have had the same issue. Used my note 8 for about 10 minutes after taking it off of the charger. Sat it down for about 30 minutes and when I came back to use it everything was dead? I have owned it for approximately 3.5 years. If this failure is truly an time out issue programmed in as some have described it sounds like a Better Business report / class action Lawsuit is brewing. Very dissapointed in Samsung for these issues. Does not make any sense for something to just stop working without any indication. My tablet looks brand new.
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i'm there with you on the class action law suit. very mad about losing this tablet since it was over $400. I own other tablets but liked this one
Oh my gosh, that's like a conspiracy theory and sounds unfounded! No, I don't believe Samsung has built in any shut down after "so many hours" issue. Across the board this tablet has had battery issues as well as a few other issues. I wish Samsung would redesign the 8-inch Note tablet and come out with a new one. 8-inch is a sweet spot for me and apparently many others.
It would actually be useful to know:
How many Samsung Not 8s just stopped after 3 years
How many Samsung Not 8s just stopped after 4 years
How many stopped after having a charging port change.
This is starting to smell like built in obsolescence.
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Mine stopped after 4 years!
4 years here. Just died out of nowhere. Changed charge port and battery still nothing.
Mine stop working and dead after 4 years
Mine after 4 years . New battery etc . Charges -dies overnight .
4 years here too! The thing went to sleep and never woke up!
My Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 (wifi only) will not switch on or respond in any way to a known-good charger being plugged into it. It hasn't had much use since new, and still looks like new, so I don't believe it's a worn out battery or switch. It will not reset, or hard-reset, so I have removed and tested the function of the power tact-switch, that that works perfectly, at least up to the connector that goes to the next board. The battery shows as having 4.2V. I fear that I've bricked it. Nothing I do gives any response. Is there anything else I can try?
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Hold power button in for 10 seconds while charging. Worked for me.
just adding to the list, mine also died 6 months ago, ATT variant. Very carefully used. Battery is good (checked with meter). No issues with charge port. Just dead. Really disappointing.
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I plugged my tablet into the charging cable, then held the power button down for 10 seconds. That worked for me.
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My wifes 3yr old Note 8 GT-N 5110 was working fine, she had almost no power left so she put it on charge overnight and the next day all she had was a black screen. I like most people found the first and obvious thing was to replace the charging socket as this takes quite a hit with the one way fitting. Still no joy and so I left it and gave her my Lenovo to use instead. A week ago, I bought another complete working 5110 for $56AU on eBay with a cracked screen and a well used body. So, I tested it and as stated it was a fully working concern. First I swapped the battery over, ...Nothing. Tried the charging port,....Nothing. Ok, swap over the Logic board, back in with the new charging port and a 90% charged battery, power on and yippee..! All is good now, well apart from the fact that whatever was on the old system is gone. No problem though, it's all on playstore and can be re installed. So, it seems that the logic/motherboard is the failure here and only after 3 years of careful use. It is only used to study language classes and looks as good as the day it was bought.
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My Samsung GT-N5100 would not turn on and discovered it as a bad charge port since wiggling on it would sometimes make it turn on. Replaced the charging port from Amazon...fixed this issue. However, I also had/have an issue with my battery draining down in about 30 minutes from a full charge. Think this must be a bad battery since it's about 4 and 1/2 years old.
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I love this tablet and I want to keep it forever, but if it is pre-programmed to expire after 3 years, that isn't fair!
Changed the charging port and battery. Didn't solve the issue.
Paid $400 for this tablet that expires after 3 years.
if there's a class action lawsuit, please let me know.
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Is there a class action?
My Note 8 GT-N 5110 is 6 years old, all was fine and like everyone else it was fine one day and next morning good night Irene… There were no clues it was on it's way out, charged fine, battery drain didn't get worse over time. Every year I'd clean-up back to factory settings. This is sad but not as bad as IOS where the operation came to a grinding halt. I xtill have the first ipod that worked fine for 4 years and then the date reverted to 1969 and nothing worked until I set to current time and next day back to 1969.. Now that is deliberately set by apple to force people to buy new ones..
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My lovely galaxy note 8.0 is no more lovely. It happened yesterday when I power up but could booth through. It has served me faithfully since Sept, 2014. I shutdown it down Tuesday night but could come not on yesterday when powered. It was about 80% battery when I shutdown. But surprisingly I met it warm the following morning while it is still off. When I power on it showed 24% battery and about 1 minute it shutdown by itself and then it never booth completely again. It stopped at “Samsung GALAXY Note 8.0” screen and keeps displaying it every 4sec. I opened it the first time today to disconnect the battery and back as been suggested, but the same thing. Is that the end of my note 8.0? Can a Tablet be programmed to kill itself after some years of use?
Pls is there any other thing to do to bring it back?
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Lucky you that your tablet carried on for five years. There are lots of us who barely got two years. I’m guessing you’re out-of-luck by now.
To address your concern of Samsung programming a device to fail, there’s no way they would do that. Come on, why would they sabatoge themselves, especially when their rival, the Apple devices live on nearly forever? Nah, the Note 8.0 was failure.
Something, somewhere, went wrong. There are a lot of things that could have happened, from the motherboard to the rocker switch, a software issue during an upgrade, all the way to simply needing a new battery. I found many answers but no solutions, and if you bring your tablet to a phone and tablet repair shop, like I did, they just didn’t know what to do much less figure out the problem. Lots of those repair people are pretty wet when it comes to actually knowing enough to figuring it out on that particular tablet problem. I found myself thinking I could have done that, and I already knew that. It was frustrating and annoying watching those repair people pretend to know anything of it. I’d be more inclined to send it back to Samsung for repair, if they’d even do that “today”.
Unless you want to spend a lot of money on buying and trying replacement parts, which you don’t even know are good when you get them, it might be time to say G’Nite Gracie. Sell it for parts or let it go into tablet obscurity, for the Note 8.0 was pretty much a shortlife dud - as beloved as it was to many of us during our particular duration. It’s hard at first, because it started out very lovingly, but letting go gets easier. ;)
I do, still, sort of, miss mine… even though I haven’ had it useable for a long time. I loved the size, which was my sweet spot for carry about, but that tablet simply wasn’t meant to be, for me. When my tablet bit the dust for no logical reason (the same as you describe your tablet doing) I researched the internet, called Samsung, took it to repair shops, then tried some at home fix-it’s, all to no avail. Then I bought a used off Note 8.0 off eBay only to have it happen again to that tablet, close to a year after that purchase. My beloved died twice, and I was, indeed, saddened.
I’m over Android tablets just because of the Note 8.0. I’ll take a Windows 2-in-1 tablet anyday, or even a Samsung Plus Chrombook tablet with built-in pen. Now we’re talkin’ tablets! As for me, I just had to get a bigger purse…
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I have a 2 Note 10.1 (2012) I think the model # is N8013 anyway they are old. Both from best buy. Both in otterbox defenders from day 1. I use one a lot daily for my work (s note sketching) the one I use for work daily is working normally. So I dont think there is a preset death for them unless they started after mine.
The second one just died today. My wife plugged it in she said the screen went squiggly and brown like our tile floor and shut down. She plugged in to charge and nothing. Charge cord is good. Tried plugging in volume and power button. Nothing. Tried reconnecting the ribbon wires and disconnect reconnect the battery. Nothing. I think she's fried. Any thoughts?
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easy fix here. change logicboard if all other else wont work
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Can my GT N5100 be repaired or do I just avoid Samsung off my list? My LG V60 dual already is off my list.
I guess I have to no with Pixel?
Thanks for any input.
Wild Bill
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Well, since that tablet is long since outdated, no longer supported, is very old, and that model had some known issues and can be purchased (could be purchased a few years back) on eBay for considerably less than a repair (if a repair shop would even repair that old of a device), I would not write off Samsung just for that! It was a good tablet while it lasted.
Mine stopped working, if I can recall, in 2015, and I did take mine to a repair shop to no avail. I called around and was consistently told, “We don’t repair tablets.”
I considered my tablet a loss and purchased another off eBay for $40 back in 2015. Eventually, that tablet fell victim to the same issue: Wouldn’t power on. I gave up and purchased a brand new, different model Samsung tablet. I still have and used that one.
Lastly, unless you’re a fix-it person or know of someone who would be happy to help ya look at your tablet, expect a repair done by anyone who thinks they can fix it but might not be able to, to cost you more than you would care to pay (I’m assuming) for any repair. Back when my tablet went bad, I did find a shop who also told me no tablet repairs, but they’d still look at it anyway. They called me in advance to quote an obnoxously high repair cost and, without guarantee it would work. They told me they can’t tell by looking, that they have to purchase parts, install and see if that is the issue, If not, they’d try another part…and so on. At that time already They’d quoted a price of nearly $200.
I chose to cut my loss early and move on.
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36 Commenti
For me More than that, device was fine yesterday but would not turn on last night. Plugging it in does nothing, an yes I check to make sure power supply works. Holding power on does nothing as well as holding volume up an power. No response what so ever..
da k smith
Did this ever get resolved? What was the fix? Mine is doing the exact same.
da fgrandt
Same problem here too. Stopped a game by pressing the home button closed the flap on the samsung protector and plugged it in. This morning (25 June 2015) it seems to have no power as if it is drained. Tried charging it via a different cable into a different charger for hours and nothing. I have 2 of these tablets and the other one works fine on those chargers.
No pressing/holding of buttons seems to do anything. I also do not get a battery picture when I plug in the charger.
da Gayle Snyders
I have a N5110 note 8.0 and it suddenly ceased during the night. Black screen - no response to any buttons or any change with charging (multiple tried, including Samsung). I used your guide with the battery - replaced and many hours charging with old or new battery = nothing. No response. How do I know if this is the buttons (seems odd though with no response to plugging in), or the motherboard? Is it worth buying a cheap unit with a cracked screen and using the mobo from within it? I like the tablet and use it alot - books, emails, etc.
da shouser
My Note 8 just did the same exact thing and frankly its weird that this issue is occurring to all of us at the same time?
da MissLaRockStar
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