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Post: Rispondi a "Anyone know why my viewer moves after a shot?"
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Votanti: oldturkey03 (Admin Ha Deciso)

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Anyone know why my viewer moves after a shot?

The camera shoots fine but I've recently noticed that after a shot has been taken the viewer moves with the sound of a click. I've tried a different lens and the same thing happens. My friend has a D5100 and he tried my lens and has a smooth shutter and I tried one of his lenses and with the same problem, so it must be the body. My D5100 just seems to have this movement in the viewer followed by a small click as if the window is being put back into place?? Live View works fine. Regards, Ash.

Rep: 489,1k


Your camera has some movable parts in the viewfinder which is basically the same as an SLR of years past.

When you take the lens off and look into the opening you'll see a mirror which is at a 45 degree angle this sends the light to the finder so you can view the image and then moves up out of the way so the digital sensor gets the light.

Most likely the mechanics of this mirror is sticking so it takes a little longer to fall back down after the picture has been taken. The bumper at the top which the mirror hits is likely breaking down so its getting gummy. You really need to bring this into an authorized Nikon camera repair center or Nikon its self. as the foam bumper pad needs to be replaced. I wouldn't try doing this my self as you need to take a good part of the mechanism apart to do this right.