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Post: Rispondi a "How can I replace the keyboard of my model...
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Rep: 133


How can I replace the keyboard of my model A1286?

Due to heavily playing MechWarrior Online, some of my keys are worn out and the D also has a crack from one corner to the other side.

I already have a replacement keybord at home and want to replace it together with upgrading to a 1TB SSD.

Where can I find a step by step instruction how to disassemble my MacBookPro model A1286, part# MD104D/A ( MBP 15.4/2.6/2X4GB/750/SD/GLSY ) and how do I have to prepare the 1TB SSD before replacing it with my 0.75 TB HDD ?

Update (03/19/2016)

As it seems I can leave out at least 20 of the 46 steps needed to disassemble a Upper case, I sincerely doubt that it is easier to replace a entire Upper case than the keyboard alone.

I can at least leave out steps 36 - 46 for the display and 23 - 33 for the battery & hard disk, making it a bit easier to replace a keyboard with keys and mat connecting it to the logic board than replacing a entire upper case ... although I need to do steps 26 - 28 anyway as I want to replace my 0,75TB HDD with a 1TB SSD too.

Especially the battery would be a problem for replacing my keyboard, as I am not sure if I own at least a BIT for the Y1 Tri-wing screws securing the battery to the upper case ( steps 23 & 24 ).

It may also be up to 10 times cheaper to replace only the keyboard !

Does ANYONE have a picture of the screws or pop rivets on the back side of the shell, which I need to remove for replacing the keyboard ?

( the link provided by DAN helps a bit ... especially PART H )

Or a step by step instruction of how to disassemble the Upper case ?

It seems that I will have to swap my HDD for a new SDD first and postpone the replacement of the keyboard to a later time when I know if and WHERE to get replacement pop rivets ...

Usually replacing the entire Upper case makes more sense, especially when you have spilled some sugary liquid on the keyboard, but as I only have to replace my keyboard because it has been worn out by playing too much MechWarrior Online, I hope to get away with a cheaper solution for my hardware problems.

Rep: 489,4k


You'll need to follow this IFIXIT guide: MacBook Pro 15" Unibody Mid 2012 Upper Case Replacement. Once you get to this point you'll need to pull the screws or pop rivets off the back side of the shell to remove the keyboard. If you have rivets you'll need to replace the broken ones.

As to the keyboard many come with spare rivets and you'll need to make sure you got the correct one. The other option here is just replace the upper case which is a lot easier.