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USB connection problem with iPhone

Hi everybody,

I have a MacBook Air Early 2015 and an iPhone 5s.

When I plug my iPhone into system my iPhone oscillates connecting and disconnecting rapidly.

I did almost everything: changed the cable, cleaned the dock, SMC, NVRAM reset, iTunes reinstall, iPhone's hard reset and restore privacy settings, even did a clean Mac OS install but nothing changes.

With pen drives, MIDI controllers etc... the USB works properly, and it does with my iPhone if I do not log-in into my Mac, just turning it on and plug the USB in. In that case there is no disconnect/reconnect cycling problem. But, immediately after I log-in it starts up.

I was in two different Apple Service and they said that is something software problem and possibly, a clean Mac reinstall solves it. It did not solved it! I tried to connect my iPhone into other notebooks, there were no problem.

Any idea? (Sorry for my poor English...) And yes, the cable is original.

Rep: 488,9k


At this point I’m suspecting the system has a USB power issue. These are getting hard to find but I think it’s what you need to test things out: USB Charger Doctor - Current & Voltage Charging Detector as well as Battery Voltmeter & Ammeter. With it you should be able to compare the current draw on a second working system (ideally another MacBook Air of the same series) and yours to see if the voltage and/or current draw is the issue. You might want to also try a second iPhone (again the same series would be best comparison).