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Post: Rispondi a "Why does my phone sometimes just turns off...
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Why does my phone sometimes just turns off itself?

Sometimes phone turns off and I have to replace battery and turn power on. Why does phone turns off itself ?


Some Fairphone 2 devices are suffering from an issue which we call random rebooting – the unplanned and unwanted rebooting of your phone. You have contacted us informing us that your phone is affected by this problem.

We are investigating this issue and fixing it is one of our top priorities right now. Our aim is to come with a solution as soon as possible. We kindly ask you to wait until we have this solution available, and once we have news we will inform you via a new e-mail.

In some cases it might also be related to the use of the 4G network, could you please try to disable 4G and revert to 3G to see if it helps?

You can do that in ​Settings​ > ​More​ > ​Mobile networks*​ > select your SIM card > select ​*3G (preferred)/2G*​ as the the ​*Preferred network type​.

Also, have you tried without any SIM card in your phone? We've seen some old/dirty SIM cards causing similar issues in the past. Finally, have you also tried in airplane (flight) mode?

With a previous software update (the latest is Fairphone 2 OS 1.6.2) we introduced improvements to the device stability. Please make sure that your device is up-to-date (see our guided tutorial on how to update your Fairphone 2 and our related support article if you need more help updating).

If you could give us some feedback some time after having installed the system update, it would help us a lot! We've come up with a|more detailed form on the random reboots] for you to give your feedback.

We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience and help.

If you still experience many reboots, contact Fairphone customer support: