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Questo smontaggio non è una guida di riparazione. Per riparare il tuo MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys Late 2016, usa il nostro manuale di assistenza.

  1. Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016, Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 1, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016, Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 1, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016, Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 1, immagine 3 di 3
    • Abbiamo aspettato molte lune per l'aggiornamento del MacBook Pro. Che cosa abbiamo scoperto? Conosciamo le basi:

    • Display "Retina" IPS retroilluminato a LED con risoluzione 2560 × 1600 (227 dpi), gamut colore P3

    • Processore Intel Core i5 dual-core "Skylake" dual-core Intel Core i5 da 2.0 GHz (Turbo Boost fino a 3.1 GHz) con grafica integrata Intel Iris Graphics 540

    • 8 GB di memoria integrata 1866 MHz LPDDR3 (disponibile la configurazione da 16 GB)

    • SSD con interfaccia PCIe da 256 GB, 512 GB o 1 TB

    • Due porte Thunderbolt 3 (USB-C) che supportano la ricarica, DisplayPort, Thunderbolt, USB 3.1 Gen 2

    • Questo modello adotta i tasti funzione invece della nuova touch bar. Se quest'ultima è quella che ti interessa, tieniti aggiornato! Torneremo tra poche settimane con lo smontaggio del nuovo MacBook Pro Touch Bar,

    I get that the new touch bar will replace the Function keys, but what if you use Function keys in Excel etc ..... how will you perform these functions with the new macbook pro ?

    gregnrichardson - Replica

  2. Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 2, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 2, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 2, immagine 3 di 3
    • Ci sono due porte Thunderbolt 3 a popolare il lato sinistro di questo laptop... E non c'è altro.

    • Il fattore di forma USB-C è versatile, ma ti servirà probabilmente una manciata di adattatori per poterti interfacciare con l'hardware che hai già.

    • Sul lato destro c'è un singolo jack cuffie da 3,5 mm.

    • Aspettate un attimo, che succede?

    • Dopo tutto il polverone sollevato dall'idea che il jack cuffie sia un hardware antiquato che non merita spazio sull'iPhone 7, questo ci sembra per lo meno strano.

    • Ma chi siamo noi per giudicare? È uno standard ampiamente usato e siamo d'accordo al 100% nel tenerlo. Basta però sapere che non puoi collegare gli EarPod Lightning del tuo iPhone 7, perché non esiste il necessario convertitore.

    • Per completare la nostra ispezione del case esterno, annotiamo il nuovo numero modello: A1708.

    if they not put jack, when they can't show dj staff on presentation

    Px pik - Replica

    The reason they didn't want it in the iPhone is because it takes up too much space in such a thin, small device. A laptop, even a new, thin one, still has a bit more breathing room and a port like that has less of an impact. I feel like you guys know this, know that *we* know this, and just added that comment to rile people up. =P

    prokanda - Replica

    It's not just a "headphone jack" it's also an optical audio port.

    Kirke - Replica

    are you sure? on that page the late 2016 is not listed...

    diendi -

    S/PDIF optical digital audio out is also not listed in the system information. Pretty sure it's just a headphone jack.

    Jeff Suovanen -

    I don't think it's odd to have a jack. A laptop and a phone are different machines. People use laptops to watch movies and edit multimedia...

    Zaphod B - Replica

    I believe the removal of the jack from the iPhone was to increase it's water resistance. Not as much of an issue with laptops.

    imtimrob - Replica

    Something about A1708( If you want to see more electronic components product-data,this web is a good choic: )


     Base chemistry: epoxy only, cationic polymerization

     One component adhesive ready for use, solvent-free, UV and/or heat curing


     Active alignment of components for optoelectronics and semiconductor packaging

     High precision bonding  Bonding of opaque substrates and optical parts


     Epoxy only, high adhesion, high Tg, long shelf and working life, room temperature stable, not sensitive to oxygen in cure process, excellent reliability performances, robust for solder reflow process


    1) Clean the substrates to remove contamination, dust, moisture, salt and/or oil

    2) Dispense adhesive on substrates

    3) Bond substrates (with active alignment – optional)

    4) UV cure to fix alignment or to bond

    5) Thermal cure: to cure adhesive in shadow area and to improve adhesion of bonded parts

    AmandaLi - Replica

  3. Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 3, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 3, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 3, immagine 3 di 3
    • Anche se24 stiamo morendo dalla voglia di mandare delle emoji con il solo tocco della Touch Bar, questo 'Book manca della caratteristica clamorosa della serie MacBook Pro 2016: ha invece dei pulsanti funzione fisici.

    • In ogni caso, troviamo un tasto esc XL (extra lungo) che distingue dalle altre questa linea di tasti funzione.

    • Ci prendiamo una pausa prima di colpire a fondo la pancia della bestia: tiriamo fuori il nostro vecchio amico color oro rosa, il MacBook 2016 Retina, per fare un confronto.

    • Il Pro sembra un gigante di fianco al suo parente rosa, mettendo in mostra un trackpad decisamente più ampio.

    • Oltre a questo, le griglie degli altoparlanti sono migrate dal bordo superiore della tastiera ai lati destro e sinistro della tastiera stessa, cosa che è stata resa possibile dalla maggiore profondità (16 mm in più) del Pro.

    • Ecco un ultima anteprima a raggi X degli interni. È ora di sporcarci le mani!

  4. Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 4, immagine 1 di 1
    Attrezzo utilizzato in questo passaggio:
    Mako Driver Kit - 64 Precision Bits
    • Dopo aver passato sei anni a rimuovere viti di tipo proprietario Pentalobe dai laptop MacBook, siamo in grado di svitare a occhi chiusi sei di queste dal retro del dispositivo.

    • Si dà il caso che noi vendiamo il più bel cacciavite Pentalobe che tu abbia mai visto, utile per tutte le tue esigenze di apertura di MacBook.

    • Sei viti! Il numero più basso di tutti i tempi che abbiamo visto in un MacBook unìbody, ce n'erano 8 nel MacBook 2015 e 10 nella maggior parte dei MacBook Pro.

    The screws for the bottom cover is a T5 right? The six screws.

    Also, do you know if it's possible to buy a set of replacement screws for the cover?

    One of my screws is stripped, I can unscrew it but if I do I can't use it again for sure.

    Calby - Replica

    I did mean P5 and not T5, the same size that it is for the MacBook Air and the MacBook Pro 2015?

    Calby - Replica

    One more question, are all the screws the same size (length)?

    Calby - Replica

    Nope, there’s actually 3 different lengths on the bottom screws.

    maccentric -

    • Bene ecco qualcosa di nuovo. Rimaniamo un attimo perplessi dal nuovo ultra sicuro case inferiore,, prima di craccare il codice per rimuoverlo.

    • Una ventosa aiuta a sollevare il bordo inferiore quanto basta per infilare dentro uno strumento di apertura, in modo da sganciare le clip nascoste su entrambi i lati. Dopo questa operazione, fai scorrere verso il basso l'intero case inferiore e sarai libero.

    • Tutte le clip supplementari e i ganci servono a rendere il case inferiore un elemento che irrigidisce il dispositivo, in alternativa a una normale quantità di viti.

    is this a some kind of metal glue in the corners and in few lines between em?

    Георгий Карцев - Replica

  5. Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 6, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 6, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 6, immagine 3 di 3
    • Violato il codice e rimosso il pannello, passiamo a scollegare la batteria e a capire che le cose sono strane.

    • Questa vite T5 a testa larga funge da connettore a pressione super sicuro per la batteria.

    • Piegando indietro il connettore, scopriamo alcune piastrine metalliche. Due grandi per il polo positivo e la terra della batteria e altri punti più piccoli. Forse sono... test point?

    • Un test point è una piastrina metallica che consente la diagnostica di un circuito elettronico. Potete immaginarla come una porta verso il circuito, che ne confermi la continuità, permetta di inviare dei segnali di test e offra dei punti supplementari per cortocircuitare la scheda.

    suspect the small pins are i2c or similar communication points to connect to whatever electronics within the battery (or some temperature sensor or something)

    sxpert - Replica

    Definitely test points upon cracking open one of these bad boys the say tp and than letter/number combinations by each smaller pin, I would say that is hard to doubt that they are test points, if you scroll to step 9 the picture shows the tp labeling

    Owen M - Replica

    Do i have to remove the battery to replace the headphone jack?

    K Pierre - Replica

    if you disconnected one end connector of that cable(like pic.#3), it won’t charge and doesn’t show battery under system report….well, that what happened to me late 2016 mbp 13” non-touchbar

    MNgu - Replica

  6. Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 7, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 7, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 7, immagine 3 di 3
    • Seguendo il nostro intuito, come passo successivo proviamo a occuparci del trackpad e siamo piacevolmente sorpresi di quanto sia facile rimuoverlo.

    • Questo rappresenta un enorme miglioramento sul precedente MacBook Pro da 13" nel quale il trackpad era intrappolato sotto la batteria.

    • Attaccato al trackpad troviamo dell'hardware digitale di aspetto familiare:

    • MCU ARM Cortex-M3 ST Microelectronics STM32F103VB

    • Controller Touch Broadcom BCM5976C1KUFBG

    • Scopriamo anche che il Taptic Engine, cioè la magia l'elettromagnete che sta dietro il Force Touch, è tenuto in posizione semplicemente da viti e contatti a molla.

    uitkijken voor de losse stukjes onderaan de touchpad (dunne spacers rond de schroefbusjes). Deze zijn flinterdun en moeilijk terug te vinden als ze op de grond vallen.

    Burmex Computers - Replica

  7. Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 8, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 8, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 8, immagine 3 di 3
    Attrezzo utilizzato in questo passaggio:
    • Ringalluzziti dal nostro successo con il trackpad, passiamo ad affrontare la batteria.

    • Il nostro ottimismo viene rapidamente distrutto dal tenace adesivo. Siamo colti da frustrazione e flashbacks.

    • È una buona cosa che ad iFixit siamo ben armati per far fronte alla guerra alle batterie appiccicose. Ci lanciamo alla carica con calore... e schede di plastica.

    • È una buona cosa anche aver rimosso per primo il trackpad, perché possiamo finalmente accedere e staccare l'eccezionalmente fastidiosa cella centrale, una fonte tipica di fastidio per il riparatore.

    • Con perseveranza liberiamo la batteria e ci lanciamo di nuovo in questa battaglia a fin di bene!

    I have to wonder how long this step took. I have to wonder if you have to re-heat the adhesive to re-install.

    Unclebugs - Replica

    do you sell these batteries ?

    Ali Aziz - Replica

    This guide is terribly below standard. Bit of heat? On the battery?! Why not use some Iso Alc and let it absorb into the adhesive? No? Warming up the battery with a heatgun isn’t exactly a bright move is it.

    Neutral Dude - Replica

  8. Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 9, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 9, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 9, immagine 3 di 3
    • Con i suoi 54,5 Wh, questa batteria eroga il 27% in meno di energia tra una carica l'altra rispetto al modello dell'anno scorso; peraltro, utilizzando solo tre celle invece di sei, potrebbe essere un po' più facile da rimuovere.

    • Detto questo, questo Pro in effetti esprime un maggior dinamismo del suo fratello dotato di Touch Bar la cui batteria fa segnare 49,2 Wh.

    • Apple, inoltre, afferma questa batteria è adatta a 10 ore di navigazione wireless, equivalenti sia al MacBook Pro da 13"dell'anno scorso sia al MacBook Retina 2016 con i suoi 41,4 Wh.

    • In cima a tutto, scopriamo questa scheda di controllo della batteria che, diversamente dagli elementi circostanti impeccabilmente rifiniti, è rivestita di spessa resina epossidica nello stile del convertitore da-Lightning-a-cuffie di Apple.

  9. Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 10, immagine 1 di 2 Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 10, immagine 2 di 2
    • Rivolta la nostra attenzione all'SSD così ben schermato, iniziamo staccando questo massiccio pezzo di nastro protettivo.

    • Tramite la stessa Apple, sappiamo che l'SSD utilizza un'interfaccia ad alta velocità basata su PCIe, ma questo fattore di forma e la configurazione di Pin sembrano nuovi.

    • È il momento di staccare questi schermi e vedere esattamente che cosa il Master Cook di Apple ha cucinato per noi...

    • È una buona cosa che Apple abbia mantenuto il suo SSD rimovibile come uno dei primi componenti estraibili, semplificando gli aggiornamenti.

    This is much more for important for data recovery than for upgrades. Just imagine the horror when you spill a bit of coke on your mac and 512 GB of your data are gone. This way you can swap the SSD to your new Macbook Pro and just go on as nothing happened.

    jirituzil - Replica

    Are you sure it won't also be fried along with the other components?

    plink53 - Replica

    Chances it will stay alive are very high as it is a small component and shielded from both sides.

    jirituzil - Replica

    Looks like a PCIe 3.0 x8?

    dicalp - Replica

    Any chance the shield is meant to reduce the chirping/grinding sounds of the SSD? Does it differ from the Early 2015 in ways that would be likely to impact the amount of high frequency noise from the SSD?

    Marius Bendiksen - Replica

    As for swapping the SSD for a new computer - are we sure that the computer doesn't key the computer's UUID or something to the flash translation table (or some other part) of the flash? Even if you *don't* have FileVault encryption turned on?

    jimwitte - Replica

    Will you ever find a compatible SSD on alternative market? Is it an option to buy the 256GB model and upgrade it by yourself?

    Emanuele io - Replica

    But it might indicate that Apple will offer an "upgrade"path in the future (Optane/XPoint when Intel figure out how to make it work? Yeah, I know, wishful thinking). Or could they stuff some other chip on that board? Instead of using 4 chips for the SSD, use two higher-density chips and put an M2 chip in the remaining space?

    ("Our latest baby - the second generation M2 motion co-processor. Packed with new and exciting features.. we're sure you're going to love it!" me writing Apple's press release for them..)

    jimwitte - Replica

    Does the 2017 model also feature removable SSD?

    nicholasaujalay - Replica

    yes, it does. though i wish i could find one of the ssds

    Andre Johnson -

    is there any other model that has this disk pcIe 1 tb? or is there some adapter to connect the disk via usb and retrieve the information?

    Silvio Benvenuto - Replica

    I couldn’t find any external adapter but what for do you need it? I have just swapped to a 1tb SSD and you can load datas from the old through a backup in time machine

    Francesco Malaspina -

    @francesco Time Machine is great until you want a bare metal OSX with your data added to it. In some cases you may want to upgrade a hard drive and put a brand new fresh copy of OSX on it only pull files and folders without pulling the whole directory from your old drive. This is something we in IT do all the time as it gets rid of a ton of background junk that gets backed up that takes up space.

    Josh Ledford - Replica

    Hi, I had a situation with this MacBook Pro. I’m trying to replace the screen. However I sent my MBP (this MBP) to a bad technical services and they removed this protective tape. It’s ok if I leave the SSD without this protective tape???? I appreciate your help!!!

    flaviorrr - Replica

    Hi, im trying to clean my ssd, I’ve heard it is solded sooo can I?

    oscargroenberg - Replica

    Can someone please identify what connector I need to read this SSD? I broke the computer but the drive still works.

    I don’t want to buy/borrow a working model from someone just to put the drive in there and read off the data.

    cats - Replica

  10. Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 11, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 11, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 11, immagine 3 di 3
    • Diamo un'occhiata a che cosa alimenta questa tavoletta di memorizzazione trasversale:

    • 64 GB di memoria flash NAND SanDisk SDRQKBDC4 064G (x4 per un totale di 256 GB).

    • Apple 338S00227

    • MOSFET Texas Instruments 58879D

    • 512 MB di RAM F4432ACPE-GD-F probabilmente Micron

    • Abbiamo un presentimento e guardiamo sotto questo chip.

    • Vittoria! A volte ritornano: il controller SSD Apple 338S00199

    • questa la prima volta che abbiamo visto il controller è SSD super personalizzato di Apple in un SSD PCIe rimovibile. Speriamo nella futura disponibilità di questi cosi per consentire aggiornamenti futuri.

    From the information shown in the OS X, the SSD controller should be the same one used in the MacBook released early 2016. F4432ACPE-GD-F could be 4Gb LPDDR3 from Micron.

    JJ Wu - Replica

    Is this controller proprietary and required for use or will other companies (OWC) be able to provide replacement/larger SSDs for this MBP?

    plink53 - Replica

    It is Apple proprietary NVMe SSD controller.

    JJ Wu -

    Micron has a part number which is similar to F4432ACPE-GD-F.

    F4432ACPE-GD-F could be Micron's 4Gb LPDDR3.

    JJ Wu -

    SSD controller inside Apple Macbook 2016. It is AP0256J.

    SSD controller in the Apple MacBook Pro 2016. It is also AP0256J.

    The difference is PCIe lane numbers. In the MacBook 2016, it is 2-lanes PCIe 3.0 and it is 4-lanes PCIe 3.0 in the MacBook Pro 2016.

    JJ Wu - Replica

    > first time we've seen Apple's … controller in a removable

    Did you not see late 2015 iMac and MacBook Air? Both contain Apple NVMe blades.

    unsubstantiated - Replica

    Recall that Apple purchased Anobit, an Israeli SSD controller company back in 2011.

    Another Guest - Replica

    I haven’t been able to source an enclosure for this type of SSD. Any suggestions on data recovery?

    Ira Jacobs - Replica

    Any luck finding an enclosure?

    David Middleton -

    Did you find anything for this? still looking for that…

    Hossein -

  11. Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 12, immagine 1 di 2 Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 12, immagine 2 di 2
    • Quando iniziamo ad estrarre l'altoparlante, ci imbattiamo in un'altra caratteristica familiare di questo MacBook: le guarnizioni delle viti per ammortizzare le vibrazioni, simile a quelle che si trovano sull'iMac.

    • Immaginiamo che questi altoparlanti sparino più forte delle generazioni precedenti, quindi può essere necessario un sistema di supporto più robusto perché il tuo portatile non porti se stesso oltre il bordo della scrivania.

    • Un altoparlante, due altoparlante, altoparlante nero, altoparlante nero. Questo smontaggio inizia ad essere piacevolmente in rima. - Is the black thing on the left side of the screen just an empty place holder? Thinking of the "Pro" Pro (not this "Air" Pro) models with a dedicated graphic card have two fans, this model should have more space inside.

    Doc Brown - Replica

    If I'm seeing what you're seeing, I think you're talking about the rectangular space where the SSD was connected?

    Sam Goldheart -

    What are the silver round-rectangle things on the edge of the speakers assembly? Are those what actually creates vibration? (I really need to read up on modern speaker technology - my knowledge stops at coil-and-cone speakers..)

    jimwitte - Replica

    Uhh, y’all? A strange feeling, like the boy in a “25 years later” special edition re-visit to the story “The Emperor’s New Clothes” which hasn’t yet happened… I don’t see an audio-producing device there. Also, Mactracker lists three audio-in sources, which stretches credibility.

    iFixIt tear-down guide makers: please make plain how the “stereo audio” works. It’s not ~1996 anno domini anymore, and hooking my Labtec-brand microphone to my compact disc-supporting, stereo AM/FM radio’s headphones jack (and having the mic faintly emit the audio) is not as cool as such once may have been. In actuality, not a reason to be confused regarding “sound senses” of life.

    —Christopher Gautam Hota

    Christopher Hota - Replica

  12. Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 13, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 13, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 13, immagine 3 di 3
    • Vedendo la nostra emozione per la rimozione alla scheda logica (e la quantità di decorazioni e carte regalo già visibile nei negozi tutto il mondo), potreste pensare che Natale sia arrivato con 54 giorni di anticipo.

    • Iniziamo a cercare la "architettura termica avanzata" di cui Apple si è vantata nel suo comunicato stampa esprimendo lo stesso entusiasmo con cui un bambino si lancia sulla sua calza il mattino di Natale.

    • ... Rimaniamo un po' delusi quando scopriamo che in realtà architettura avanzata significa "ricollocazione delle viti del dissipatore termico sul retro della scheda logica".

    • Se ce lo chiedeste, vi diremmo che quella è stato un'affermazione esagerata coraggiosa.

    If you check apple website, the touchbar version has 2 fans instead of one, and th 15 inch has "twice as many blades"

    jozefferko9 - Replica

    Thermal architecture has a lot more than heatsink path area and location to it. It has to do with where the sources are postioned, conductivity and length of the path from sources to sinks, etc. unless you build up thermal models for comparison, I do not think you can claim that this system is not susbstantially different.

    davidtheil - Replica

    Just wondering why is the thermal paste applied just on a portion of the surface. That doesn't bode well for the thermal conductivity between the chip and the heatsink.

    mbaris18 - Replica

    Only those are the chips. The non covered part is the PCB substrate

    dennis97519 -

    Looks like way too much thermal paste to me. Shades of 2011...

    john - Replica

    A lot of people have complained about Apple obsession with overly-thin computers, and would prefer more battery over a 6 mm reduction in thickness any day (myself included). The simplest way would seem to add more battery under the palm rests, and just left the rest to be "wasted space". Would that that necessarily make the thermal properties of the machine as a whole better? Or would it just create air turbulence inside or make things worse - overheating some other component rather than venting the heat to the air that's blown out the hinge slots? Does the MBP 2016 have *any* other air vents other than the slots under the screen hinge and the keyboard? And does the keyboard really do anything in that regard?

    jimwitte - Replica

    I swear that big chip has the same proportions of the Motorola 68000

    dheady - Replica

    Can someone tell me where the Power Pins are?

    Does anyone have the exact size/data of it? I would like to render it…

    Yuna Braska - Replica

    Sony actually used this “advanced architecture” in their PlayStation 3 :-P

    Phillip - Replica

  13. Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 14, immagine 1 di 2 Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 14, immagine 2 di 2
    • Affrontiamo la faccia superiore della scheda logica:

    • Processore Intel Core i5-6360U con Intel Iris Graphics 540

    • DRAM LPDDR3 sincrona ad alta velocità SKhynix H9CCNNNBJTML

    • Modulo Wi-Fi Universal Scientific Industrial 339S025

    • Controller Thunderbolt 3 Intel JHL6540

    • Coppia MOSFET convertitore buck sincrono NexFET Power Block Texas Instruments 58873D

    • Processore fotocamera Broadcom BCM15700A2 camera

    • 512 MB di SDRAM DDR3L Micron MT41K256M16TW-107

    It is not Intel DSL6510 Thunderbolt 3 controller. It it not DSL6540 either.

    From the chip marking, it should be Intel JHL6540 Thunderbolt 3 controller.

    JJ Wu - Replica

    What is the 512MB SDRAM by the Thunderbolt controller for?

    Luke Elliott - Replica

    That is for Broadcom BCM15700A2

    JJ Wu -

    Can you shed more light on WiFi module, like antennas and specs? Cheers

    chipped - Replica

    i5-6460U or i5-6360U?

    Segno - Replica

    There is no i5-6460U

    mosburger -

    can you replace or switch out the CPU or is it soldered onto the logic board?

    Daniel Pan - Replica

    This just a shame. W u line i5 in a 1700$ notebook.

    Rusko Ranchet - Replica

    This model was $1499.

    mosburger -

    Hi, I had a situation with this MacBook Pro. I’m trying to replace the screen. However I sent my MBP (this MBP) to a bad technical services and they removed the protective tape from the LPDDR3 DRAM area. It’s ok if I leave this part without this protective tape???? I appreciate your help!!!

    flaviorrr - Replica

  14. Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 15, immagine 1 di 1
    • Giriamo la scheda logica sul lato inverso e continuiamo a spulciare chip:

    • Alla sua seconda apparizione, ecco la DRAM LPDDR3 sincrona ad alta velocità SKhynix H9CCNNNBJTML

    • Texas Instruments SN650839 66AL7XWGI (come già visto nel MacBook Retina 2016)

    • 2x Texas Instruments CD3215B03 66AQ8YW G1

    • Memoria seriale flash da 64 Mb Winbond SpiFlash W25Q64FV

    • Controller gestione sistema H6ZXRI Texas Instruments TM4EA231

    • Codec audio Cirrus Logic CS42L63A

    • Intersil 95828 HRTZ X630MRR

    Looks like the USB-C jacks have a separate daughter board, which plugs into the system board, or is it soldered? Would be a major repairability feature IMHO

    Arne Schoch - Replica

    Looks like it is soldered, this is going to end up ugly if you manage to break the ports.

    Tom Chai -

    Can anyone please link a (free) datasheet from the Audio Codec chip? I'm curious to sound quality. How the Macbook Pro Retina mid 2015 (13", 15") sound quality is compared to this new (?) one. Thanks.

    Xardas22222 - Replica

    Is there two audio chips from Cirrus Logic? There is Cirrus Logic CS42L63A Audio Codec. And, on the upper right corner, there is one chip next to CS42L63A. It has marking "CIRRUS". Is that also audio codec?

    JJ Wu - Replica

  15. Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 16, immagine 1 di 2 Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 16, immagine 2 di 2
    • Dato il noto coraggio di Apple nel rimuovere le porte, non era irragionevole pensare che il jack cuffie si sarebbe trovato buttato giù dall'autobus prima di questa serie di MacBook Pro.

    • Il jack è miracolosamente sopravvissuto... ma, dato che è una singola unità modulare (con due microfoni collegati) attaccato con nastro al retro della ventola, può essere facilmente abbandonato in favore di un connettore Lightning oppure USB-C al prossimo consiglio tribale lancio di una serie MacBook.

    • A questo punto diamo uno sguardo più da vicino alle griglie dell'altoparlante. La maggior parte dei fori sono in realtà solo delle sporgenze che fingono di essere buchi. I soli fori passanti sono dedicati ai quattro driver degli altoparlanti e ai due microfoni.

    Taping the two microphones to the only moving component of the entire system doesn't seem a brilliant solution.

    Paolo Lorini - Replica

    Placing the two microphones so close to CPU fan is really not a good idea. The other side of the case would be a better place for microphones. Don't understand why Apple makes such a design.

    liq74 - Replica

  16. Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 17, immagine 1 di 2 Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 17, immagine 2 di 2
    • Prima di colpire la il Retina, tiriamo fuori una sofisticata ventola. Dovrebbe essere super silenziosa grazie alla spaziatura asimmetrica tra le sue palette.

    • È interessante notare che, mentre il capo del design Jony Ive mette enfasi sulle "palette della ventola più sottili e spaziate in modo variabile", questa tecnologia era già inclusa in certi modelli MacBook Pro fin dal 2012.

    • C'è anche una notevole spazio non occupato da alcuna paletta: probabilmente si tratta di un'altra folle caratteristica del sistema di dissipazione termica. E inoltre si presenta molto bene nel video.

    So... correct me if I'm wrong but does this mean if one of these fancy fans breaks I have to remove my logic board to replace it? -_-

    turcottesh - Replica

    The space not occupied by blades is called spiral housing and is to increase the pressure recovery and the fan is therefore able to increase the flow. Pretty much standard in normal fans, pumps and turbines.

    Rainer Riegler - Replica

    It's probably not the same design as the touch bar version, as this one much like a improved version of the rMBP13, while the touch bar version are having different lengths of blades (as official website suggested). I'm interested to see what the touch bar version offers.

    Xizhi Ma - Replica

  17. Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 18, immagine 1 di 2 Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 18, immagine 2 di 2
    • È ora di passare nel territorio del display. Scoperchiamo alcune schermature e diamo un'occhiata all'hardware che fa andare questi pixel:

    • B1332BDPA 090BX 1605

    • National Semiconductor 67A800U 49B1-04

    • Texas Instruments 65CLKEI TPS65157

    • ARM Cortex M0 NXP LPC812 + MCU 32-bit

    • IC Bias LCD alta risoluzione Texas Instruments TPS65158

    Is this component called the ‘daughterboard’? Can you purchase this part anywhere? I dont see it listed on the ifixit site unfortunately and i dont know the name of this part

    Thank you!

    Simon - Replica

  18. Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 19, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 19, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 19, immagine 3 di 3
    • Sul bordo del MacBook ci imbattiamo in una barra rilucente (retta da 12 viti Pentalobe P2) che funge anche da antenna.

    • È il sesto tipo di fissaggio! Vi ricordate i giorni in cui potevate aumentare la RAM, raddoppiare lo spazio di memorizzazione e inserire un SSD, tutto questo soltanto con un cacciavite Phillips e un pomeriggio libero? iFixit se lo ricorda.

    • Dietro la staffa dell'antenna, rileviamo della strana meccanica lungo la spina dorsale del Pro.

    • Un meccanismo a molla arrotola un cavo piatto quando il display si chiude e lo srotola quando lo schermo si apre. Sembrerebbe che questo renda un po' più facile chiudere il dispositivo.

    • Forse l'alleggerimento di alcuni grammi dal gruppo display significa che il nuovo MacBook Pro non può contare sulla gravità per chiudersi bene come facevano i modelli precedenti.

    This step may reveal the most significant change in the new MacBook Pro models, and one that I was hoping for as it showed up in the most recently released MacBook Air series. I believe we are looking at a flat molded ribbon cable which is carrying the display signal. And why is that so significant?


    The nasty bundle-of-wires these machines have suffered with for the previous 15 years almost universally wear out after about three years. I have a stack of them, and have replaced this cable in dozens. Once Apple changed to hermetically joining the cable to the display unit, it was very very difficult to replace the cable without mangling the display. So a failed cable would necessitated replacing an otherwise operation display.


    As far as I know, the Pismo was the last pro level Apple laptop to sport the hinge-ribbon-cable arrangement and mine still works great after all this time. Perhaps in spite of the ram being soldered down, Apple has at last produced a worthy laptop?

    ciradrak - Replica

    This may be the most significant change in the new model. It looks like there is a flat ribbon cable to carry the video signal. Those are far more durable than the nasty bundle-of-wires which Apple laptops have been cursed with for the last 15 years. I might bother to buy one.

    ciradrak - Replica

    I see the base model has now a 2x2 wifi module, whereas the model year before had 3x3, if I remember correctly.

    Steven Zhang - Replica

    "...held in by 12 P2 Pentalobe screws...That's the 6th kind of bit."

    No, it isn't the 6th kind. The back was held on by pentalobes.

    If you mean the 6th kind/size combination, then every notebook, tower, rack server I've ever had would qualify.

    alex - Replica

    the Pismo was the last pro level Apple laptop to sport the hinge-ribbon-cable arrangement

    So Apple used a better ribbon cable arrangement with the Pismo, and then moved *back* to the budle-of-wires-that-always-breaks?! (And it seems like a ribbon cable would also be easier to make)

    jimwitte - Replica

    Bad news. I have one of these, and after 18 months the display has failed due to the ribbon cable/flexible PCB going open circuit. The bend radius on the flex-PCB is about 2.5 mm, which is pretty small for long term durability, even if the thickness and materials of the PCB are optimal. (Dynamic flex-PCB designs typically use a radius of 5-15 mm for long life.) In contrast, my old Apple laptops (10+ years old) haven’t suffered from this sort of problem, so it’s not clear to me that this change is actually an improvement and not another step backwards in the pursuit of thinness.

    Graeme Gill - Replica

    The spring mechanism to tension the flat cable is probably to stop it kinking as it slides in and out of the slot in the base. This makes it a “pull” when moving in both directions, rather than a “pull” on open and “push” on close. A kink might stop the display closing, and would probably ruin the cable.

    Graeme Gill - Replica

    What screws are these really? People keep saying they are 1.1mm P2s, but I cant find a driver for that anywhere.

    Nathan Morris - Replica

  19. Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 20, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 20, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 20, immagine 3 di 3
    • Passiamo oltre lo smontaggio del display stesso—ci siamo passati in precedenza— e quindi che ne dite invece di una bella vista a raggi X? Qui si può vedere la scheda della fotocamera corso lungo cavo dati, il logo metallico Apple e per fine piccoli magneti incorporati nel coperchio per la funzionalità sleep/wake.

    • Stacchiamo delicatamente dal display l'intelaiatura sventrata della tastiera/case superiore e diamo un'occhiata da vicino al notevole nuovo sistema di cerniere.

    • Qualche volta dell'hardware che può sembrare del tutto standard si merita un "Oh!" o un "Ah!". Queste piccole parti di precisione sono probabilmente stampate a iniezione, metodo che consente di realizzare parti più piccole e precise.

    • La cosa più importante è che si possono produrre parti molto più complesse con meno spreco rispetto alle tradizionali lavorazioni a macchina, cosa che per noi rappresenta un'idea vincente.

    what's the material of injection molded hinges?

    Jin Choi - Replica

    Hopefully LiquidMetal!

    SJDragonetti -

    Btw, thanks again for the informative teardown!

    Jin Choi - Replica

    Having had hinge problems once with a Gateway laptop, these in the new MacBook look durable.

    Larry Nolan - Replica

    The Apple logo plate seems (in the x-ray picture) to have a horizontal divide about a quarter of the way down, passing between the fruit and the stem.

    What's that about?

    alex - Replica

    > horizontal divide, between the fruit

    Maybe a sign that Apple is "cutting the stem"? Not sure if that's good or bad though.. Or maybe Apple does (is planning) to use the same "stem" piece of the inlay in other products with a bigger "apple" part, and this allows for the one piece of the metal inlay to be reused or is easier to make?

    jimwitte -

    Can you remove the apple logo? Can it be replaced with a clear logo to make it illuminate like the previous model?

    Shawn B - Replica

  20. Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 21, immagine 1 di 2 Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 21, immagine 2 di 2
    • I tasti Butterfly 2.0 sono certamente cambiati! Guardate questa piacevole rivoluzione all'interno della famiglia MacBook/MakBook Pro (con tasti funzione).

    • I tasti del Pro (prima immagine) sono un po' più alti sui bordi, cosa che rende più facile trovare i tasti stessi con le dita.

    • L'interruttore a cupola sotto il meccanismo a farfalla sembra anche essere più robusto e meglio accoppiato al tasto fisico di quelli del MacBook (seconda immagine).

    LoL this keycap is broken, just like what happened every time I tried to clean the keyboard.

    Fei Song - Replica

    Does iFixit have the resources/equipment to determine a metal alloy's composition? I'm asking here because of Apple's patents on "Liquidmetal" things like dome switches, hinges, and springs inside Taptic engines. Some LM fans swear that the patents mean that Apple actually uses them in products, but we never see that disclosed in teardowns.

    Retiarius - Replica

    Yes, good question. I need to see a return on my massive LQMT investment!

    SJDragonetti -

    Apple has definitely used liquid metal in products. In particular on the release tool for the iPhone / iPad SIM trays.

    alex -

    > I need to see a return on my massive LQMT investmen

    Yes! Since early August to now, because of the MBP, Liquidmetal gained a whole *2 cents*! From 0.15 to 0.17!

    jimwitte -

    How easy would it be for someone to remove and replace the keys? Say for a different keyboard layout.

    trumpettj - Replica


    I'd really appreciate it if ifixit were to try this for me before I ruin my new MacBook Pro with touch bar.

    trumpettj -

    Are each keys individually LED backlit like MacBook or some other lighting mechanism ?

    Azaz Patel - Replica

    Hopefully those are of better quality. Those newer MBP have keys that flat that the surface is quickly torn down (partly missing surface by abrasion or poor quality after 10 months was considered by Apple service as normal and out of warranty)

    Martin - Replica

    Can you share how the key can be displaced? (I need to change the location of some keys.)

    Musto - Replica

    I tried gently prying one with a guitar pick and it cracked. Had to send it in for a repair a mere week after purchasing it :(

    matthewyaple -

    Do function keys ("f" row) have the same locking method as the one on the photo?

    Something is stuck underneath one of the keys on my Mac =(

    phoganov - Replica

    I resolved my issue with a stuck key. I used compressed air can to blow everything from underneath the button and now it works perfectly!

    phoganov -

    Did you remove any of the keys or just blow air towards the key from the side? Think i have the same problem with my spacebar... :(

    anderswennberg5 -

    I unfortunately sloshed some coffee onto my keyboard, first time in twenty years I have screwed up like this. Apple wants $620 for the "repair". Would greatly appreciate a little more information on safely removing and replacing keys.

    Eric Jacobsen - Replica

    ... for example, though it is clear that pressure needs to be applied from all four corners, it would be useful to know if the prying should happen from the sides, or the top and bottoms of the keys.

    Eric Jacobsen -

    I wonder is the butterfly 2 actually "rubber-free?" Which means it's all plastic, so there's no worry about the aging.

    Xizhi Ma - Replica

    In what order do the bottom cover screws go, there seems to be 3 sizes?

    kmf2000 - Replica

    Follow a guide like this one. iFixit teardowns are not meant to be used as instructions.

    Jeff Suovanen -

  21. Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 22, immagine 1 di 2 Smontaggio MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys versione fine 2016: passo 22, immagine 2 di 2
    • E per il gran finale: Tutti i meravigliosi componenti insieme!

    • Non dimenticate che Apple ha delle immagini (con superfici lisce...) generate al computer delle parti interne delle sue nuove macchine, ma noi vi facciamo vedere la cosa reale! Le immagini a raggi X ad alta risoluzione di oggi vi sono state fornite dall'ottimo team di Creative Electron.

  22. Considerazioni Finali
    • Si può rimuovere il trackpad senza aver prima tolto la batteria.
    • Le viti di tipo proprietario pentalobe continuano a rendere inutilmente difficile l'apertura del dispositivo.
    • Il gruppo batteria è completamente, e molto solidamente, incollato al case; questo complica la sostituzione.
    • La RAM è saldata alla scheda logica. Se non paghi subito l'aggiornamento, rimarrai bloccato per sempre con 8 GB. Non c'è alcuna possibilità di effettuare l'upgrade successivamente.
    • Il disco proprietario SSD PCIe non è ancora un drive standard. Incrociate le dita nella speranza di futuri dischi compatibili; per ora dovrete tenervi quello che avete.
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66 Commenti

So, no dual-fan thermal architecture for the non-touchbar version

ant0225 - Replica

This version (non touchbar) is also using TDP 15W CPUs. The 13" one with touchbar is using TDP 28W CPUs (and has probably two fans).

therealmarv -

@chenyu apple's press renders and product site show the 13 inch mb pro with 2 fans

friendsrock80 -

Dual fan is found on the 13" MacBook pro with a touch bar becuase the TDP on the CPU is much higher. (28W). It's also in the 15" MacBook Pro with an 80W TDP, and bigger heat pipes.

Finally, It's a bit sad that you guys didn't compare this year's heat sinks to last years. Do some flow rate testing on the fans, and give us dimensions and weight of the heat sinks from last year to this year. Without making any proper measurements, you cannot make *any* claims about the thermal system being "advanced" or not.

Winter Charm - Replica

It seems, like the version with the Touchbar will have redesigned speakers and up to 2.5x louder bass. This version without Touchbar has definitely no subwoofers shown on the MacBook Pro web page at

Niko Millo - Replica

What display panel they use?

Abedoss - Replica

Previously you have provided straight down shots of the MacBook Pro insides before disassembly - but this time you did not. Can you please be more consistent? I like to use these images as background wallpaper.

Eric - Replica

Expertly done with an entertaining mix of beautiful photos, comedy, and shameless iFixit product plugs. Thanks for the effort, guys, and well done as always.

techt - Replica

Now put it all back together and see if it still works

iwbarker - Replica

Urgh. When Apple first moved to PCI-E SSDs, the proprietary connector was understandable because the SATA consortium had fallen behind where Apple wanted to go.

But now, you can carry as much PCI-E bandwidth as Apple wants over a standardized m.2 slot.

Having yet another proprietary Apple pinout is quite annoying, considering. The cost of upgrading my mid 2014 rMBP 15's SSD is still absurdly high owing to that.

tipoo - Replica

It is absurd. The M.2 standard is just fine for everyone. I have no idea why Apple's priority is on skinny.

Steven Zhang -

I don't mean to sound snide, but if you buy an Apple device, you can hardly complain, because you know that Apple purposely designs planned obsolescence in their hardware. Apple introduced almost every bad practice, which the rest of the ICT industry is now copying:

1. Proprietary connectors for SSD (first Mac Air)

2. Soldered RAM (first Mac Air)

3. Soldered CPU (first Mac Air)

4. Non-removable battery which is glued to case (and sometimes soldered connection) (first iPod, first Mac Air, first iPhone)

5. Metal unibody case

6. Sealed case with custom screws

7. No expandable memory in high-end phones and media players (first iPod, first iPhone)

8. All glass front cover which is prone to cracking (first iPhone)

9. Thinnest edge bezel which decreases protection from drops (iPhone 4)

10. Glass back (iPhone 4)

11. All thin as possible

Once Apple does it, the rest of the industry copies it, because Apple has the highest profits and receives the best reviews. For this reason, I boycott Apple products.

amosbatto -


I don't think planned obsolesce is planned for most of Apple's devices. E.g., the iPad 2 was still supported as of this moment through iOS 9.3.5. I do not know of any other tablets from 2011 that are actively updated by their makers today. The iPhones and iPods are the same. Soldered CPUs were introduced by Intel, who phased out PGA-type of CPU interconnects beginning with transition to BGA. Soldered RAM is a double edged sword - while you can't upgrade, you can max out to 16GB of RAM (which is default for a few years now on the 15" MBP), as well, Intel supports faster memory clocks on LPDDR3, which is not available as SODIMMs. As DDR3 SODIMMS are limited to 8GB/DIMM, this isn't an issue. You were never going to be able to upgrade beyond 16GB in the first place as higher density DIMMS are only for DDR4+. The batteries have been a common trend in portable devices since MP3 players. I support Gorilla Glass-types of screen covers as they withstand usage better than polycarbonate.

Steven Zhang -

Steven Zhang

"It is absurd. The M.2 standard is just fine for everyone."

It clearly isn't fine for everyone, or Apple would be using it.

Why is a hard call, but given Apple's use of a custom SSD controller, they could be doing things that other interface architectures simply don't support.

Owning the whole chain, end to end, opens up all sorts of possibilities, for example for speeding up virtual memory paging related I/O. If that were the case, then I doubt that Apple would tell you anything other than that it's much faster in some situations, as indeed they did.

alex -

Huh. Looks like only the 15" got the half length fan fins between each full one? Or maybe just Touchbar models? Which would be a bit penny pinch-ey for the latter case, but either way they introduced it as if each new MacBook Pro had it...

tipoo - Replica

Is the Wifi indeed 2x2 now ? It was 3x3 before.

Steven Zhang - Replica

Hi iwas thinking about buy a new macbook pro, Which recommend me, new macbookpro 13" 256gb no touch bar or macbook pro retina 256gb 13"? because it looks like the new version is worst than new one isn`t it?

javierdelkas - Replica


The graphics, the monitor and the touchpad are much nicer in the new Macbook Pro 13". If you treasure any of those, go for the new one.

Steven Zhang - Replica

People asking about graphics decisions in Apple's laptop line just need to think about 1 piece of information - TDP 15/28W for the Intel processors. The Radeon Pro 400 series in the 15" MBP has a TDP "less than 35W". People clamoring (like me initially) for dreams of a Pascal based nVidia 1060/1080 realize the GTX1060 mobile has a TDP of 75W....I would venture that is near or exceeds the TDP for the entire system. This is in line with the 900M series, but provides desktop GPU performance, but

Apple did use the 750M at a TDP of 50W in the 2014 Retina 15" MBP, the the machines have gotten thinner since that time.

Jon Steuernagle - Replica

hi all, is the 3,5 audio jack just and normal jack or is it "hiding" the TOSlink digital audio interface as previous model?

on the Apple products page is not specifically written as on previous MacBook Pro...

diendi - Replica

I also would like to know if the audio jack is capable of optical out! Previous MacBook Pro stated that in the Tech Specs but the latest version does not mention optical out. Thanks!

Sebastian - Replica

@diendi and @Superkloton: Regarding digital audio, here's a screenshot of the system report from my early 2011 MacBook Pro, which clearly shows the S/PDIF hardware—alongside the system report from the new MacBook Pro Escape, which... doesn't. Based on this, I'd say Apple dropped the digital audio out and wants you to run everything through Thunderbolt/USB-C.

Jeff Suovanen -

@jeffsu Thank you, I think this is true. In the meantime, more reports regarding this surfaced saying it doesn’t have optical out.

Sebastian -

Does the new Universal Scientific Industrial 339S025 wifi support MU-MIMO?

Harold Ront - Replica

is it possible to change the physical keyboard layout from the us to the german version?

philippwehlen - Replica

Is the machine completely sealed, or where air gets out of the chassis? If it has some cavities where air gets out of the chassis, can air (and dust) also get in? How the chassis is similar to, or different from the previous design in this regard?

Doc Brown - Replica

Based on the tear down, I would say that the cooling system is similar to the pre-2013 MBPs in the way it moves air. It sucks air in from the hinge area and exhausts it via a different portion of the hinge area. This system is less dust-prone compared to the 2013+ models where there are additional slats near the sides to aid cooling. Those slats point downwards and from typical usage (laptop on laps, laptop on bed, laptop on table, etc), the downward pointing nature of the intake picks up a lot of fine fibers and dust from whatever surface is beneath the laptop. I noticed this exact behavior on my 2013 MBP as compared to the earlier 2011 MBP (without slats and hinge-only intake and exhaust).

Steven Zhang -

Anyone know the charger system for four port of USB-C?

Joy Chen - Replica

Apple fanboy defending the scam tech. Its funny how they react despite a doomed technology.

While most of us learn, research, evaluate and value the innovation such as Microsoft and enjoy our life as a mortal being.

Why become a sheep when your life is short and they "apple" don't even bother about your existence?

In the end, It doesn't matter at all.

jlieu92 - Replica

I have no idea what you are trying to say. What is "scam tech" ? What makes it "doomed" ? Microsoft innovative ? Your post is full of hyperbole. It sounds like you became a sheep with a different ranch.

Steven Zhang -

Strange then that Microsoft has been remodelling their whole business to be more like Apple, e.g. producing complete systems that they control from end to end, and largely failing, e.g. effectively writing off their Nokia acquisition.

alex -

You sound like the opposite of me... I have a high IQ, that means you probibly don't ;)

Gigabit87898 -

Where is iCloud/ find my mac chip in this bord?

Vishnu - Replica

Why do you want to know?

Gigabit87898 -

Do you mean the Winbond SpiFlash ?

Kevin Gill - Replica

Well, Apple is so fed fat with its 'iDevices', that there is no need to build decent computers anymore, as they used to! I guess, its just a matter of time until they sell out the computer section to Lenovo / Dell! ( That would be a real win! )

Me, myself, I call these 'new' model the ultimate 'iCrap' ! Before spending that amount of bucks, i'd rather get a Dell Core i 5/7 Laptop & build myself a Hackintosh

Alexander deLarge - Replica

You're so right. Still using my 2012 15 inch non retina MBP with 2,6 GHz i7, expanded with 1 TB SSD and 2 TB HDD + 16 GB RAM. And until they make an actual laptop again and not tablet which happens to have a keyboard attached I'm not buying anything else. Sadly that probably won't ever happen again, so I hope it works another 4-5 years from now.

Andy -

me I am already feeling the need to replace my '08 Alu and I am already considering going the Linux way all the way and be done with this new ultra thin and shiny Dark Empire with the rest of iStuff to get out of the picture along my core Alu machine

MiKa -

Very detailed and humorous teardown; thanks!

franklyanne - Replica


thanks for the nice teardown. One question, the fan, can it be replaced without removing the logic board? With my past laptops I always had to replace moving parts, but I really don't like to touch too many flat cable or the logic board. So I wonder how complicated it will be to replace the fan once will it be completely covered with dust...



Duc Bao Ta - Replica

You must remove the logic board, because the screws for the fan are on the opposite side. However, Apple's modern fans are very long lasting and the hinge-intake airflow design is much less prone to dust build up than laptops with air intakes at the bottom. You should be able to just remove the back panel and blow compressed air into the heatsink from the outside to release all the dust and fiber buildup.

Steven Zhang -

OMG! What futurist crap! New ssd patern, from sandisk! And what is this crazy USB-c thing? Maybe next decade I buy a only USB-c computer

Alber Einsten - Replica

I bet that future third party SSD will appear like those forecmacbook air.

The MacBook Pro with touch bar can't have any chance for ssd upgrade.

However all chips can be replaced with a little experience and proper tools.

Agnostos Gnostos - Replica

however, the basic reason to buy an Apple machine is to NOT have to mess with its hardware/software that much particularly when you have to pay north of 1,857.87€

MiKa -

So each time you trip over the USB-C charging cable you pocket out good $$ for a new motherboard? Way to go, Apple!

MiKa - Replica

Apple has ALWAYS created things that were different, always did things that were different than the rest of the industry. Back then Apple was considered a niche market and most of the industry pundits wrote Apple off as oddballs with a cult-like following. Back then Apple bucked the industry standards. Back then Apple was still the "little guy"... Back before the release of the iPod and the iPhone. Apple wasn't really considered to be much competition to the market which left a huge share for all the other players.

Microsoft was the guys to beat and everyone hated on every thing they did and you were a drone if you used that OS. Amazing how things have changed... but actually, how much they've stayed the same. People love to hate on the guy at the top of the heap.

David Doyle - Replica

Is it possible to replace the usb-c ports without replacing the motherboard? Is there a separate small board with usb-c on the motherboard or not?

Evgeny - Replica

I would have liked to have seen if the camera indicator LED is powered from the same source as the camera itself. This is an important security feature in other MacBooks, and only iFixit can keep Apple accountable as we move forward. Still got that display lying around?

iEvan - Replica

I've had this problem with the 12" macbook. A speck of dust broke the shift key within 3 weeks, so I got a full refund since it was covered under the Australian Consumer Laws 30 day return policy, since Apple won't admit the structural fault in their new butterfly style keyboards.

I then got the 13" macbook pro 2016 with a "new and improved" butterfly keyboard to have the same thing happen 2 weeks after purchase. Returned it again, got another one.

I'm just going to repeat this process every 30 days until the next model is released, hopefully then the newer model won't be so susceptible to flecks of household dust.

Or I start using my macbooks in a hermetically sealed room with a cryovac suit on.

Here is a conversation with Applecare about the problem that Apple refuses to identify when you go in store with stuck keys:

sinphild - Replica

How simple is it to clean logic board corrosion on this model? What are the minimum components to remove before you have access to the logic board?

paul.hanna - Replica

2017 model have removable SSD?

nicholasaujalay - Replica

2017 non touch bar with removable SSD?

Martin Langer - Replica

to just take the display top off do you have to still do a complete teardown?

swimmer35 - Replica

No, but you do have to remove the airport/bluetooth antenna, which is held in with 0.8mm pentalobe screws.

So, disable auto boot on logic board (through terminal command)

Then remove bottom case

Then disconnect battery

Then remove antenna

Then remove display.

Make sure the display cables fold the correct way, as they are extremely delicate. I’ve seen people break them by twisting or pulling too hard

Jon Ridley -

Wish that there was a complete photo of the bottom cover removed.

jman - Replica

I’m rebuilding one of these with a new logic board, but the keyboard isn’t working. Can someone point me to where the keyboard is connected?

tencentcat - Replica

Did you ever find where it’s connected? I have the exact same problem?

JP Hansen -

I love these black PCB’s. That looks so expensive and dope!

Adam Siekierski - Replica

@jeffsu you saved my day and a macbook pro.. The cable was not mounted right.. and all are working now.. THX!!

JP Hansen - Replica

Why would you publish a tear down, and for not go through the steps to actually do this properly? You just leave certain steps that are crucial to the tear down our but not mention it???? As well as only give a partial tool list??? What a joke you guys are!!! A &&^&^$^ joke!!! I won’t ever come to these “teardown” and “how-to” guides by again!! More like imabitchtit.cum on my face &&^& you guys.

Doji 1 Stop - Replica

Actualmente hay un adaptador disponible en Amazon para aumentar la capacidad del SSD, junto con un SSD Sabrent M.2 2242!

Gregorio Alvarado Sahli - Replica

Is there a guide to replacing the Fan on this model somewhere?

Francois Moisan - Replica

Do you have a guide to replace the upper shell with keyboard and battery attached? I have a full assembly. The keyboard in this and subsequent similar designs is terrible. Whoever thought wider keys is better is nuts just to mention one issue.

Jerry - Replica

it seems that you guys forgotten to introduce controllers on the keyboard…

Eli Song - Replica

I updated my SSD to a 2TB NVMe. Works like a dream and is blazing-fast!

Rich Hoyle - Replica

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