The trigger could be jammed for two reasons. Either a disc is lodged in the barrel or there is dirt jammed underneath the trigger. In order to clear the lodged disc, pull the barrel slide located on the top right hand side of the gun with the gun barrel pointing down. The disc should be released and the trigger should pull back. To clear the dirt, you will need to take apart the gun. Clean the dirt with a toothpick or cotton swab. For more information, reference the Troubleshooting guide. You may also need the spring replacement guide.
If your slide is not moving back completely, it could be lodged. Find instructions on how to dislodge your slide in the slide dislodgment guide. Your slide may also have dirt built up within the track. Unscrew the outer slide screws and remove the slide pieces to access the slide track. Clean out the dirt with toothpicks or cotton swabs. For additional information, reference the Troubleshooting guide.
If your discs aren't firing properly, the bolt may be the issue. Try firing the gun with no discs, and if the gun rattles or squeaks, your bolt is probably broken. Reference the bolt replacement guide for more information. Another reason could be that the slide is lodged. Refer to the slide dislodgment guide for solutions. A dirty barrel could also cause faulty disc firing. To clean the barrel, run water through it and remove dirt with toothpicks or cotton swabs. For more information, reference the Troubleshooting guide.