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Yup if you are condensing that much water it must be working. Here in Colorado condensation is not a huge factor with relative humidity at no greater than 30% so I rarely need to empty the resivoir. As for designing some sort of filter for the lower condenser side some sort of mesh taped over the lower fins would al least stop the larger dander and particles from ingressing into the unit- if you are reading this I have every confidince a DIY'er can figure something out similar to the magnetic strip-mesh that works great on a modern desktop these days...:)
I'm still amazed that they can sell this unit with no filtering in the lower system. The only way to fix this is to open it up to clean it. Might be a built in obsolescence to keep people buying these when they stop working too well- who knows? All I can say for sure is this is a terrible design and it will clog up if not cleaned every so often.
The lower cooling fins need to be cleaned completely on both the front and the back. I did not try to go into the other side with the fan system, but cleaned the heck out of everything I could with the vacuum and brush.
It seems that the display IS fused to the glass on the pebble time steel- at least the gold version is- I have pictures to prove it. The display and bezel are slightly different than the pebble time as well. The battery on the pebble steel has a 250mAH battery which is why it lasts a bit longer as well. And I have no idea how I'm going to find a replacement screen for this model as I'm not seeing them anywhere to buy.
as far as I can tell the screen/digitizers look identical. It would be nice if the surface 2 pictures were high enoughresolution to confirm this- but they are not. Since nobody is willing to pull these apart based on the glue/ and very expensive replacement part ($300.00!!!) we will have to wait and see.