My name is Lori Bagala-De Marco, and I am currently a Junior at California State University, Bakersfield, majoring in Anthropology and Biology. I completed my Associate Degrees in Anthropology and Liberal Arts at Bakersfield College in 2021.
I am 63 years old, and my husband Mike and I moved to Bakersfield to care for my mother in 2016. I was a Certified Massage Therapist and multi-certified Personal Trainer, but COVID-19 limited that career. Hence, I chose to enroll at Bakersfield College to complete my college degree dream. My academic goal is to live long enough to become Dr. Lori De Marco, International Fossil Hunter.
One of my proudest roles is serving as a Youth Coordinator at a local non-profit. Here, I dedicate my time and energy to guiding high schoolers through their transition to adulthood, assisting them in research and civil policy advocacy. It's safe to say, they keep me on my toes and constantly learning. However, the achievement I hold closest to my heart is my grandchildren. They are unique, intelligent, and humorous individuals who can wrap me around their little fingers.
As for this course, while I am not repair-savvy, I have successfully installed home computers, entertainment systems, and, back in the day, Beta, VHS, and DVD players without any problems. I have also unclogged a garbage disposal or two, and last week, I replaced the internal workings of a toilet. I'm uncomfortable with anything electrical, but I'll take on a plumbing or automotive job anytime.
This course will improve my writing skills as more research and technical documents are looming in my academic career. Let's get started!
Certified Massage Therapist
NASM Certified Personal Trainer
NASM Mixed Martial Arts Conditioning Specialist
YogaFit Level One Trainer
Certified TRX Instructor
ACE Group Fitness Instructor
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Lori Bagala-De Marco
My name is Lori. I am 63 years old and a Junior at California State University, Bakersfield, majoring in Anthropology and Biology. I am from the San Francisco Bay Area and have lived in Bakersfield with my husband since 2016. I love to travel and fossil hunt.
California State University Bakersfield, Team 5-1, Chiang Spring 2024
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