My Beats Pill 1.0 that I bought brand new last week turned out to be a flop it worked fine the first night the second day when I charged it it started crackling out of the left side speakers and now all four speakers play but I do very low volume I think it may be a faulty connection I think somebody took it apart I didn't connect it the speaker's back together correctly Stoddard
I bought a brand new Beats Pill 1.0 online last week the first night it seemed to work all right the next day I charged it I plugged it in and it was crackling on the left hand side from the front and now the whole volume of both sides very low but it is still getting a Bluetooth connectivity I tried to reset it by holding the baby and the power button to get this thing in the back to flag it would not reset that way any suggestions I meant it is for a lot of money I paid $170 I thought I was getting a brand new device
I bought my speaker online it was working fine the first night the second day it was working fine for a couple minutes then it started crackling and now it hardly gets any sound I think it's a loose connection can anybody help me with this