How to remove management from school chromebook
I want to use my asus chromebook C202SC for stuff like youtube and stuff but i found out its managed by an extension called “GoGuardian” later on and i can’t uninstall it so i need to unenroll.I have tried ESC+REFRESH+POWER thingy but it is still managed so can somebody help me? I have to do this because at the end of my school i will give it to my younger brother so he can use it for gaming but all websites are blocked.Please help? If so then thanks!
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22 Commenti
This works up to 2022. Press Esc, Refresh, and Power; Next press Ctrl-d, next press enter than press enter again and done.
da Jayden Cintron
how to do it in 2023 please!!!
da Christopher Daley
ctrl refresh power then ctrl d then enter or space
da Toby Richardson
its not working
da Zienaldin Sadik
yea it aint. it just rebooted the device, the administration is still there
da Liviela Taukava
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