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The ZTE ZMax Pro is identified by its black color, rear fingerprint sensor and its model name, Z981, which can be found under the rear case.

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Getting a message Unfortunately Stock Android has stopped working

ZTE ZMax Pro z981

When I reboot my phone I will continuously get a message on my screen saying "Unfortunately Stock Android has stopped working". I have looked everywhere and spent a couple hours on the net looking for responses on how to fix this with no response... I also cannot get my phone to update using system update.. Any idea on how to fix this would be greatly appreciated..

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I have reset to ' factory' and it is still phone acts crazy cause of this please any help is appreciated about to buy a new phone but I love this one!!


I have the same problem, and I have the same phone as you. The problem started when an update was installed. Not a good idea to update it seems. I hope someone can answer this question. I will check with ZTE and MetroPCS next. It is so annoying!


I am having the same problem as you, and I have the same phone as you. The problem started after a system update was installed. Very annoying. I will contact ZTE and/or MetroPCS if no one can answer our question.


I have reset, refreshed, and took the phone to metro headquarters and no one and nothing can fix this problem so live with it as I do or waste money in yet another phone that will most likely have some sort of other glitch...the new zte blade sucks too....the camera stops working on that one....all their phones suck


Problem solved....go to settings....go to apps....go to stock Android....go to notifications.....make sure all notification boxes are phone has been perfect since doing this....if it happens again after a reboot then just do it again


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I have had the some error message and I went to my settings screen from there to the apps up to the 3dots show system down to Android stock data swap dates back to Android stock storage dump cache and the data this should reset you home screen

Hope this helps


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By doing that, will I lose anything that I saved to my home screen or any apps from my phone?


Worked great! Thank you for the correct answer


Thanks for the help. It did stop that message from popping up. I couldn't even move from one thing to another because the message constantly popped up. I lost everything I saved on my home screen though. When I tried to put the things back on the home screen, the message popped up again. So now I can't save anything to my home screen but at least the message is gone.


Just an update...I found an app that will allow you to put websites on your home screen. It's working great. I can add websites to my home screen now through the app.


Could you clarify the directions to fix this problem? Your answer is all run together and I can't make sense of it. Sorry


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go to settings/apps/stock android/turn on "block notifications".

seemed to work for me. the message doesn't seem to affect functionality of the phone

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Thx, I didn't block entirely for starters , instead I disabled the peeking function....


Hello people !, I have an issue with my zte ,and that is when I'm using the phone and my battery low comes on I plug in the wall like everyone does .then I keep using the phone,all of sudden it pops up again now my battery is lower then it was , another problem is I put my phone on charge last night woke up and it was at 16% I said to myself that's bull#!?@ can anyone tell me how to fix it. Oh by the way this is my second phone my first one about 1 1/2 months ago my first phone did almost the same thing it just stopped charging .at least I had the warranty still in effect ,that's how I got this second one now almost the same I hope I made since to everyone thanks ,,,merry Christmas yall


Get a charger that has a 2 amp or higher rating...many aftermarket units don't have enough UMPPH to charge the larger, more capable smartphones !!!


Just had the same frustrating problem. Turns out the charging "cord" was kinked at one end or the other or both causing the wires inside to loosen or lose connection with each other.

Went to TMOBILE last night, replaced just the cord (not the square end with the USB port and plug) for $30, AND PROBLEM FIXED!!!

Just so u know, my original charger-cord did not look broken or kinked - T Mobile found the problem by testing my phone using a brand new cord, *but still inserting it into my original USB plug in piece that plugs into the wall - saving me money by not having to purchase both.

Hope this helps



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I corrected this in my phone by going to apps then stock Android app. Click on storage and clear it completely. It will default your home screen shortcuts setup but the issue got resolved.

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Yo I have the zte pro was messing with wallpapers etc and all sudden I had same issues.. what I did was just go into settings find the stock Android in apps go in it delete the data from it and restart phone and it hasn't been back

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how to fix ZTE zmax pro issues. I have Metro PCS.

1. Visual voicemail...there are 2 types. One comes from ZTE,the other from Metro. The Metro type is much better and is already included. Go to call settings /voicemail/visual voicemail and turn it off. Then activate the metro app. Some people get the Metro app and think the switch in call settings is for that. It's confusing to be sure.

2. MMS failures....first check that your APN is correct. Settings/cellular network/access point names. Go here . If it's wrong change it. In your texting app make any necessary changes . Then see if there is a setting for Stagefright..if so TURN IT OFF. This the main cause of failures.

3.Stock android (or other apps) has stopped. The problem is in the home screen. Download a launcher called Evie. Or try another one if you like but I can vouch for this one. If you want to recreate your homescreen take screenshots beforehand. Evie is very easy to use and has great settings and customization. You will not get themes,emojis etc that kids prefer. But it will get rid of the problems. Evie does not come with multiple blank screens. To add a screen drag an app to the right. You can switch off the options in the Stock android settings but the issues will return if it remains as your launcher.

I hope this info helps.

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I reset the phone and then I installed Evie launcher. These issues seems to be caused by the home screen. I have not had any problems since. Take screenshots of your home screen and remake them in Evie. It happens to be a great launcher too. by Ted B

JUST BE SURE TO FOLLOW HIS INSTRUCTIONS CLOSELY ESPECIALLY THE PART: (Take screenshots of your home screen and remake them in Evie.)





Do I take out my SIMS card SD Card before I reset my phone


It worked for me! Thanks Anthony. I tried all the other suggestions to get fix the "Unfortunately Stock Android has stopped working" problem and installing the Evie Launcher is the only thing that worked for my ZTE Z981.


How do you take a screenshot?


Ppwer button and volume down button at the same time, screen shot done.


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Go to apps, then choose Stock Android, when you click on it choose "clear data". You will not lose anything however your shortcuts on home page are gone. You have Not lost anything, only the shortcuts. You can go click your menu button and restore if you want. To elaborate if you are like me you have opened up unknown sources and downloaded kkodi or something and it has bypassed your system security and infected. I had the same prob for months and it drove me up the wall. I had searched everywhere and could find nothing. I went to my carrier and all they did was search something on their computer and clear cache only and put settings to no peeking. I was ready to use mine for a doorstop but it was too thin. I loved it but it was making me crazy. If this helps 1 person I will be happy.

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I was having the same issue since the last update in 2017 like everyone else. I saw the answer about deleting the data for Stock Android under settings/Apps and it worked. But it wiped out the layout of may apps.

I started putting them back a little at a time, including widgets, without incident. Then I tried to put a bookmarked webpage through Chrome to the homepage and within 30 seconds it the Stock Android error popped up. I deleted the link and it was fine. I then tried adding another link to the homepage and it crashed again.

After deleting the homepage link, I downloaded FireFox. Then I added a link through it to the homepage for the same website and it's working fine without Stock Android crashing.

I hope this helps someone. It worked for me.

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I agree. It started doing it when I added to links on homepage. After trying other fixes and researching I have deleted them and so far it hasn't popped up. I will try the Firefox though. Thank you for the feedback.


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it is a software issue. a factory reset may not fix the problem. you may need to flash the software on the device by downloading the OEM Stock ROM and download Odin and put the device into download mode and flash the software. Tutorial guides can be found on Youtube it is not very difficult to do. but backup all your data first.

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This answer is not correct or even usable for most people. The problem DOES have to do with the launcher and home screen. I didn't have to reset anything to stop the barrage of quirks my ZTE was torturing me with, I just downloaded Evie for free and BINGO! All of the "stock Android" $@$* ENDED!!!


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The problem is with your home screen. A soft or hard reset will not solve the problem. Modifying the stock android app will not help either. Your apps are not causing the problem. There is nothing wrong with facebook app or any other app. Yes there is a glitch...a minor glitch that is causing this pop up to appear "android stock rom has stopped working". I've been at this for 6 months trying to solve this problem. I've done so much research and have found that a lot of people are having this issue. Whatever you do don't throw away your phone. There was an update that was issued in June of 2017. It did affect some phones but not all.

First of all the issue is with the default home screen. IF you follow my instructions correctly the problem will be solved. You will not see that pop-up appear again. When you are on your phone make sure you are on the home screen. Click on the little circle to make sure (not the white one with 6 dots). You will need to have another page with apps opened so you can move them over to the right. On that page "not default" remove all of the apps except for one that way your will have two active pages. On the default home page move all of your apps over to the one page with the one app. Also move the widget with the time and location to that same page (second page). Once you do this the default screen will disappear. Click on the little circle to make sure that the default screen is no longer there. Reboot your phone. When you log in you will have a new default screen. Begin by removing all of the apps on the new screen except for one app. Then transfer all of the old apps back to the new default screen including the time and weather widget. The problem is now fixed. Open up as many apps as you can. You will not see the "android has stopped working" pop again. IF you need any assistants i will be happy to guide you.

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I have done what you suggested and fingers crossed that it works. I'll keep you updated. Thank you.


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I downloaded a ZTE theme launcher from the app store and it seems to fix the problem the stock Android system crash or stop message stops appearing.

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I downloaded a ZTE theme launcher and it seems to stop the stock Android message problem


Great. Also Evie Launcher works well.


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Woooow smh, hahaha.. Well for those who gave up and or keep getting the problem and havent resolved it yet. Let me just say theres a fix for everything, you just gotta do your homework lmao. Imma go ahead and give you your answer to solve your easy problem. First you are going to need to go to settings than system than about phone and look at your version that your andeoid is running on. Mine is version 7.0 so in xode name its called nougat, if your version is 6.0 or 6.0.1 it would be called marshmallow. If you want to know what your version is called go to google and type android version history. Anyways this is going to help you to find which aftermarket launcher in play store you will need to replace your “stock android” launcher. Since mine is nougat i found this launcher called nougat launcher on playstore and it gives me the same look and feel to what “stock android” had, but with a few extra features to what you can edit. This also works for marshmallow versions. The link to it in play store is here Now right off rip it gives you a ad free trial but it will only run for a few hours than the trial is up and you will need to pay for the prime key addon to get rid of the ads. But i did some searching and found a cracked version of this payed prime key addon so no money wasted. Yes haha free, who doesnt love free. The link to this free prime key addon is Now for it to download you will need to toggle on download from other sources in your security in settings. But once downloaded toggle it back off for your security needs.. And there you have it, now you have an after market “stock android” program and no more “stock android has stopped” messages for good... Haha now if you have any other android problems, just know it can be fixed and replaced ;)

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I have been having the same issue I found this and will try removing some of the most recent app installs and see how it goes from there.

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I had this same problem. I took my phone to T-MOBILE and Steve fixed the problem. SMART GUY. Go to settings. Then select Apps. Then select Stock Android. Then there disable it by selecting STOP ANDROID, also block notifications. For me thanks to Steve at T-Mobile on US1 and Linton Blvd MY PHONE IS FIXED.

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I hope it works for you we've all on here have tried that and within a day the message starts coming back.

If you do get the message back, just follow the previous message that I forwarded on here yesterday. So far I haven't had the message return. So, if it does start popping up again, feel free to reply to my comment and I will walk you through the procedure. It only takes like 10 minutes or so to download and give the application permission to be the new launcher.

But, I truly hope that the message doesn't return, we all know how annoying it is.


Thanks AnthonyxxKodixx sure nuff the message returned! I am going back to Samsung!!!!


So Valerie in Delray....they had to replace stock android with something else. What was it? You need an OS ,launcher etc.


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It worked for my phone.

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I need help with my phone I tried tht and it didn't work so what do I do now


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Hi Pauline,

My ZMAX Pro was driving me crazy doing the same thing. I took it in to the Metro PCS store (where I bought it), and they couldn't fix it. Frustrated, I started scanning forums online. I got a lot of ideas regarding the cause of the problem, and after a short time messing with my settings, I was successful! The message has not come up at all since I did this. Open up Settings on your phone, scroll down to Apps, and open up your phone's apps. Then scroll down to Stock Android and tap it to open. Go down the list to Notifications, and tap to open. Switch all 4 switches to the off position (switch position to left). Back out to home screen. Press power button and select Reboot.

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The next thing to do is go back into settings/apps/stock android/ and click on storage. press clear data, then reboot. you will have to set-up your shortcuts on your home screens, but it has completely stopped the problem.


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Read entirely before proceeding! I called ZTE directly. I told them of problem. Screen shot your home screens before you do this! They had me go into settings. Apps. Stock Android. Clear Data. I told them that will rearrange and put home screen to factory settings. She said no it won't. I screenshot all home screens BEFORE. Thank heavens. It did rearrange. I added 2 pictures. The one was before clear Data and the one after. She said stock Android is probably caused by 3rd party app. Even from play store. I don't know. Right now it's not popping up. I rebooted. Let's see what the days bring. I'm also having visual voicemail not working issue.

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I had same problem also this is what I did and it worked,, go to settings and then to apps look for Stock Android app and then go to it, once u go to it clear the data on it,it will change your homepage but u can put it back the way u had it and it should work. That worked with mine.

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i have the same phone zte , i took it to carrier what they did reset the phone to the original reset like when you got the phone deleted all the file you downloaded it works for a while then i started downloading stuff and that take a lot of memory . this message appear on your phone whenever you downloaded too many program .if you want to set your phone to manufacture reset safe your phone contacts and your video and pictures to your SD card .if you don't know how take it to your carrier he know how to do it for you . go to setting then look for reset to manufacturer, good louck

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I installed the Nova Launcher from Google Play store and have not seen the Android stock has stopped working properly message since!

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I too have Nova launcher,in fact I bought it. I love it and really don't want to switch. Do I have to use Evie? ZTE max, metro PCs.


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I had two of those phones on tmobile network.....had those same problems and then some it started using my battery, data, and I could not open or download any apps. I did 5 resets and every combination even took out my. SD card and had no apps and it still did it. So finally I contacted ZTE and after talking to a ton of people I was told there is no fix and there is no plans to fix. So I talked and talked to T-Mobile they wanted to send me another ZTE which would do the same thing so finally I saw mobile CEO on FB and sent a message asking for help within a couple of hours I was talking to an executive and they swnt me two new LG V30 plus I offered to pay any difference from the value of what. Paid for my ZTE.....hope this helps you.

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I need to speak to him....can u please tell me his email is cindy.langs.mail@


I too would like that info. Email is

Thank you so much. I am literally at my wit's end


Lucy can you please send me the contact information for him. ZTE and metro pcs basically said I'm out of luck and have to just get new phone. Since 4th month of having my phone this message has popped up, my battery/phone Won't work unless plugged in. As soon as it's unplugged it shuts off. Yet always says fully charged.. I am grasping at straws and need a lifeline. Thanks.


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My phone is ZTE blade v8 z978 bought 2 of these phones at Walmart by phone sales person who didn't work for Walmart, she only sold phones. I thought I was getting something like I did before at me too so, but this is a different type of blade, it's very difficult to use. From speech to text when I pause for a sec, it erases what I wrote, every time on both phones. I have to always start over and erase the words on both phones.

Stock Android just started turn on notice, has stopped working my phone is blinking.

Also before this it won't record my phone and email directory. Not to where I can see it.

Both of the phones came unlocked in the reason I got to was because they were $50 a piece and normally they sell for a lot more. But it puts me to Great inconvenience and sorrow with the way they work. No other ZTE has ever caused me any problems before except for the blade v8 z978, help, these were the only two they had. Thanks,

Please comment for my help, Thanks

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I was having the exact same problem with the exact same phone and I have found this fix on; It has seemed to work for me, so far. It has only been a little while since I did this, but so far so good. I hooe this helps y'all.

This type of problem could be due to a conflict between an app and the phone’s operating software. To fix this, one of the best steps is to Clear Cache Partition; however, if you phone does not have this option we would want to do a master reset.

We always advise backing up the phone completely before preforming either step, and our Device Support page has a step-by-step guide to complete this. After selecting your phone’s make and model, please go to Tutorials > Backup & restore > and then choose your preferred backup method.

Once the backup is done, we are ready to move to the next step. If the phone has the ability to do a clear cache partition, you will follow the steps to do the alternate master reset but instead of selecting Factory/Master Reset scroll down to Wipe/Clear Cache Partition > select it with the power key > Reset/Reboot Device.

If you do not see this option on your phone, please go to the Device Support page, and choose Tutorials > Reset device. This will take the phone back to factory settings, and get rid of the conflict.

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As far as I know currently the only way to fix this actual !&&* of a problem is to replace the stock go to Google Play and download a different stock so for example you type in Android stock a variety of applications will come up download it once the app is open you can choose to always use this app as your stock and the issue will not occur again ever other than that I have not found nor do I know of any other way to fix it other than replacing it by doing so you calls the Android stock that is upload it onto the phone via factory setting to be null and void .

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Go to browser if possible type n Google play download a new launcher an set as default launcher may not be the best solution but u will be able to use phone

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Just press your power button (like you would to put it down) press it again and press the speaker icon for Google assistant ask it anything and click it the press the 3 dots and request to view it in chrome then look up an Android app (any will do) and click any one to get to the play store and look up Stock Android and download a new home screen software of your choice press home it's either going to pop up again or ask if you want the new software. If it's doesn't pull down your notification bar and press the wheel and look for the settings Home and it will allow you to change it to the new software and you can press home now and have to set it up again

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To everyone on here telling people to go through their settings to fix it you can't the only way to fix it is to replace it go to Google play and download a different Android stock there are a variety to choose from and this will fix it my phone has not had that message come up in over 2 months since I've done it think about it it's simply software replace it

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Not a different Android stock..there is no such thing. The correct answer is a different launcher. I like problems since I got it.

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I agree. Since it's not possible to disable or uninstall Stock Android, the only way to get around it is by downloading another launcher. I tried Evie and didn't like it. I've been using Everything Me, and it's pretty nice, although I'm not thrilled with the desktop layout. Lately, Everything Me has been crashing or freezing. I think that's more related to the wonkiness of the touchscreen on this phone. I have had nothing but problems with this phone. The battery won't hold a charge for more than a couple of hours - and even when I use the battery saver setting, I can't get it to last through the day. The phone randomly shuts itself off and freezes on the MetroPCS start-up screen. Sometimes I have to turn it off and back on three times to get it to boot up at all. The touchscreen is so unresponsive that sometimes I can't open or close any apps. I'm fed up with this phone. I don't want another ZTE phone. I have a Motorola G4 Plus that I was using before we switched to MetroPCS. That phone is a million times better than the ZTE. I chose the ZTE ZMax Pro because of the hard drive capacity and screen size. My SIM card is tied to the IMEI number in the ZTE ZMax Pro phone, so I don't think I can put the card in my old phone.

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My husband and I went to MetroPCS on Tuesday. The tech in the first store we went to explained that the handset protection plan that adds $6 to the monthly bill is insurance through a third party, and if I filed a claim, I would get another ZTE ZMax Pro. The carrier is aware of the issues that people who bought that ZTE phone have and they no longer carry it. I was so fed up with the mounting and irreversible problems that I had with the phone that I bought a new phone. I now have the LG G3 Stylo Plus, and it is a great phone. If you have one problem with the ZMax Pro, be prepared to have to put up with a domino effect of constant issues. I solved my problems by replacing my


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I had this problem and tried EVERYTHING mentioned with no long term success UNTIL I found a post that actually helped me fix my phone! The problem is tied into your launcher. You need to download a new launcher app (I used Evie and love it) and it will solve all of these issues you are having. My phone no longer "has a mind of its own" and for three weeks now I have not had the Stock Android notification pop up once. My phone is running like a new phone again!

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Ok I have a ZTE had the same problem tried a couple online suggestions finally decided to go into settings -apps - stock Android and turned off everything I could including disabling the app just offing all I could with the app. It WORKED. FYI I'm a 57 year old technotard if I can fix it anyone can .

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I tried alot of ideas people mentioned on here, then I started thinking about the website's I would add to my home screen, the ones you don't download, an removed them all, ( which I hated to do), but ever since I haven't had that annoying pop up ( the stock Android has stopped), so just to make sure, I added another website an sure enough, it popped up again, so I removed it, an again it's been great...., hope it works for you...

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Remove all apps from home screen, particularly any apps downloaded around the time the error message began to show up, this will in turn root out the application that needs to be either completley removed from the home screen or uninstalled and reinstalled. The issue arises when a glitch happens on your home screen apps. Widgets can also effect this, it is known to happen frequently with the WhatsApp and Facebook widgets, by removing these widgets if they are shown on the home screen, should fix the issue.

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I have been told to go to settings and go to Applications scroll down till you see launcher click on launcher and clear data after you click clear data you want to restart your phone and it should work

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MetroPCS helped me solve this problem with my zMAX Pro. Go to Play Store and download Evie launcher. Problem solved.

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I had this problem. I'm using my Zmax now to answer it. I was thinking I was going to have to reboot my phone when it came to me.. Install a new launcher. I installed a light launcher called Evie that I found on the play store. Not only does my phone run and connect faster, but I also got rid of that annoying GOOGLE banner taking up 1x4 squares at the top of my screen. Try it out and let me know.

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do you have zedge installed if so remove it and reboot phone

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EVIE LAUNCHER solves stock Android message.

Update (11/20/2020)

Try a different launcher:

Smart Launcher 5

Nova Launcher

Swiss Army Launcher

Microsoft Launcher

Lawnchair 2

Niagara Launcher

Uninstall stock android and tryout one of these. Stock Android is the user interface that works to make your desktop, make phone calls and other functions.

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So I also have this problem with my zte max pro an recently I found a solution. Go into settings-apps-stock Android an clear all data. Nothing mager happens an it stops the problem until it builds again but then you can clear it again. My daughter also has the same phone and it's never happened to her I think it's because I have more apps and more systems running on my home screen an it over loads stock Android try it, it really works an nothing mager happens just no more stock Android interruption.

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I have had the problem for months I've tried everything people told me it didn't work. This is what did. Go to settings go to apps go down to stock Android. Make sure all of the optional boxes are not checked then go to data and delete it all of it. Back out of it and that should take care of your problem it worked for me but whatever you do don't reboot it because it will come right back again some people say to delete the data then reboot. do not reboot! You might have to set up your home screen again if you have folders with multiple apps on your home screen but that should be it.

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I had this same problem. I finally reset my phone to factory settings, so far it seems to have helped.

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No reason to reset your phone like I said you just go to stock Android under apps delete the data not Just the cache all the data make sure there is not one box checked before you do it then back out of it and you might have to read do your home screen but if you do a factory reset you have to renew your whole phone and that's what you'll have to do. I'm glad it worked for you but it don't want for most people and it didn't work for me.


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Ask Google assistant on your phone. It might be helpful with a remedy. I also have a ZTE ZMAX Pro. It was suggested to go into apps and then force stop stock Android app and also block notifications.

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Use EVIE LAUNCHER. It solved my problem. Stop using Stock Android launcher.

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How do I stop that? It can't be removed


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You can't remove the app enigmacreature, what you do is disable the app in settings, block all notifications, and replace the app with another launcher…..

And remove the phone service (I fix it won't let me post its name) browser as the desktop site (the phones home page is full of malware)

I eventually just had to get a new phone

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Unfortunately I'm tech illiterate. My phone keeps saying stock Android has stopped. Is this something I can fix, if do how? If not do I need to take it in to the company I got it from?

Thanks for your help


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Reset the stock launcher or use different launcher (the best option) to resolve the issue

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I’m not sure if this is right but it has been right so far (We know how that goes with this Stock Android issue.) Anyway, my ZTE was busted in the charge port for a few months and I had this crappy replacement phone for it. The ZTE was already doing the Stock Android issue before this happened. I got the charge port fixed and then reset the phone and reconnected the sim card from the crappy phone back to the ZTE. So far I haven’t had any Stock Android issues.

This is not what I’m talking about, btw. Since I reset the phone I have yet to do any of the following: Change the wallpaper, which I might do to see; but more importantly, I DO NOT have the Facebook App on my phone. I use Chrome and go to Facebook that way. Knowing facebook and its constant updates, I have a feeling having that downloaded as an app (as well as having Messenger take control of your SMS) could be causing this issue. I’ll look into it further, but I have this feeling that facebook is the problem. The app that is. We’ll keep updating as the days go by.

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Factory reset would temporally fix the issue.

However the issue will come at some point.


This issue is probably beating a dead horse at this point, because part of the trump/China trade War products actually affects the ZTE:

So you may not find many of those that will work at all anymore, or.....

Your retailer may have stopped selling them completely


I wasn't saying factory reset fixed it. I was saying keeping the Facebook App off the phone fixed far. I've yet to have any pop ups.


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So it has been almost a month. No wallpaper AND no facebook app and I've yet to get an android stock pop up. I'm just counting the days. I use facebook on google chrome and my computer, just not the app, so it isn’t a complete loss. I’ll keep updating.

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I justed installed another launcher. I like the EVIE launcher. Once installed simply disable the stock Android and you'll be fine.

Those who factory reset

Reset will immediately fix the issue however the issue at hand lies with the Android updates. The glitch will come back upon starting a system update.

2 years now…EVIE launcher is default, Stock Android disabled, not a single issue again!

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I like d this problem with Noah . Install Noah Install Noah Launcher. Use it and not stock android. It Works.

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Noah Launcher works great. Sorry for messy post. No more stock android problems with both launcher.


Noah Launcher Works


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How can I stop stock Android

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i finally figured out my ZTE Max pro started throwing up the stock android stopped working after i added a website to my home screen from chrome. As soon as i deleted said shortcuts, my phone stopped acting stupid.

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Why this massage comes every time i-e stock andrion has stooed, how can I fix the problem?

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