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Toshiba Satellite A305D-S6848 Troubleshooting
Device will not turn on
The laptop is failing to turn on.
Battery is not charged
Find a working outlet. Plug laptop charger into outlet and laptop. Allow laptop to recharge and turn back on.
Faulty Battery
Make sure the laptop charger is plugged into a working outlet. If the power light is on for the charger and the laptop only turns on when plugged in, then the laptop has a faulty battery. Replace the battery using guidance from the replacement guide.
Faulty Charger
Make sure the laptop charger is plugged into a working outlet. Turn off the laptop, remove the battery, and hold the power button for 10 seconds. If the laptop charger light is not coming on and the laptop is not turning, then the laptop charger is faulty. Purchase a new charger.
Device will not charge
Laptop is not charging.
Faulty Outlet
Use other power connectors that are known to work to test and see if the outlet is working.
Faulty Charger
Make sure the laptop charger is plugged into a working outlet. Turn off the laptop, remove the battery, and hold the power button for 10 seconds. If the laptop charger light is not coming on and the laptop is not turning, then the laptop charger is faulty. Purchase a new charger.
Keyboard will not type
Keyboard will not respond.
Faulty Keyboard
If you can press down on the keyboard and there is no response, then the keyboard may be damaged or disconnected. Follow the keyboard replacement guide to make sure the keyboard is connected. If the keyboard is connected and still not working, then the keyboard should be replaced using the replacement guide.
Sticking Keys
If you can not press down on keys, there could be residue underneath or beside keys that are obstructing movement of the keys. Make sure to turn off the laptop, and using cotton swab with rubbing alcohol, clean the keyboard. If the keys will still not press down, then remove the plate over the keyboard and clean around the keys.
Slow processing
Laptop is processing slowly.
Faulty Hard Disk
Your files may be fragmented. Run disk defragmenter to check the condition of your files
and disk. Refer to your operating system documentation or online help for information on running disk Defragmenter. As a last resort, reformat the hard disk. Then, reload the operating system and other files. If problems persist, contact your dealer.
Faulty Ram
The RAM could be old or burnt out. To check if the RAM must be replaced, remove a RAM stick and see if the laptop runs fine. If it runs smoothly without it, then the RAM must be replaced.
Inaccurate Ram Settings
If the RAM is not old or burnt out, the problem may be that the RAM is not being read properly. Go to the computers tab from the Windows Start button and right click in the open white space to get to the properties option. From there check the installed memory to see if the RAM is being read properly.
Device will not display image on screen
Laptop does not display images.
Display is powered off
The display may be disabled if the screen is black but the keys and laptop appear to be turned on. To enable the display, press and hold the (Fn) key on the keyboard, then press (F2) while holding the (Fn) key. If the screen is not broken, then the display will turn on.
Broken Screen
If the screen has noticeable black spots, abnormal color changes, physical cracks on the screen, or a total lack of visual response even when the display is enabled, then the screen may be broken. Look to replace the broken screen.
Un commento
No sound, no mic detected but working analogue volume button (both in Windows and Linux) - what is the problem?
Properly Malfunctioning - Replica