Small kids in the household? I’ve seen all sorts of stuff in slot-in drives as kids seen that stuff “should go in there”. Check that (you’ll need to get to it eventually anyways!) before buying a new drive… ? I’m sure a disassembly guide can be found on youtube… (I hope it’s a phone that does NOT require “disglueing” of the screen like the newer Samsungs (ie. S5)… That’s a pain - and high risk of failure without experience)
There’s a sensor on the horisontal top slide? If so you’ve checked it actually switches? I don’t know the type, but my guess is that the limits are off (either a motor unit setting or a (malfunctioning) sensor) so the motor detects “overload” just after the door is closed (and thus reverses)…
By the way: I recommend leaving the center part of the low friction pads in place. I've had mine disassembled three (!) times now because of the failing scroll wheel click - and the original pads are still OK (with no additional glue added)...
PS: Annoying the Logitech designers did not leave the screws immediately accessible - especially when they messed up in production (the plastic part on the motor - hopefully the cyanoacrylate means I'm done opening it for that!)
When you are "in there" anyways, you might consider gluing the the plastic thing on the motor axle with cyanoacrylat. This part working it self up is the typical cause of the wheel click function dying! ;-)