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Questo smontaggio non è una guida di riparazione. Per riparare il tuo Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus, usa il nostro manuale di assistenza.

  1. Smontaggio del Samsung Galaxy S9+, Smontaggio del Samsung Galaxy S9+: passo 1, immagine 1 di 2 Smontaggio del Samsung Galaxy S9+, Smontaggio del Samsung Galaxy S9+: passo 1, immagine 2 di 2
    • L'S9+ gonfia le specifiche e il numero delle aperture dell'obiettivo disponibili. Ecco quello che sappiamo:

    • Display AMOLED da 6.2" AMOLED (senza notch) con risoluzione 2960 × 1440 (~530 ooi)

    • Processore Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 o Exynos 9810 della stessa Samsung, a seconda della località

    • Fotocamera principale 12 MP con OIS (Stabilizzazione ottica) e doppio valore dell'apertura—modalità f/1.5 e f/2.4—più una fotocamera secondaria con OIS da 12 MP e una fotocamera da selfie da 8 MP

    • Presa jack cuffie e slot per microSD

    • Impermeabilità ad acqua e polvere classe IP68

    • Android 8.0 Oreo

  2. Smontaggio del Samsung Galaxy S9+: passo 2, immagine 1 di 2 Smontaggio del Samsung Galaxy S9+: passo 2, immagine 2 di 2
    • In alto troviamo lo slot standard per SIM e un gruppo fotocamera/sensore di impronte digitali un po' riarrangiato. Dite pure addio agli obiettivi unti!

    • La parte inferiore sembra quasi la stessa dell'S8: il che significa che la presa per il jack audio resiste e vive e lotta insieme a noi!

    • A un primo sguardo, si direbbe che la griglia dell'altoparlante è stata sostituita da una porta, ma in realtà non è così: è ancora una griglia, ma con la schiuma di protezione infilata mooolto più all'interno. Quale sarà il vantaggio di una cavità dell'altoparlante che può riempirsi di pelucchi?

    • Come se non fosse abbastanza il foro di estrazione della SIM mascherato da microfono, ora c'è anche una falsa presa di ricarica all'altra estremità.

    It's likely that the deeper speaker cavity helps with low-end part of the audio output as it was designed to do. The top speaker is designed to be more of a tweeter, handling mids and highs.

    Akram Ali - Replica

    Or maybe it’s a lint trap!!!! No reason and no effect to have the mesh near the outside edge. It wouldn’t change the sound at all.

    JBDragon - Replica

    I haven’t had any problems with lint on my iPhone lightning port or USB-C port… I think you’re just nit-picking. Also aren’t you on the Verge forums? You have debates about iPhone X and Samsung…

    djlobb01 - Replica

    “SIM-eject-impersonating microphone hole topside” … what happens if an owner mistakenly uses the Sim eject push pin tool in this hole? I did, and felt something give, but havent noticed any problems yet.

    Oopsy - Replica

    I too accidentally made this mistake out of excitement. No noticeable problems at the moment, but I have no idea how to test a secondary microphone.

    Brad Maloy -

    It’s likely that you just bumped a rubber seal in that aperture, you probably won’t notice microphone performance changes (it’s mostly in charge of hearing ambient noise). There’s a chance you might have reduced waterproofing. It depends on how tough a poke you gave it, but you’re probably fairly safe =)

    Sam Goldheart - Replica

    Is anyone else bothered that the speaker, charging port, and headphone jack aren’t lined up straight?

    Zach Heaton - Replica

    I too made the same mistake of poking a pin into the mic hole. I pushed with enough force tat you would think it needed to eject a sin tray. I didn’t notice any give or sounds when I poked it. No noticeable damage or sound issues, just paranoid that a year down the road it’s going to have issues. (Anxiety) I can’t tell enough from the pics to see what lines up with the hole .

    I feel like such a dummy

    Jake Reily - Replica

    I alo poked the sim eject tool into the hole. I assumed it was either the sim tray or a similar setup for the micro SD card. I’ve had the phone for less than a day and I’m already worried that I’ve damaged it. Unlike other people who feel stupid for doing this, I’m annoyed at Samsung. If you design a car with something that looks like a steering wheel but is actually a wheel release handle, you are inevitably going to get lots of wheels falling of cars. Holes like this have been used for decades to reset electronic equipment, replace SIMs and eject CD drives etc - they have become a standard visual cue that all the highly paid designers at Samsung surely understand. At the very least, the design flaw should have been spotted after shipping and the phones should ship with a yellow hard to remove warning sticker telling people not to poke that hole. I’m almost hoping that the phone doesn’t work properly and that I can return it soon under warranty, rather than worry about it for the next few years.

    yehudaharmor - Replica

  3. Smontaggio del Samsung Galaxy S9+: passo 3, immagine 1 di 2 Smontaggio del Samsung Galaxy S9+: passo 3, immagine 2 di 2
    • Ammirevole il fatto che, in un mare di imitatori dell'iPhone, Samsung preferisca fare a meno del notch e al tempo stesso riesca a fare delle cornici belle sottili.

    • A sinistra l'S9+, a destra l'iPhone X "senza cornice" e con il notch.

    • Sul retro, la gobba della fotocamera dell'iPhone X raggiunge quote esagerate, ma nel confronto il layout del sensore dell'S9+ appare più caotico e bizzarro.

    • Le cover posteriore in vetro stanno diventando rapidamente lo standard costruttivo grazie alla ricarica wireless. Una caratteristica elegante, ma anche una cattiva notizia per gli sbadati.

    • Certo, l'iPhone 4S aveva una cover posteriore che si poteva cambiare in due minuti; sospettiamo che in questo caso non sarà lo stesso.

    More “sprawling and awkward looking"… Really? You ooze fanboy so hard it's sad; best you'd literally do deplorable things for a chance at an exclusive, prototype iPhone --sheep.

    You're Amateurs - Replica

    So you are saying that the galaxy s9 plus looks perfect on the back and not at all needing a little diesign tweak? I personally also think that it doen’t look that great

    Zach Heaton -

    Jeez what an embarrassing comment

    Tommy Gurreri -

    The iPhone has the Notch, but you see, there’s BONUS screen on the left and right side of it. Which is wasted space on the Samesung phone, Plus there’s another Black Bar on the bottom of the phone which the iPhone doesn’t have at all. No notch, no nothing. Glass on back was something Apple did long ago on the iPhone 4 and 4S!!! To have FAKE wireless charging, you need to use a non-conductive back. Glass works great for this. Or you go and use Plastic, which I don’t think Apple would use on a high end phone and Samesung has also moved away from on their high end phones. Maybe Ceramic is a option, but more costly. TheiPhone 6 that I have is very slippery and it’s not a glass back. I installed a bulky case to keep it from slipping from my hand.

    JBDragon - Replica

    What exactly is “fake wireless charging?” Go look at how induction charging works and how you don’t need to plug in your phone.

    Calvin H -

    I think he just means inductive charging in general. The term “wireless charging” as applied to current tech is kind of a misnomer since it’s only wireless in a trivial sense—imagine if someone sold you a “wireless router” but you had to physically place your computer on top of it to get a signal. If true long-range wireless charging ever becomes widely available, today’s “wireless charging” may seem like a lot of silly marketing hype in hindsight.

    Jeff Suovanen -

    (In Mr Burns voice) Samesung ey?

    Seriously though, why are you even here??? LOL

    djlobb01 -

  4. Smontaggio del Samsung Galaxy S9+: passo 4, immagine 1 di 2 Smontaggio del Samsung Galaxy S9+: passo 4, immagine 2 di 2
    • Prima di lanciarci all'interno, chiamiamo i nostri amici di Creative Electron per una ricognizione nel campo delle alte energie.

    • Oltre a una nuova fotocamera doppia e al rimescolamento di alcuni componenti minori, le cose sembrano più o meno com'erano l'ultima volta.

    • Infatti, lo schema batteria-circondata-dalla-scheda-madre è comune in molti smartphone recenti, con una rilevante eccezione.

  5. Smontaggio del Samsung Galaxy S9+: passo 5, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio del Samsung Galaxy S9+: passo 5, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio del Samsung Galaxy S9+: passo 5, immagine 3 di 3
    • Anche se non è un S4, l'S9 segna una benvenuta tregua rispetto ai nostri più recenti smontaggi distruttivi.

    • L'applicazione standard di calore e di plettri d'apertura ci aiuta nell'operazione, che però non è certo una passeggiata.

    • Grazie alle nostre precedenti esperienze, e non certo grazie a Samsung, siamo in grado di staccare in sicurezza il cavo del gruppo sensore senza perdite. Un'adeguata documentazione trasforma i sogni in realtà!

  6. Smontaggio del Samsung Galaxy S9+: passo 6, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio del Samsung Galaxy S9+: passo 6, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio del Samsung Galaxy S9+: passo 6, immagine 3 di 3
    • Dopo aver navigato tra acque agitate, troviamo la rotta giusta per arrivare al retro del telefono.

    • Puntiamo direttamente alla fotocamera posteriore per dare un'occhiata al suo interessante nuovo obiettivo a doppia apertura.

    • La fotocamera regola automaticamente l'apertura in condizioni di basse luci (f/1.5 è l'apertura più elevata tra i telefoni attuali), mentre offre il valore più comune (e con maggior nitidezza) di f/2.4 per le foto normali.

    • Gli obiettivi delle normali fotocamere usano come minimo cinque lamelle di apertura per mantenere il diaframma più o meno circolare per molti valori di f-stop. Il diaframma del Galaxy con la sua singola regolazione è composto soltanto da due lamelle ad anello rotanti.

    I wonder how well the 2 rotating ring blades will hold up over time? It is a moving part on a device that gets a lot of abuse. Far more in general than a Camera From what I’ve heard, it’s more hype than anything on this phone. As in it doesn’t do a whole lot. Will that become a new thing on other phones, or will it go away as a failed experiment? Who knows at this time.

    JBDragon - Replica

  7. Smontaggio del Samsung Galaxy S9+: passo 7, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio del Samsung Galaxy S9+: passo 7, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio del Samsung Galaxy S9+: passo 7, immagine 3 di 3
    • Il sensore di impronte digitali riposizionato diventa la nostra prima vittima quando lo stacchiamo dal suo alloggio. Un anello appiccicoso tiene dentro il sensore e lascia fuori i liquidi.

    • Siamo un po' delusi perché anche questa volta Samsung non ha pensato a un modo migliore per far passare il cavo del sensore impronte digitali: è rimasto intrappolato in un po' di malvagia colla mentre tiravamo via la cover posteriore e questo ci è quasi costato il sensore. Forse l'anno prossimo, Samsung?

    • Quindici viti dopo, viene via l'ormai familiare telaio centrale a wafer in due strati che porta a bordo la bobina di ricarica wireless integrata, il gruppo antenne e l'altoparlante inferiore.

  8. Smontaggio del Samsung Galaxy S9+: passo 8, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio del Samsung Galaxy S9+: passo 8, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio del Samsung Galaxy S9+: passo 8, immagine 3 di 3
    Attrezzo utilizzato in questo passaggio:
    iFixit Adhesive Remover
    • Che cosa ti serve per rimuovere una batteria incollata da un telefono Galaxy?

    • Opzione 1: molto calore, uno strumento di apertura, un estintore, un secchio di sabbia e nervi di acciaio vibranio.

    • Opzione 2: una siringa con un po' di iFixit Adhesive Remover.

    • Optiamo per la seconda soluzione e facciamo colare un po' di questa roba blu nella piccola vasca che accoglie la batteria. Qualche minuto dopo, ecco il nostro premio.

    • Eccola, una batteria da 3,85V e 3500 mAh per un totale di 13,48 Wh. Vi sembra familiare?

    • Certo, sono le stesse identiche specifiche della batteria che abbiamo trovato l'anno scorso nell'S8+... e nel famigerato Note7.

    • In ogni caso, a Samsung piace davvero mettere questa cosa forata e appiccicosa sopra le loro batterie e non abbiamo mai capito perché. Chiamateci se avete qualche idea.

    The sticky black webbing is surely something to drive the heat away from the battery, no?

    Gimi - Replica

    Option 1: lots of heat, a pry tool, a fire extinguisher, a bucket of sand, and nerves of steel vibranium. “

    most likely what I would end up doing.

    Aiden - Replica

    The black sponge tape over the battery is to allow for the miniscule amount of battery expansion that is 100% normal to every aging li-po battery and to not cause damage to the backglass when it eventually needs that space. Case closed.

    You're Amateurs - Replica

    Is that stuff even needed? The battery is glued down so well it’s going no where. So a little gap to allow for expansion shouldn’t hurt things that you need that mat. Who knows, and does it matter?

    JBDragon - Replica

    It's precision engineering, so yes it matters. If you drop your phone the small gap doesn't transfer energy as pushing the battery against the plastic frame does; as lipo(s) expand the high density foam gives way for that expanded space. It's likely on a nano-meter scale, but precision engineered as I said. Such engineering allows for cohesive standards and ability to reverse engineer in the wake of something as large as the Note 7 issue…

    You're Amateurs -

    Is the black webbing conductive?

    michael munroe - Replica

    Can you get the adhesive remover in Australia? I would like to give it a shot

    James Turner - Replica

    Just Use Alcohol or even Orange (not the orange you eat) find it at supermarkets if you can wait a few minutes. I’m inpatient De-Solv-it

    Highly effective solvent-based cleaner

    Natural citrus base

    Safe to use - Not Class 3 Flammable

    No overwhelming vapours

    Australian made

    Used to be sold at Coles now I only find it at Bunnings

    Paul Zacharis -

    Every other phone has pull tabs for the battery. I guess Samsung didn’t get the memo. Looks like I’ll have to invest in this syringe as I plan on having this phone for years to come.

    Psedog - Replica

    Maybe it helps the robot to recognize the boundary of the lipo battery. Samsung may use different suppliers as was the case on note 7

    ooisk44 - Replica

    Samsung engineer: “We do not know how, but the black sticker prevents battery explosion. So we just left it here. Magic.”

    Евгений Фирсов - Replica

    avec juste un sesamo et un peu de chaleur je vous retire la batterie en 2 min sans la tordre ni la boursouffler et l’ecran reste intacte idem pour le cache batterie .

    mercy yoann - Replica

    It’s for thermal expansion. Batteries breath - inhale during charge up need room. Much like the lungs in our chest cavity.

    Kashif Maqsood - Replica

    Keeps pressure off the center of the backglass or else it would break 1,000,000,000,000 % faster

    Joey Glaser - Replica

  9. Smontaggio del Samsung Galaxy S9+: passo 9, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio del Samsung Galaxy S9+: passo 9, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio del Samsung Galaxy S9+: passo 9, immagine 3 di 3
    • Abbiamo la scheda madre in pugno non appena giriamo due viti e usiamo lo spudger per staccare un paio di connettori FPC.

    • Nessuno poteva aspettarsi che questo cavo del display sarebbe stato fatto passare attraverso una fessura dello chassis e quindi bloccato sulla scheda madre come se si stesse cercando di strapparlo alla sua perdizione...

    • Nessuno eccetto te, se ti sei letto abbastanza a fondo gli smontaggi del Galaxy degli ultimi anni.

    • Samsung, capiamo perché l'hai fatto, ma siamo sicuri che sai essere più brillante di così. Siamo nel 2018: mostraci un display che possiamo disconnettere e sostituire senza dover scalpellare una cover posteriore incollata. Ti sfidiamo a farlo!

    • Avanzamento livello scheda madre: sbloccato.

    With a ip68 rating? You're dreaming, and your use of hyperbole is

    You're Amateurs - Replica

    And it's not glue,

    You're Amateurs - Replica

    “Glue: an adhesive substance used for sticking objects or materials together.” Pressure sensitive adhesives, like double-sided tape, are also glues, they just have a carrier =)

    Sam Goldheart -


    thoughts on the above comments?

    George A. - Replica

    @pccheese excellent comment followed by an even greater reference :-)

    oldturkey03 -

  10. Smontaggio del Samsung Galaxy S9+: passo 10, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio del Samsung Galaxy S9+: passo 10, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio del Samsung Galaxy S9+: passo 10, immagine 3 di 3
    • Nonostante il doppio sensore di immagine, questa doppia fotocamera è un'unità singola, su un singolo circuito stampato, con un singolo connettore!

    • In totale il conteggio delle fotocamere dell'S9+ arriva a quattro: oltre alla (nuova) doppia fotocamera principale, abbiamo le fotocamere da selfie e di rilevamento iride.

    • Si potrebbe sostenere che, aggiungendo la fotocamera doppia apertura, il totale si è di cinque fotocamere. Quattro sensori, ok, ma cinque modi di catturare le immagini.

    • Sembra che questa volta la serie di fotocamere sia chiamata Star, mentre l'anno scorso si parlava di fotocamere "Dream".

    • I nostri amici di TechInsights hanno smontato i moduli delle fotocamere scoprendo che nascondono dei chip. Samsung afferma che la DRAM integrata aiuta la fotocamera a prendersi cura di oltre quattro volte più dati relativi alle immagini. Modalità rallentatore a 960 fps, forse?

    ‘star’ is a device codename of S9 (starlte) and S9+ (star2lte), while ‘dream’ is the codename of S8 (dreamlte) and S8+ (dream2lte).

    Daniel Simko - Replica

    People leave out that the 960fps is at only 720P and it’s only for a few seconds which seems silly!!! Also way to SSLLLOOOWWW. As someone who does use Slow-Mo on my iPhone once in a while to record Industrial machines in a factory so that I can see what’s happening at a slower speed because it’s normally to fast for my eye’s to catch what’s going on, that is slow enough for my needs and I can record for a long period so that I can catch it making the mistake. Apple’s 240fps, is a really nice speed, where it’s slowed down enough to see what’s happen, and actually moving. To SSLLLOOWWW and you couldn’t see what was really happening. Besides the S9 can do the same as the iPhone now at 1080P 240fps which is really more useful anyway. What I’m seeing from a number of sites, Camera Sites for example, it’s recording for only .2 seconds and playback is 30fps for 6 seconds. Who the !&&* would use that? That is a GIMMICK. So stick with 240fps at 1080P. you have much, much longer/better recordings

    JBDragon - Replica

    The Slow-mo guys on youtube often record action at a fraction of a second. Enough to play it back to analyze the result. Just because 960fps is too slow for you doesn’t mean it is a gimmick. That’s very arrogant. I don’t find the iPhone 8’s wireless charging necessary but I wouldn’t call it a gimmick. I’m sure you’ll find ways to praise Apple’s version on the next iPhone. You seem to feel the need to venture onto non-Apple pages and articles to tell us how much the Samsung sucks and why it’s the same, yet make a positive spin for every Apple decision. The iPhone has largely stayed the same from the iPhone 6 up-to the 8, however because it’s Apple, it’s familiar and recognisable. Samsung re-uses the same design for the second iteration, they’re now Samesung… I don’t get it. I don’t even use a Samsung as my daily either haha.

    djlobb01 - Replica

  11. Smontaggio del Samsung Galaxy S9+: passo 11, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio del Samsung Galaxy S9+: passo 11, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio del Samsung Galaxy S9+: passo 11, immagine 3 di 3
    • Il coraggioso ritorno del possente jack cuffie. La sua guarnizione protegge il telefono e la sua modularità promette una riparazione a basso costo se dovesse essere sostituito.

    • Acchiappiamo il gruppo della scheda secondaria multifunzione; qui ci sono cavi coassiali di interconnessione, il microfono, il connettore USBC e un mucchio di contatti a molla.

    • La porta di ricarica sulla scheda figlia porta a una sostituzione più economica e più facile rispetto al montaggio sulla scheda madre. Grazie, Samsung!

    • Il prossimo estratto è il secondo altoparlante, quello destinato alla voce, che ora funge anche da altoparlante esterno. Questo permette non solo la riproduzione stereo ma anche il suono "surround" (per quanto lo si possa fare con un telefono).

    Easier as in you don't have to know how to do PCB soldering

    You're Amateurs - Replica

    @yuramateurs Correct; not everyone who buys this phone will have the capability to microsolder these components. So it makes replacement much easier for your average individual!

    George A. -

    who is microphone vendor?

    염광현 - Replica

  12. Smontaggio del Samsung Galaxy S9+: passo 12, immagine 1 di 2 Smontaggio del Samsung Galaxy S9+: passo 12, immagine 2 di 2
    • Mettiamo sul tavolo questa scheda madre e facciamoci un giro tra i chip! I grossi calibri sono sul lato A:

    • 6 GB di DRAM LPDDR4X Samsung K3UH6H6-NGCJ, stratificati sopra un Qualcomm Snapdragon 845

    • 64v GB di UFS (Universal flash Storage) Toshiba THGAF4G9N4LBAIR (memoria flash NAND + controller)

    • AVAGO AFEM-9096 KM1746

    • Codec audio Qualcomm Aqstic™ WCD9341

    • PMIC (chip gestione alimentazione) Maxim MAX77705F

    • Envelope tracker Qualcomm QET4100

    • Amplificatore audio Maxim MAX98512

    From the SAMSUNG’s product link , it is 48Gb LPDDR4x which should be 6GB capacity.

    JJ Wu - Replica

    Oh my GOD!!!! Samesung doesn’t make all their own parts!!!!!! Toshiba, Avago, Qualcomm, Maxim and a number of others!!!! Not that I really care. But this is something fandroids like to bash the iPhone over. The simple fact is, few company’s make their own parts. Apple does design their own parts including the CPU/GPU and other chips and even though the iPhone X OLED screen is made by Samesung, it was designed by Apple!!! That’s the point. A Smartphone is so complex, there is no way any simple company could make ALL their own parts. Samesung does make a lot of their own parts though. That’s a big advantage or them. For those factory’s to make a profit, that have to also make parts for others like Apple. To Apple’s specs. Those places generally have to run 24/7.

    JBDragon - Replica

    SAMSUNG makes more their own parts than Apple. The one you see here is “Qualcomm AP-based” S9+. You may check “SAMSUNG AP-based” model. SAMSUNG made their own CPU, GPU, modem, NFC, PMIC, LPDDR4x, UFS…

    JJ Wu -

    You sound like a complete dork. Who to is bashing another phone about making their own parts. Get a life or have someone make it for you!!!!

    Bridget -

    Also, apple doesn't actually make their own chips, they design them and have someone else make them. Samsung does it all themselves.

    George A. - Replica

  13. Smontaggio del Samsung Galaxy S9+: passo 13, immagine 1 di 2 Smontaggio del Samsung Galaxy S9+: passo 13, immagine 2 di 2
    • Il lato B ha tutti i grossi calibri che non ci stavano dall'altra parte:

    • Modulo Wi-Fi/Bluetooth Murata KM7N16048

    • Controller NFC NXP PN80T

    • Qualcomm PM845 (probabilmente un PMIC)

    • Qualcomm SDR845 101 (probabilmente un modulo ricetrasmittente RF)

    • Modulo front-end Skyworks SKY78160-11

    • PMIC Qualcomm PM8005

    Labeling things as “likely" and continuing to be wrong as stated above? What a $@$* show you've done thus far. How do you have a job here? …unless… you're all amateur jokes?

    You're Amateurs - Replica

    Could you take picture again?. I can’t recognize the letter on chip.

    CK. RYU - Replica

  14. Smontaggio del Samsung Galaxy S9+: passo 14, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio del Samsung Galaxy S9+: passo 14, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio del Samsung Galaxy S9+: passo 14, immagine 3 di 3
    • L'ambiente di smontaggio si fa rovente nel nostro tentativo di togliere il display; questa colla mette a dura prova la nostra pazienza e quindi abbandoniamo la nostra pila di iOpener preferendo ancora una volta la pistola termica.

    • Come in precedenza, il calore e il plettro di apertura sono sufficienti per venire a capo della cosa, ma è veramente un'impresa riuscirci se lo schermo che stai sostituendo è rotto.

    • Lo schermo prodotto da Samsung, così come le fotocamere, è etichettato Star e combina display e digitizer in un'unica unità sigillata.

    • C'è un ultimo chip aggrappato al display:

    • Controller touch Samsung S6SY761X (già visto sulla serie S8)

    Wow. That screen is now useless. What a

    You're Amateurs - Replica

    These phones are just getting harder to work on. The screen should be easy to replace as that gets cracked quite often. To replace the screen on one of these, I wouldn’t do it. Where would you take a Samesung phone for a screen replacement?

    JBDragon - Replica

    Well, I guess you'd go to your bank, and withdraw $400 to pay for it.

    George A. -

    The only way I've been able to remove the screen is to work from the other side.

    Work some isopropyl alcohol through the battery compartment, LCD cable slot, camera mount, and headphone jack area. Flex the glass back and forth to suck the IPA in there, then heat up the aluminum frame to loosen the adhesive holding the OLED panel to the frame. Usually I start from the edge closest to the battery and buttons. As soon as there's a slight gap, work in a pry tool to break the adhesive, add a bit more IPA then heat, and work your way around to the top and bottom, then the other edge just levers off.

    My rationale for starting from that side is that you're heating the adhesive holding the OLED to the frame more than you're heating the adhesive holding the glass to the OLED. It still shouldn't get too hot to handle with rubber/nitrile gloves on.

    I've done this with an 80+% success rate on more than a dozen phones with only two destroyed screens, maybe three, but I wasn't trying to save that last one.

    Mark H - Replica

    Would you mind posting a close up photo of the Samsung S6SY761X touch controller?

    A better photo may help me identify the chip’s model. Then I can have a closer loot at the specs.

    Samsung seems to hint at a Scan/Report rate of 160Hz/120Hz.


    Michael - Replica

    @destructive Click any image to blow it up. You can read all the chip markings. Further, if you see an extension like .full or .huge at the end of the image URL, delete it from the URL and refresh to see the image in its maximum available resolution.

    Jeff Suovanen -

  15. Smontaggio del Samsung Galaxy S9+: passo 15, immagine 1 di 1
    • È il momento di un faccia a faccia biometrico.

    • A sinistra, quasi esattamente come quello che abbiamo trovato l'anno scorso, abbiamo l'hardware dell'S9+: scanner dell'iride, fotocamera anteriore, emettitore IR e sensore di prossimità.

    • A destra, la raison d'être del famigerato notch di Apple: l'hardware FaceID che comprende una fotocamera anteriore, il proiettore di motivi IR, la fotocamera IR e lo spazio per l'illuminatore e il telemetro integrati nel display.

    • Si richiedono alcune operazioni di montaggio.

    • In base alle prime recensioni, sembra che Samsung abbia peccato di presunzione nel saltare sul treno delle Animoji senza un aggiornamento hardware per poterlo far viaggiare a tutta velocità.

    Ugh, the cringe is

    You're Amateurs - Replica

    Crying on every picture, get a grip

    jcaldwell89 -

    Samesung’s version seems a little creepy. Not sure who would use it. More Gimmick than anything anyway.

    JBDragon - Replica

    Samsung scans your eye. Apple scans your entire face. Your eye is more unique than a fingerprint or your face. I don’t see what’s so creepy about an eye scanner… they’ve been around since the 90’s, and it’s pretty hard to trick a modern one. While a face, on the other hand, could be tricked easily with a picture molded onto a dummy head or a mask.

    Please stop calling Samsung a gimmick just because you personally have no use for its features.

    George A. -

    I would say both Animoji and AR Emoji are both gimmicks. The difference being you can actually use your avatar as a gif in many 3rd party apps similarly to Bitmoji. It is kind of creepy. However I think both are novelty. You can’t single out Samsung just because you own an iPhone X.

    djlobb01 -

    He's talking about the animoji not the face or retina scanning!

    Richard Denton - Replica

    Is it just me or the arrangement of the front facing camera and sensors differ from one phone to the other? I have my front facing camera alone on the right side of the phone and the other sensors are on the left side. Also when i checked jerryrig's teardown video on the S9, the front facing camera has another lense besides it.

    Gian Marty - Replica

  16. Smontaggio del Samsung Galaxy S9+: passo 16, immagine 1 di 1
    • Ed ecco il pacchetto finito! Per ora, almeno. Goditi la vista di questi pezzi del Galaxy S9+ e aspettati altri piaceri futuri sotto forma di smontaggi di iFixit!

    • Vuoi essere il primo a conoscere le notizie sugli smontaggi? Iscriviti al nostro elenco stampa per avere degli scoop ancora nascosti dietro le quinte!

    Why a 4 if it's easily opened and fixed screen is an old one which means there is no way of saving it so removing the broken glass with the screen means just replacing everything you guys are way behind on technology

    Gasper Torner - Replica

  17. Considerazioni Finali
    • Molti componenti sono modulari e possono essere sostituiti in modo indipendente.
    • La sostituzione della batteria è tecnicamente possibile, ma l'accesso a questo elemento è inutilmente difficile.
    • I pannelli in vetro incollati anteriore e posteriore comportano un rischio di rottura più elevato e rendono le riparazioni difficili fin dall'inizio.
    • Le riparazioni dello schermo richiedono di smontare diverse parti mentre si lotta con il tenace adesivo.
    Punteggio Riparabilità
    Riparabilità 4 su 10
    (10 è il più facile da riparare)

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Adam O'Camb

Membro da: 04/11/15

196.940 Reputazione

416 Guide realizzate

41 Commenti

Just like the S8 being called the “Dream”, the Note 8 was called the “Great” and the S9 is called the “Star.“ So yes, there are fingerprint sensors out there called the “Dream Finger,“ “Great Finger,“ and “Star Finger.“ Weird, yet hilarious.

iliketurtuls - Replica

Lmao, I hope you understand your referring to the ribbon and not the entire sensor; I am not at liberty to correct you, but lookup the description of a fingerprint sensor from a genuine OEM authorized reseller

You're Amateurs -

Yes, I do understand that I am referring to the ribbon, that’s why I called it a cable. It’s not a leap to assume that the cable is carrying the label for the assembly. Just like the “S9+” printed on the rear case represents the whole phone, not just the glass.

Sam Goldheart -

The sticky black webbing on the battery is most likely a thermal pad to assist with heat dissipation. An air gap, even a tiny one (microns) still acts as a poor thermal conductor.

Ashley Foxcroft - Replica

No it isn't.

You're Amateurs -

It's interesting, isn't it, that they dedicate significant internal space to that heat pipe for better thermal management. However even so, neither chip (I assume, more testing needed) catches the A11s sustained performance over time. Makes me wonder what improvement that heat pipe would show in the A11. And makes me want an actively cooled A11X clamshell….

tipoo - Replica

I’m waiting since the launch of iPhone X, I think it will beat a decent amount of i7 processors.

Abedoss -

Dahhhh, A11 already been beaten --follow antutu news more frequently,

You're Amateurs -

You guys did not talk about the new heart rate pulse oximeter sensor that Samsung is touting. I noted it has 4 LEDs (a pair of red and a pair of infrared?). It is definitely not the same part as the S8, which appears to be a Maxim IC. Comments?

anonymous 3038 - Replica

Probably a similar system to the Apple Watch. Except it’s red instead of green.

Liam Powell -

Hi. Hmm the wireless charger receiver does not look like it is exactly in the middle. It looks more towards the bottom part of the phone. Maybe the size is bigger? Would you please confirm the exact location and size of the wireless charging receiver coil?

Eddy - Replica

As usually the screen broke? You have to pay for the frame, hearpeace, small prarts and to pay 450$ nice

Fixmart Laboratory - Replica

My supplier only sells Samsung LCD’s with the Frames, however only accepts ones without frames for recycle. So I have frames sitting around doing nothing.

James Turner -

This is why I haven’t bought a new smartphone in over a year…. I’ll just keep taking my friends money and fix their $800.00+ phones while my $125 (new, over a year ago) ZTE Prestige keeps on doing what the $800 ones do… except the draining my wallet part.

Vincent - Replica

Nice design.

Kevin - Replica


So, no radio on this model either?

Thanx for another great video and teardown explanation : )

Héctor Gonçalvez - Replica

At least they made microphone easier to replace, that was the biggest problems in phones. Now give me this phone for free because all older phones from Samsung, Nokia, LG is expensive $@$* who breaks fast.

janisr545 - Replica

“While phone makers and operating system developers of dubious numeracy skip straight from eight to ten “

Funny, but Samsung actually innovated this first! They went from the Galaxy Note 5 to the Galaxy Note 7

Nick - Replica

What the auto-adjust aperture camera module size?

Ryan Wu - Replica

Pour moi ce téléphone aurait une note de 7/10

mercy yoann - Replica

I dropped and cracked the rear glass on my galaxy s9+. I don't want to take it in to sprint to have them replace it because they'll charge me a fee when I can do it myself. Does anyone know where I can buy one?

Gina - Replica

I mistakenly thought the bottom of the phone had the sim card slot. I inserted the sim tool into the small hole next to the usb c port. I think this is part of the speaker. Did I do any damage?

Dan Coogan - Replica

That’s a microphone opening.

Caleb Kan -

me too. I just did that and mic seems to work OK but idk if it works flawlessly or if the seal is broken. Why they make all this things so confusing.

Please let me know your outcome.

Andres Corona -

So what about the camera lens cover? Can that still be replaced in the same way as with the S8+? I.e.: basically just heat it up with a heat gun and snap/break it out, then put a new one in with a sticky pad… All without without having to actually open up the phone?

Obviously the lens cover is now rectangular in shape an no longer square but other than that I’m hoping it’s the same procedure as I have a brand new s9+ that already has a scratch running through the lens which is causing a lot of glare in sunny shots :(

Any news on when a replacement part like that might start hitting the store??


Silvermane - Replica

The X-ray is my screensaver.

Rob C - Replica

Compared to other devices, it is decently modular, however I would have liked to see an easy to remove battery.

EXE167 - Replica

I suspect that the pad on the battery is for friction and vibration control. The gap between the midframe and the battery will close over time and at some point it will rub and rattle.

Kevin McMurtrie - Replica

I had broken my camera lens glass slip what can i do for it????

Soumyadeep Ghosh - Replica

How durable is the fingerprint scanner glass?

John - Replica

Now i am fight (:)) with Samsung. My display crash near CPU (thank you to show me where is it) passing from very hot (summer sunny day +40 and phone working with gmap) to cold (train with strong air conditioner) , and samsung say this problem is not covered from guarantee. Bha… To someone happen? in case please contact me , details on website

image here

Mauro Telani - Replica

Hello, I own a Samsung Galaxy S9 + Plus, the other day fell to the ground breaking the display and the background images were seen double and moved.

Replacing only the display system? or the defect of the images and due to something else?

ALK - Replica

but to replace the volume and power keys you have to change the whole central frame ???

Antonio Riccio - Replica

The power and volume keys can be replaced separately, if you have the parts. They come out of the frame without too much trouble.

Jeff Suovanen -

So i was looking into replacing my s9+ battery. And this is my first time ever even doing anything like that with any phone. Would you recommend me doing it? Or should I just take it to a professional store? What are some of the issues with me doing it and what all can happen? Thanks!

Nick - Replica

@nickc68 The S9+ is less than a year old, so if your battery is already going bad, you should probably just submit a warranty claim and let Samsung take care of it. I’m all for using the DIY option, but it’s not the customer’s responsibility to replace a faulty battery on a device that’s still under warranty. In terms of the procedure, it’s almost identical to replacing a battery on the S8+.

Jeff Suovanen -

S9+ fingerprint sensor “screen" is made out of what?

James B. Norris - Replica

What is the round part that's labeled D40 and how can I remove it? It's stuck onto the front side of the chassis.

Jump4fun - Replica

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