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Hi @kathyellis13826
Try replacing the DC power inlet jack. You will need soldering tools and skills to do this
Search online for [|Cassio CDP-22OR DC power jack] (example only) to find suppliers that suit you best.
Alternatively search online for ''Casio 10334294.'' This is the part number for the part. It is used in a lot of Casio models, so if the seller doesn't list your model but lists one of the ones shown below it is compatible with your model as well.
AP-220BK, AP-220BN, AP-245, AP-260BK, AP-260BN, AP-270BK, AP-270BN, AP-270WE, AT-3, AT-5, CDP-120, CDP-130BK, CDP-130SR CDP-135, ***CDP-220R***, CDP-230RBK, CDP-230RSR, CDP-235R, CDP-240RBK, CDP-S100BK, CDP-S150BK, CDP-S350BK, CTK-6000, CTK-6200, CTK-6250, CTK-7000, CTK-7200, CTX-3000, PX-130BK, PX-130RD, PX-130WE, PX-150BK, PX-150WE, PX-160BK, PX-160GD, PX-160WE, PX-330BK, PX-350MBK, PX-350MWE, PX-360MBK, PX-3BK, PX-3SBK, PX-560MBE, PX-5S, PX-730BK, PX-730CY, PX-770BK, PX-770BN, PX-770WE, PX-7WE, PX-870BK, PX-870BN, PX-870WE, PX-S1000BK, PX-S1000RD, PX-S1000WE, PX-S3000BK, WK-6500, WK-6600, WK-7500, WK-7600