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Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR

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  1. Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Rimozione viti pentalobe: passo 1, immagine 1 di 2 Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Rimozione viti pentalobe: passo 1, immagine 2 di 2
    • Prima di iniziare, scarica la batteria del tuo iPhone sotto il 25%. Una batteria al litio-ioni carica può prendere fuoco e/o esplodere se viene perforata accidentalmente.

    • Spegni il tuo iPhone prima di iniziare lo smontaggio.

    • Rimuovi le due viti Pentalobe lunghe 6,7 mm sul lato inferiore dell'iPhone.

    • L'apertura del display dell'iPhone comprometterà le sue tenute impermeabili. Procurati tenute di ricambio prima di procedere al passo successivo oppure stai attento ad evitare di esporre il tuo telefono ai liquidi se non sostituisci le guarnizioni.

    • C'è una guarnizione di gomma nera sotto la testa di ogni vite pentalobe. Per avere la massima protezione da polvere e liquidi, controlla le condizioni delle guarnizioni o sostituisci le viti durante il rimontaggio.

    One of my gaskets was as shown in your second photo, the other had been worked into the threads (as if smeared) probably from the factory and was completely unusable.

    In place of replacements (unsure of where to purchase) I just used a clear silicone caulking on both screws upon reassembly to offer at least some water seal. I wish these gaskets were included with the gasket waterproofing sealant kit!

    Erica - Replica

    Is there any place to buy these screw gaskets? I haven’t seen it mentioned anywhere but one of mine was pretty much chewed up. Silicone should work but I’d prefer the oem solution.

    Chilinh Nguyen - Replica

    I found a place on Amazon that sells them. It's cheapest to get a full set of screws than to get just these. $5-$6 USD.

    J Olin -

    Can it be dead?

    Lulu navarro - Replica

    If I transfer the data from the old to the new battery with an icopy, don't I get an error message?

    David Julian Krause - Replica

    how am i supposed to know if the battery is below 25% if the screen won't turn on?

    Beth Jackson - Replica

    Spoiler alert! I just followed all the steps and if you bought the anti-clamp you might save a lot of time and some unreversible steps.

    I recommend that you read all the steps before beginning and follow the steps up to the point where the guide removes the screen (step 23). After that read again the precautions of step 41 and try the next thing:

    - Using something like the iOpener hot bag, heat up the back side of the phone where the battery is glued to for some minutes

    - Alternatively use a 3d printer heat bed at 60 degrees Celsius

    - Once the back of the phone is hot to the touch, enough to make it uncomfortable to the touch, find a portion of the battery with a smooth surface and attach the anti-clamp to it and the back of the phone

    - Follow the steps 4 and 5 to detach the battery from the frame

    If this procedure works you will not have to remove some elements such as:

    - lower speaker black tape (step 28)

    - lower speaker water proof gasket (step 33)

    I hope that someone find this helpful. Happy fixing!!

    Julio Beltran - Replica

  2. Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Segna i tuoi plettri: passo 2, immagine 1 di 3 Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Segna i tuoi plettri: passo 2, immagine 2 di 3 Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Segna i tuoi plettri: passo 2, immagine 3 di 3
    • Se inserito troppo a fondo, un plettro per l'apertura può danneggiare il tuo dispositivo. Segui i passi di questa guida per segnare il tuo plettro ed prevenire eventuali danni.

    • Misura 3 mm dalla punta del plettro e segna questa distanza con un pennarello indelebile.

    • Puoi anche segnare gli altri angoli del plettro con altre misure.

    • Alternativamente, ferma con del nastro adesivo una moneta al plettro a 3mm dalla sua punta.

    Got to step 2 and realized the fix kit doesn't include an opening pick! Looks like a guitar pick, and I have those lying around. Is that expected? Looks like the pick is used in many steps below. There's a little blue crowbar that isn't mentioned in the instructions. Perhaps that replaces the opening pick?

    Sloan Looney - Replica

    Hi! I can't see which guide you were using when writing this comment. Can you reply here with which guide and fix kit you used?

    Clay Eickemeyer -

    I see you posted this in Meta. I hope it's resolved soon! In the meantime, a guitar pick may work well enough for your repair.

    Clay Eickemeyer -

    what fix kit?

    Meow Purr -

    My fix kit didn't include an opening pick either

    WILLIAM HARRIS - Replica

    Make sure you check inside the black boxes after emptying them. My pick was stuck inside one of the boxes.

    AndyF - Replica

    My AliExpress refurbished screen came with a pick that has a coin-like circle that pops out, so no modification was necessary

    Gijs Leegwater - Replica

    the picture shows 3 cm but the description says 3 mm's. Which one is it?

    John Pena - Replica

    That is a misunderstanding. It is a ruler with a scale for cm, it shows 0.3 cm, i.e. 3 mm.

    VauWeh -

    Oh, come ON!

    Big Ed -

    It will ALWAYS be millimeters on a phone, but this step is ridiculous, skip it!

    Leif DeWolf -

    It's not an Ifixit KIT if it doesn't include everything. You'll need to order the opening pic separately. Or head to Walmart like myself and look for guitar pics. Hopefully, this will work just as well. - Replica

    No pick in mine as well. It’s really not clear that you have to order this separately when ordering an IPhone SE 202/2022 screen repair kit. Is this the case?

    Jackson Castiglione - Replica

    Frustrated, I ordered a compact package where everything was encapsulated. Useless suction tools could not separate the screen. If it is unable to decouple the screen, then why sucking suction tools you have provided.

    Shourob Datta - Replica

    For my kit the triangle pick was stuck inside the box with the screen not with the other tools maybe it's also there for you

    Henry Scheibehenne - Replica

    Y’all are getting far, FAR too detailed with some of this stuff…. Measuring and marking the pick that you won’t actually use to open the device?!? lol that’s kinda funny. Just heat it up, grab a spudger, and the back just pops right off! The iFixit tech need to stick to the KISS method more often, you know KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID!!! Like l, for reals, I’ve been doing this stuff for YEARS and using iFixit guides regularly and this is just ridiculous at this point!

    Leif DeWolf - Replica

    Will the phone still work if the sensor assembly on the back of the screen is damaged?

    Mutshidzi Rambau - Replica

  3. Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Metti il nastro adesivo su eventuali crepe: passo 3, immagine 1 di 3 Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Metti il nastro adesivo su eventuali crepe: passo 3, immagine 2 di 3 Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Metti il nastro adesivo su eventuali crepe: passo 3, immagine 3 di 3
    • Se lo schermo del tuo iPhone è rotto, blocca il vetro con del nastro adesivo per contenere ulteriori danni e prevenire lesioni durante la riparazione.

    • Posiziona strisce sovrapposte di nastro adesivo trasparente sullo schermo dell'iPhone fino a coprire l'intera superficie del display.

    • Indossa occhiali di protezione per proteggere i tuoi occhi da eventuali frammenti di vetro che potrebbero essere liberati durante la riparazione.

    • Se non riesci a far aderire la ventosa nei prossimi passaggi, piega un pezzo resistente di nastro (come il nastro adesivo americano) come un manico e solleva lo schermo con quello.

    • Se tutto il resto fallisce, puoi utilizzare della super colla per incollare la ventosa allo schermo.

    This looks like a repeat of Step 3.

    GenjideGaulle - Replica

  4. Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Istruzioni per l'Anti-Clamp: passo 4, immagine 1 di 3 Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Istruzioni per l'Anti-Clamp: passo 4, immagine 2 di 3 Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Istruzioni per l'Anti-Clamp: passo 4, immagine 3 di 3
    Attrezzo utilizzato in questo passaggio:
    Clampy - Anti-Clamp
    • I prossimi tre passaggi ti spiegherano come utilizzare l'Anti-Clamp, uno strumento che abbiamo studiato per rendere la procedura di apertura più facile. Se non stai usando l'Anti-Clamp, salta questi tre passaggi e continua con un metodo alternativo.

    • Per istruzioni complete su come utilizzare l'Anti-Clamp, dai un'occhiata a questa guida.

    • Tira indietro la manopola blu per sbloccare i bracci dell'Anti-Clamp.

    • Fai scorrere i bracci oltre il bordo sinistro o destro dell'iPhone.

    • Posiziona le ventose vicino al bordo inferiore dell'iPhone, una sul davanti e una sul retro.

    • Premi insieme le ventose per fargli fare presa sull'area desiderata.

    • Se trovi che la superficie del tuo dispositivo sia così scivolosa da impedire all'Anti-Clamp di aderire, puoi usare del nastro adesivo per formare una superficie più aderente.

  5. Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR: passo 5, immagine 1 di 3 Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR: passo 5, immagine 2 di 3 Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR: passo 5, immagine 3 di 3
    • Tira in avanti la maniglia blu per bloccare i bracci.

    • Gira la maniglia in senso orario di 360 gradi o finché le ventose iniziano a allungarsi.

    • Assicurati che le ventose rimangano allineate tra loro. Se iniziano a scivolare fuori dall'allineamento, allenta leggermente le ventose e riallinea i bracci.

  6. Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR: passo 6, immagine 1 di 3 Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR: passo 6, immagine 2 di 3 Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR: passo 6, immagine 3 di 3
    • Scalda un iOpener e infilalo tra i bracci dell'Anti-Clamp.

    • Puoi anche utilizzare un asciugacapelli, una pistola termica o una piastra riscaldante, ma il calore eccessivo può danneggiare lo schermo e/o la batteria interna, quindi procedi con cautela.

    • Piega l'iOpener in modo che si appoggi sul bordo inferiore dell'iPhone.

    • Aspetta un minuto per dare all'adesivo la possibilità di scollarsi e creare un'apertura.

    • Inserisci un plettro di apertura sotto lo schermo e la cornice di plastica, evitando di toccare lo schermo stesso.

    • Se l'Anti-Clamp non crea un'apertura sufficiente, applica più calore all'area e gira la manopola di un quarto di giro.

    • Non girare la manopola di più di un quarto di giro alla volta e attendi un minuto tra ogni rotazione. Lascia che l'Anti-Clamp e il tempo facciano il lavoro per te.

    • Salta i prossimi tre passaggi.

    Please UPDATE THIS STEP to say 'insert the opening pick underneath the PLASTIC FRAME OF THE SCREEN' and not the screen. Way too many people are taking this as the way to do it then posting their screen looks different when it's open when they've actually removed the screen leaving the frame in place. It's not rocket science.

    [deleted] - Replica

    Thanks for the suggestion! We updated this step to clarify that.

    Arthur Shi -

  7. Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Scalda lo schermo: passo 7, immagine 1 di 1
    • Il riscaldamento del bordo inferiore dell'iPhone aiuta ad ammorbidire l'adesivo che blocca il display, semplificando l'apertura.

    • Usa un asciugacapelli oppure prepara un iOpener e applicalo per circa un minuto al bordo inferiore dell'iPhone per ammorbidire l'adesivo sottostante.

    An alternative to the Iopener or heat gun is to heat water to EXACTLY 80 degrees F (cooking thermometer is great for this) and pour into a reinforced ziplock type bag. Leave the bag on the screen, but be sure that none of the hot water rests on the zipper portion, as the water is hot enough to soften that seal and leak out on to your device! This meat had is my personal favorite as the heat is distributed very equally and precisely as compared to a heat gun, but is more accessible than the Iopener.

    Colin Wylie - Replica

    When using an iOpener, rest the glossy (transparent) side on the phone so it contacts the phone and conducts heat easily

    Afiq - Replica

  8. Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR: passo 8, immagine 1 di 2 Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR: passo 8, immagine 2 di 2
    • Se usi una sola ventosa, applicala sul bordo inferiore del telefono evitando la parte curva del vetro.

  9. Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Solleva leggermente il display: passo 9, immagine 1 di 3 Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Solleva leggermente il display: passo 9, immagine 2 di 3 Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Solleva leggermente il display: passo 9, immagine 3 di 3
    • Tira la ventosa applicando una trazione forte e costante fino a creare una piccola fessura tra il pannello frontale e il case posteriore.

    • Inserisci un plettro di apertura sotto lo schermo e la cornice di plastica, evitando di toccare direttamente lo schermo.

    • L'adesivo impermeabile che tiene in posizione il display è molto tenace. La creazione di questa fessura iniziale richiede l'applicazione di una forza piuttosto elevata. Se hai difficoltà nell'aprire una fessura, applica altro calore e muovi lo schermo su e giù per indebolire l'adesivo finché non riesci a infilare lo strumento di apertura.

  10. Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Separa l'adesivo dallo schermo: passo 10, immagine 1 di 3 Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Separa l'adesivo dallo schermo: passo 10, immagine 2 di 3 Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Separa l'adesivo dallo schermo: passo 10, immagine 3 di 3
    • Fai scorrere il plettro di apertura attorno all'angolo inferiore sinistro e lungo il bordo sinistro dell'iPhone per tagliare l'adesivo che tiene in posizione il display.

    • Non inserire il plettro di apertura per più di 3 mm, altrimenti potresti danneggiare i componenti interni.

    I think it's important to note that depending on how a screen was damaged, make sure to insert the pic under the black bezel directly under the actual screen. This bezel is a frame around the digitizer. I unknowingly inserted the pic between the bezel and the screen, and separated them both. I did this all the way around the phone. So I basically had to struggle to keep together two different sections of the display assembly because of this mishap, until I removed all the ribbon connectors. It made things much more difficult.

    Dave - Replica

    An edit to my above comment: by digitzer, I mean the LCD shield. My apologies.

    Dave - Replica

    Yeah it’s helpful to just look at the screen they sent you. You’ll have a better idea of where to pry or stick your razor blade under!

    ryandlent - Replica

  11. Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Informazioni sullo schermo: passo 11, immagine 1 di 1
    • Sul bordo destro del tuo iPhone ci sono cavi delicati. Non inserire il plettro di apertura nelle zone indicate, altrimenti potresti danneggiare i cavi.

  12. Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR: passo 12, immagine 1 di 3 Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR: passo 12, immagine 2 di 3 Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR: passo 12, immagine 3 di 3
    • Inserisci nuovamente il tuo attrezzo nell'angolo inferiore destro dell'iPhone e fallo scorrere lungo il lato destro del telefono per separare l'adesivo.

    • Non inserire il plettro per più di 3 mm, poiché potresti danneggiare i cavi dello schermo.

    My replacement screen for the XR has a black rim but it looks pink. Is that normal?

    Irwin Cantor - Replica

    You can use some Isopropyl alcohol in a syringe with a thin needle to soften even more the adhesive around the screen. But be careful so as not to overdo it. Just a few drops. It will become more easier to remove the screen.

    Dan Brock - Replica

    Step 11 says not to insert your pick around the right side to avoid damaging cables, then Step 12 says to insert it on the right side. Help, I'm confused!

    ingwis - Replica

    Hi there!

    Thank you for the feedback! The wording in step 11 was definitely ambiguous, so we have changed it! You only need to avoid the marked spots rather than the right edge.

    Alex Diaz-Kokaisl -

  13. Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR: passo 13, immagine 1 di 3 Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR: passo 13, immagine 2 di 3 Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR: passo 13, immagine 3 di 3
    • Il bordo superiore del display è fissato sia con la colla sia con delle clip.

    • Fai scorrere il plettro sotto il bordo superiore del display, mentre muovi oppure scuoti delicatamente il display verso il basso, in direzione della porta Lightning.

    • Se ci metterai troppa forza, le clip si romperanno. Lavora con cautela e pazienza.

    • Non inserire il plettro di apertura per più di 3 mm, altrimenti potresti danneggiare l'insieme dei sensori del pannello frontale.

    • Fai scorrere il plettro nell'angolo opposto e taglia tutto l'adesivo rimanente.

  14. Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR: passo 14, immagine 1 di 1
    • Tira la linguetta sulla ventosa per staccarla dal pannello frontale.

  15. Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Apri l'iPhone: passo 15, immagine 1 di 3 Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Apri l'iPhone: passo 15, immagine 2 di 3 Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Apri l'iPhone: passo 15, immagine 3 di 3
    • Apri l'iPhone sollevando il display dal lato sinistro, come per sollevare la copertina posteriore di un libro.

    • Non cercare di staccare del tutto il display, perché questo è ancora connesso alla scheda logica dell'iPhone da diversi fragili cavi piatti.

    • Appoggia il display contro qualche tipo di supporto per mantenerlo aperto mentre lavori sul telefono.

    • Durante il rimontaggio poni il display in posizione, allinea le clip lungo il bordo superiore e premi delicatamente il bordo stesso per metterlo in posizione prima di reinserire tutto il display. Se non si incastra facilmente fino al clic, controlla le clip lungo il perimetro del display per assicurarti che non si siano deformate.

    sure looks like the "hinge" is on the right hand side to me.. not left...!

    Doug Trout - Replica

    If you leave the suction cup attached to the screen during the “hinging” process, it makes for a very handy holder for the screen until it’s completely detached.

    Richard Deubler - Replica

    What about the sticky black adhesive clinging to the inside of the case?

    Ronald - Replica

  16. Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Svita la cover del connettore batteria: passo 16, immagine 1 di 2 Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Svita la cover del connettore batteria: passo 16, immagine 2 di 2
    Attrezzo utilizzato in questo passaggio:
    Magnetic Project Mat
    • Rimuovi le tre viti tri-wing Y000 da 1,2 mm che fissano la staffa di protezione del connettore della batteria.

    • Rimuovi la staffa.

    • Nel corso dell'intera procedura, tieni traccia di ogni vite per essere sicuro che vada esattamente nel posto da cui l'hai tolta per evitare di danneggiare l'iPhone.

    • Nel corso del rimontaggio, è una buona idea accendere l'iPhone e testare tutte le funzionalità prima di sigillare nuovamente il display. Ricordati poi di spegnere completamente l'iPhone prima di continuare con il lavoro.

    Definitely make sure all three lobes of your tool are aligned before use (it’s a little harder to tell with this style of bit) and apply even and adequate pressure to ensure it grabs as you spin the driver to prevent disfiguring the lobes/slot of the screw head.

    Unfortunately my Y000 tool was perhaps not the best fit (tolerance a bit off) in these screws and I ended up stripping out the heads of all three of these. I started to panic but after I sanded the tip of my Y000 bit down a little with super fine grit (1000CW-C) sand paper to flatten the domed tip (visible with macro lens) and give it a bit more bite I was able to remove and reinstall without issue—in fact I had to remove and install them twice since I forgot my adhesive tape during reassembly, so the screws survived and the sanded bit worked.

    Erica - Replica

    +1 to above comment. I bought a cheap kit from Amazon and the Y000 screw driver is not good for this job. I’m concerned that I may have disfigured the heads and i type this comment in the midst of my fix :D Be gentle and assess if you can remove at least one screw with your driver before rummaging through all three and other similar screws holding display connector as well.

    Shan Potti - Replica

    Update to above comment. I got hold of a Y0.8 screw driver bit (lucky to find an ORIA screw driver kit in my office) and it works like wonders :) Now back to work…

    Shan Potti - Replica

  17. Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Disconnetti la batteria: passo 17, immagine 1 di 2 Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Disconnetti la batteria: passo 17, immagine 2 di 2
    • Usa la punta di uno spudger per sollevare il connettore della batteria dal suo zoccolo.

    • Cerca di non danneggiare la guarnizione nera in silicone che circonda questo e altri connettori della scheda. Questi sigilli assicurano una protezione supplementare contro l'ingresso di acqua e polvere.

    • Piega lievemente il connettore per allontanarlo dalla scheda logica e impedire che possa fare accidentalmente contatto con lo zoccolo e quindi alimentare il telefono nel corso della riparazione.

  18. Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Rimuovi la cover del connettore dello schermo: passo 18, immagine 1 di 2 Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Rimuovi la cover del connettore dello schermo: passo 18, immagine 2 di 2
    • Rimuovi le tre viti tri-wing Y000 da 1,2 mm che bloccano la staffa del connettore del display.

    • Rimuovi la staffa.

    What if the screw is damaged and you can’t get one out?

    Kashawn Benjamin - Replica

    Same issue here. These screws are a lot thighter than the others. Maybe add a caution notice to be patience with these ones.

    What you can try is superglue to make it attached to the screw.

    Lennard - Replica

  19. Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Disconnetti digitizer: passo 19, immagine 1 di 2 Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Disconnetti digitizer: passo 19, immagine 2 di 2
    • Usa la punta di uno spudger per staccare e disconnettere il cavo del digitizer.

    • Per riconnettere i connettori a pressione come questo, allineali con cura e premili da un lato finché non senti il clic di bloccaggio, quindi ripeti l'operazione dall'altro lato. Non premere in centro. Se il connettore non è perfettamente allineato, i pin possono piegarsi, provocando danni permanenti.

    • Se una parte qualsiasi dello schermo non risponde al tocco dopo la riparazione, scollega la batteria e poi rimetti al suo posto questo connettore, accertandoti che scatti perfettamente in posizione e che nello zoccolo non ci siano polvere o altri tipi di ostruzione.

  20. Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Rimozione flat display: passo 20, immagine 1 di 2 Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Rimozione flat display: passo 20, immagine 2 di 2
    • Usa la punta di uno spudger per scollegare il connettore del cavo del display.

    The new display cable isn’t snapping in but I was just able to snap in the old one. Did I break the new one somehow?

    Andrew Pierson - Replica

    Same it is really frustrating, just keeps slipping up and its bound to get damaged

    Daniel Maldonado - Replica

  21. Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Rimozione cover connettore scheda logica: passo 21, immagine 1 di 2 Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Rimozione cover connettore scheda logica: passo 21, immagine 2 di 2
    • Rimuovi le cinque viti che fissano sul case posteriore la staffa del connettore della scheda logica.

    • Una vite a croce Phillips da 1,3 mm

    • Una vite a croce Phillips da 1,5 mm

    • Tre viti tri-wing Y000 da 1,2 mm

    • Stai attento a non perdere la staffa più piccola attaccata al bordo. È tenuta in posizione tramite una piccola clip ed è facile che che si separi accidentalmente dalla staffa più grande.

    Phillips screw 1.3 mm on last step is not working. The small clipped bracket has been damaged. This screw perhaps should be the first, before 1.2 Y000. - To be confirmed by others.

    Dmitri - Replica

    I’m not sure it makes much if any difference, but we went ahead and swapped the order for you guys. Thanks for your comments!

    Jeff Suovanen - Replica

    I just repaired another XR, and you are right! It doesn’t make any differnerce in the order these screws come out. I still damaged this fragile piece. As I work on more of these, I’ll figure out a way to remove this screw without damaging the clip. For now everyone, just use extra caution when removing the 1.3mm phillips screw! Thanks Jeff

    fabianowens -

    I’ve now done at least 6 of these so far and I have fairly consistent good results by taking the 2 Philips head screws out first, then doing the Y screws.

    Stow -

    Is this piece important for the repair if broken? I have broken it on a home repair. What is it used for? Is it a grounding connection or is it completely unimportant. More information needed please

    Squishy Horses - Replica

    I’m wondering that too. Is this piece important?

    Phillip Gross -

    My clip broke too! on iphone XR. Any word on necessity?

    Beth Buer - Replica

    I can confirm that taking out the 1.3 mm screw first then the 1.5 mm screw works the best. If done correctly, you should be able to to remove the rest of the screws and pull the panel off with the clip still attached to the panel. For reassembly, start with the 1.5 mm screw then the 1.3 mm screw.

    Carlos Oulman - Replica

    I don’t remove the small screw at all. I just slide out the metal cover plate and slide back in to reassemble.

    Kyaw-Zin Win - Replica

    this is what i have done as well. Care is still needed to avoid damaging this part. However, it is seemingly far less prone to damage or loss and thus less risky for this repair process.

    Justin Parsons -

    I too broke this shield. In looking over this problem I believe it’s best to loosen, but not remove, either screw first then the other. To be clear, loosen the red or yellow screw but only just to break it free, then the second screw. Then remove both and the others and the shield should remain in one piece. I put it back with the broken part (on the red screw) and made sure the two are in contact so there’s conductivity as these shields serve a purpose other than just holding in connectors. My phone works fine with this fix.

    pgrobin - Replica

    Is this small bracket important if broken??

    Phillip Gross - Replica

    Mine is broken

    Easy Repair - Replica

    Mine is broken and my apple pay doesn’t work. Something to do with NFC antenna this little clip??

    Marcos Fernández - Replica

    I'm guessing so. I replaced a screen on a phone I bought from a friend. I noticed this bracket was broken when I disassembled the phone but didn't think much of it. When I reassembled it my NFC also does not work. Bummer. A lot of people in these comments have asked if it is crucial that this bracket be connected. Can someone from iFixit or other please reply to those comments?

    Larry Jorgenson -

    On the 1.3 mm screw I actually chose not to remove it. I broke it loose then used the tip of the spudger to simply twist the bracket out of the way, with the screw still attached. Then I could remove the larger bracket.

    mpalma - Replica

    Kyaw-Zin is right because the shield contains of two tin parts. But there is another option:

    1. Unscrew the yellow and orange screws first.

    2. Lift the shield gently that it can turn about 20° anticlockwise.

    3. Open the red screw and let the shield turn with it the first degrees.

    Daniel Brehm - Replica

    The first time I did this repair, I didn’t see the comments ahead of time and broke the bracket, even removing the 1.3mm screws first. The second time I did the repair, I was prepared and being extra careful, but the simple act of turning the 1.3mm screw head was enough to break it. If I ever have to do this repair again, I’ll just leave the screw in and try to slide the plate out with the screw (and bracket, hopefully) still in tact, as per Kyaw-Zin Win.

    Debbie Thompson - Replica

    None of the screw driver bits I got fits the 1.3mm and 1.5mm screws. How do I remove them?

    Jonatious Joseph Jawahar - Replica

    Same issue as above. The bits provided in the kit do not work with the 1.3mm and 1.5mm screws

    Graham Hammell - Replica

    Further to above comment about bit not working. Had to go and purchase another PH000 from Home Depot and that worked

    Graham Hammell - Replica

    I’ve broken that little bracket attached to the red screw. Is it important and can I get a replacement????? Thanks all

    steve.arfa - Replica

    Broken the clip. Is this important??

    kyledrumtutor - Replica

    Yikes, broke mine too. Oh god. Think perhaps the delicate 1.3mm should come out first when everything else is secure...

    Ronald - Replica

    Don't remove the 1.3 Phillips screw! Twisting this screw will break the smaller bracket that is clipped to the larger. Remove all the other screws. Block the smaller bracket from moving as you gently slide the larger bracket horizontally toward the battery until free. The smaller bracket can stay in place while the screen is replaced. When reassembling, support the small bracket by backing with a spudger or similar tool.

    doug68242 - Replica

    I just broke the smaller bracket also :( I didn´t notice these comments until now :(

    It looks like part of the antenna for NFC, as all except NFC works on my iPhone now.

    It should be repairable using some wire wrap wire, either twisted around the two screws that connected that part of the bracket (or soldered in place). I will try and report back if it works.

    Richard Croyle - Replica

    Success!! I managed to re-construct the small arm of the bracket by screwing the 1.3mm screw back in with some 0.3mm enamel wire soldered into what was left of the small bracket arm on the screw, then the other end of the enamel wire I wrapped under the 1.5 wire screw's head (enamel exposed to bare metal), then screwed both screws down. also I lifted up the small metal arm with a screw driver (to make sure it reconnects with the display grounding square) ..and NFC worked again (slightly different antenna pattern mind (need to place cards slightly higher up the rear of the phone). Anyway works again :)

    Richard Croyle - Replica

    do you think it would be possible to repair without the use of microsoldering?

    i brought a new bracket set for the xr and replaced the old one but even with that nfc/apple pay still doesn't work. i'm questioning if i put a wrong size screw or something else

    prolificgmabit -

  22. Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Rimozione sensori frontali: passo 22, immagine 1 di 2 Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Rimozione sensori frontali: passo 22, immagine 2 di 2
    • Usa la punta di uno spudger per staccare dal suo zoccolo il connettore del gruppo sensori frontali.

    During testing, make sure your proximity sensor is not on upside down, as it’s easy to connect upside down. Your phone will boot loop if it’s on incorrectly.

    Tristan England - Replica

  23. Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Rimuovi il gruppo display: passo 23, immagine 1 di 1

    unclear if this is where screen removal ends

    Daniel Maldonado - Replica

    I had the same question, but the answer is yes. Steps 21-30 are removing parts from the original screen that need to be reattached onto the new screen. You are no longer working inside the frame, but on the back of the screen itself.

    amclean78 - Replica

    I apologize for missing these comments initially, but yes that’s correct, the screen is removed now and the rest of the guide goes on to other parts, either in the phone or on the back of the screen. Good luck with the repair!

    Adam O'Camb -

    The alternate method of removing the battery should be highlighted as a standard option. There is so much more work and potential to damage the parts than if you left them in place and carefully with plenty of heat remove the battery. I so wish I had seen this before!

    Martin Kappeyne - Replica

  24. Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Svita le viti dll'altoparlante: passo 24, immagine 1 di 1
    • Rimuovi le quattro viti che fissano il gruppo altoparlante/sensore al retro del display:

    • Due viti a croce Phillips da 1,6 mm

    • Una vite a croce Phillips da 2,3 mm

    • Una vite tri-wing Y000 da 1,2 mm

    Do you really need to do step 21-30, because it says to replace, do it in reverse. Which means you are taking the components off and putting them back on without touching the screen? sorry if this is a dumb question, i’ve never done this before.

    ExplodingRage - Replica

    Good question! It depends on which guide you are completing. If you are replacing the screen, you do need to complete steps 21-30, in order to remove the front assembly and transfer it to your replacement screen. The front assembly contains the Face ID hardware, which is biometrically linked to the logic board.

    Now, if you are completing other guides, you may not need to remove the front assembly. Guides should have the steps slotted in only if they are pertinent to the procedure.

    Arthur Shi -

    I had the same question, but the answer is yes. Steps 21-30 are removing parts from the original screen that need to be reattached onto the new screen. You are no longer working inside the frame, but on the back of the screen itself.

    amclean78 -

    Im reassembling and notice there are no threaded screw holes to secure the speaker/sensor assembly on the new display. no way to secure it at all. Do i not need to secure it?

    Ashley Fitzgerald - Replica

    Hi Ashley,

    There should definitely be screw holes to secure the assembly to the new display. If you purchased the part from iFixit, please contact our customer support, and we will sort things out for you!

    Arthur Shi -

    Same. No screw holes. Now what?

    M Schmidt - Replica

    Please contact our customer support and we will get the issue resolved!

    Arthur Shi -

  25. Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Capovolgi l'altoparlante: passo 25, immagine 1 di 2 Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Capovolgi l'altoparlante: passo 25, immagine 2 di 2
    Attrezzo utilizzato in questo passaggio:
    • Con delle pinzette, ribalta delicatamente il gruppo display in modo che resti giù, lontano dal bordo superiore del display.

    • L'altoparlante rimane collegato da un cavo a nastro molto sottile. Stai attento a non forzare il cavo per non danneggiarlo.

    I don’t understand. It clearly appears that one should stop disassembling after this step. Peeling off the tape here should provide access to the solder connections. Why remove a bunch of other adhered parts? ESD concerns?

    Of course, taking care not to transmit heat to the screen assembly below would be prudent. But it’s unlikely much if any heat would conduct even without using any sort of insulating spacer, assuming one’s soldering technique is acceptable. With a thermal mass that small, overheating the connection is the big concern. Especially since it is lead-free solder.

    (It has a high melting point. If you didn’t already know that, this is definitely not the best project to develop your soldering skills! You can still do it, but should def practice on similar connections until you feel proficient. Lifting a pad or overheating a nearby component are both dangers. Yet, the cost of the part is low enough you could buy two (just in case) and still come out ahead of Apple’s fee. Use flux or you’ll struggle!)

    Ryan Lewis - Replica

    Hey Ryan,

    You are right in that after this step, you could de-solder and replace the earpiece individually, if you choose to do some careful de-soldering and soldering. Alas, not everyone has the background and skill to do so! By instructing users to replace the complete assembly, we bypass the need to solder, and allow a wider audience to successfully complete the repair.

    Arthur Shi -

    When reassembling or placing the whole sensor module on a replacement screen, make sure to gently rock the speaker back into place. There is a rubber gasket lip around the speaker that must be seated all of the way against the screen and speaker grill to function properly. You should feel a gentle click when is goes in. If is not seated correctly it still easily can be screwed in making it difficult to tell if the speaker is in correctly.

    Colin Wylie - Replica

    Hey, I actually ended up accidentally ripping that ribbon off the speaker. What happens now?

    lanize - Replica

  26. Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Riscalda il gruppo sensori: passo 26, immagine 1 di 1
    • Usa un asciugacapelli, una pistola termica oppure applica un iOpener riscaldato nella parte superiore del display per circa un minuto, in modo da ammorbidire l'adesivo che fissa i sensori.

    Review steps 24-29 prior to doing this. Step 27 shows removing ambient sensor. It is attached….barely…to the rest of this assembly. I thought I was being overly cautions, and it still broke. Don’t be afraid to use heat. Do not force. Any resistance, do not force it.. Heat it up and then try. Other than that, sound and camera works fine, and it appears that FaceID works. Not my phone, so I can’t test that part without unlocking customer’s phone. No error messages appeared, so Im assuming all is good. With the touch home button on older models, if touch wouldn’t work, you’d receive a message as soon as you booted the phone up. OK.. That’s enough. Just be careful over the next 5 steps..

    Shawn Bailey - Replica

  27. Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Stacca il microfono: passo 27, immagine 1 di 3 Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Stacca il microfono: passo 27, immagine 2 di 3 Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Stacca il microfono: passo 27, immagine 3 di 3
    • Fai scorrere con attenzione l'estremità piatta di uno spudger sotto il cavo flex sotto il microfono.

    • Applica una delicata torsione per separare il microfono, stando attento a non forzare o danneggiare il cavo flessibile.

    • Se necessario, usa la punta di uno spudger per terminare il distacco del microfono dalla sua cavità nel pannello anteriore. Se il microfono resta difficile da staccare, applica dell'altro calore.

  28. Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Stacca il sensore di prossimità: passo 28, immagine 1 di 3 Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Stacca il sensore di prossimità: passo 28, immagine 2 di 3 Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Stacca il sensore di prossimità: passo 28, immagine 3 di 3
    • Lavorando da sinistra verso destra, fai scorrere un plettro di apertura nella parte sottostante al cavo flex e sotto il modulo sensore prossimità + illuminatore flood.

    • Smuovi e solleva delicatamente il modulo per staccarlo dal suo alloggiamento nel pannello frontale.

    • Può essere di aiuto sollevare e tenere discosto l'altoparlante per accedere al modulo. Fai solo attenzione a non tirare il sottile cavo flessibile nel corso dell'operazione.

    what happens if the metal plate from the sensor separates from the flood illuminator module?

    Yeison rodriguez - Replica

    At this point I thought looking at the image that I was lifting the speaker away and tore off the thin cable completely unaware. Please read and view the next two instruction stages before doing this one and then come back and ensure you keep the speaker very close to the screen as you do it.

    Sally-ann - Replica

  29. Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Rimuovi la staffa del sensore luce ambiente: passo 29, immagine 1 di 2 Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Rimuovi la staffa del sensore luce ambiente: passo 29, immagine 2 di 2
    • Usa delle pinzette per far scorrere la piccola staffa verso l'alto, allontanandola dal sensore luce ambiente.

    I tore the ribbon cable that connects to the light sensor, what do I do? will the phone work even if the sensor doesn’t?

    wittyahole - - Replica

    When you are putting this clip on, you can practice without putting the light sensor on it. It takes some practice. I also may not stay on tightly but it's not a big deal.

    J Olin - Replica

    This clip is a nightmare to get back on!

    Ronald - Replica

    I gave up trying to get the clip back on. Appears to function properly without it.

    Paul Chipelo - Replica

    Definitely one for the tweezers in order to get the brackets little sleeve to fit back over the backet/post sticking up

    Jono Official - Replica

  30. Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Solleva il sensore luce ambiente: passo 30, immagine 1 di 2 Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Solleva il sensore luce ambiente: passo 30, immagine 2 di 2
    • Usa delle pinzette per smuovere il sensore luce ambiente e sollevarlo dal suo recesso nel display.

    • Se il sensore non diventa libero di muoversi nel giro di qualche secondo, applica dell'altro calore e prova di nuovo.

    • Il sensore resta collegato al resto del gruppo da un cavo a nastro molto sottile. Stai attento a non forzare o danneggiare il cavo.

    On picture two, the thin transparent thread between the sensor and the display is not the “very thin flex cable” they are talking about but just some glue remains. In my case this thread of glue was sticking onto the sensor in the exact same way which made me suspicious at first.

    Konstantin - Replica

    The top part of the ambient light sensor easily breaks off from the bottom part. In that case do not despair. Pry the stuck part from the old display and transfer it to the new display. Put the assembly back together without glue. It should hold together just fine. Usually the auto brightness feature will still work.

    Heiko Quant - Replica

    I broke the flex cable from the light sensor that connects to the rest. Anything I can do?

    Matias Bedoya - Replica

  31. Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR: passo 31, immagine 1 di 3 Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR: passo 31, immagine 2 di 3 Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR: passo 31, immagine 3 di 3
    • Se hai avuto successo nella rimozione del sensore luce ambiente, come illustrato nella prima foto, continua con il prossimo passo qui sotto.

    • Se la striscia diffusiva bianca si è staccata ed è rimasta attaccata al display, come mostrato nella seconda foto, devi staccarla facendo leva con delicatezza lungo il bordo superiore utilizzando una lama sottile o uno strumento di apertura. L'operazione è un po' più facile se prima di iniziare riscaldi di nuovo la parte.

    • In fase di rimontaggio, per prima cosa installa il diffusore sul display, facendo attenzione che sia rivolto nella giusta direzione (la faccia frontale è illustrata la prima immagine, quella posteriore nella terza foto).

    • A questo punto, disponi il sensore luce ambiente al di sopra del diffusore. Dovrai tenere in posizione il sensore mentre rimonti le viti che fissano il gruppo altoparlante/sensore. Una volta che le viti saranno strette a fondo, il sensore rimarrà al suo posto e funzionerà normalmente.

    so I was able to wiggle the part out and everything came out except the white strip, like a sticker coming off the bottom so my situation isn't displayed in the diagrams is that white strip important? should I remove it and try to adhere it to the bottom of the ambient light sensor?

    Shadowind98 - Replica

  32. Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Rimuovi lo speaker e i sensori frontali: passo 32, immagine 1 di 3 Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Rimuovi lo speaker e i sensori frontali: passo 32, immagine 2 di 3 Sostituzione dello schermo iPhone XR, Rimuovi lo speaker e i sensori frontali: passo 32, immagine 3 di 3
    • Rimuovi il gruppo altoparlante voce e sensori frontali.

    • In fase di rimontaggio, controlla la posizione del modulo di plastica nero che contiene questi componenti:

    • Sensore di prossimità

    • Illuminatore Flood

    • Il modulo deve essere posizionato in modo che questi componenti non siano coperti da adesivo.

    To replace just the earspeaker, you will have to re-use the the flex assembly which is soldered to the earspeaker…….

    the 2 solder connection are hidden under a tiny piece of thin black tape, on the underside of the speaker.

    Alan Sears - Replica

    forgot to mention to take the clear plastic mold off from the old screen!!

    BKimc - Replica

    Before attaching the sensor module to your replacement screen, ensure there is nothing blocking the earpiece screen on the new screen part. Mine had a mfg defect or something where there was a black foam like film on the outside of the speaker grill that I couldn’t remove with tape or sticky putty. I had to blow through the back of the grill with a computer duster compressed air can. Otherwise the call volume via the earpiece is extremely low, even when turned to max volume.

    Colin Wylie - Replica

    Hey there, if I have an iPhone bit damage and I remove the top speaker and sensor and put it on my other iPhone XR. Will it work? It is original iPhone XR and please let me know

    Nash G Krish - Replica

    The Face ID hardware is paired to the logic board and will not work if you transfer the front sensor assembly. Everything else should work.

    Arthur Shi -

    Are you suposeted to do it backwards when your done

    hewi fewi - Replica

    super gemacht , danke der olli

    schlüppi punkstrumpf - Replica

    The iPhone XR Screen Replacement Kit comes with an adhesive replacement on a blue plastic sheet. I didn’t know what this was and thought it was just protection for the screen during shipping.

    Don’t throw it out - At this step 29 remove the old adhesive using this guide -> Sostituzione guarnizione adesiva display iPhone

    Don’t be dumb like me.

    Toby BC - Replica

    I would definitely add a step at the end –
    30) Replace the adhesive seal -> iPhone Display Adhesive Replacement.

    Steve Koontz - Replica

    How do I configure True Tone on the new screen?

    Armando - Replica

    You need to use an EEPROM programmer. This will read code from the old screen to the new screen (assuming the replacement screen is of decent quality and supports True Tone programming). Check out YouTube and you will find plenty of information on how to do this. It really should be mentioned in screen replacement guides/videos, that if you just replace the screen without this specialist equipment, the True Tone function is not available. This is the same for all iPhones that have True Tone.

    Mark Affleck -

    i just saw recently where the ear hole in the new display was occluded - needed to drill it out. can see with a microscope - may want to check this before reassembly.

    greg - Replica

    Add a comment: remove blue protective covers from back of screen when installing

    Martin Kappeyne - Replica

    Thanks! I left them on until I got everything hooked up… frustrating lol

    ryandlent -

    Removed the big blue one but couldn’t get the little one with what looked like a QR code on it. It goes literally between the 2 cables.

    ryandlent - Replica

    Thanks for the excellent guide! My replacement screen came with no sensor bracket, so I had to remove that from the old screen and remove the earpiece grill from the new screen (because the old grill remained attached to the bracket).

    Goda Choi - Replica


Confronta la tua parte di ricambio con quella originale: potrebbe essere necessario il trasferimento di alcuni componenti o la rimozione di protezioni adesive dalla parte nuova prima di installarla.

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Adam O'Camb

Membro da: 04/11/15

208.958 Reputazione

416 Guide realizzate

47 Commenti

Man, you guys have the best jobs. You get to take apart electronics and make outstanding repair guides for a living!

[deleted] - Replica

Where I can buy the screen?

Slava Slava - Replica

Hi, you can buy the screen here in our store! Good luck with your repair!

Adam O'Camb -

What about the half dozen other steps of removing the back plate, transferring components and reassembling the device?

Conrad - Replica

We put those steps into a separate guide, since not everyone needs them! If you need the more in-depth version, look here.

Jeff Suovanen -

My screen is replaced, but the small bracket straight from the ambient light sensor (step 26) is broken. Is this or will it become an issue?

hnsclmns - Replica

Has anyone Noticed the LCDs on the X series replacement screens crack very easily or is it more than likely I’m just receiving cheap parts?

Zach Grangroth - Replica

Any idea if you will be selling the iPhone XR Display Assembly Adhesive, Item code: IF408-008? If not, any recommendation for where to get this? Thank you,


james tullbane - Replica

@jtullbane It’s available again—not sure why we had the product disabled. Thanks for asking!

Jeff Suovanen -

Thanks for the write up. I just replaced my screen with your kit and I’m unable to use FaceID. I’ve reset it it but I am unable to set it up fresh as the system can’t detect my face during the setup wizard. What is interesting though is that Animoji are correctly projecting my face. Does anyone’s have any tips for further debugging before I take it apart again

Andrew Matheny - Replica

In my experience this is usually a hardware rather than a software issue. Double-check the tips in the final step. Make sure there’s no dust or fingerprints on the Face ID lenses and projector. Make sure nothing was damaged during the repair, particularly those thin flex cables. Reseat the connectors, reassemble, and test again. If all else fails, try reinstalling the old screen and see if you get Face ID back—in theory, a defective coating on the new screen could interfere with the Face ID hardware. Good luck!

Jeff Suovanen -

When you buy the screen, does the necessary screwdrivers come with or do you have to purchase them separately?

Cody Kowalski - Replica

Hi Cody,

If you purchase from iFixit, you have the option of buying either the replacement part by itself, or in a kit with all the necessary tools and adhesives. As of now, we don’t have a kit built for the screen, so you would need to supply your own tools.

Arthur Shi -

what is the small bracket for in step 18?

yhwhelrey0 - Replica

Why caméra icône on the screen is gray

valayrih - Replica

any know what the small bracket is for in step 20, that @iFixit tells us not to lose

Griffin - Replica

Awesome repair guide. I just finished with my screen replacement and am amazed at how relatively simple it was. I only have one critique and that is to add a bit driver to the tools required. I didn’t realize that the ph000 and the y000 were thinner than regular bits so it took a little bit more time for me. All that said I am happy with my repair and thank you guys for the fight for the right to repair. You all are awesome

Eugene Rodriguez - Replica

The adhesive for the XR is only available from the US store but I need to get it in the EU one. Is there a link for it in the EU store not the US one?

chris mccooey - Replica

Does the part you sell have the lcd shield included?

also what is the thermal paste on this model….other sites say “thermal paste pre installed” what does that mean?

mamashannon4u - Replica

Hi! The part we sell is only the LCD panel and digitizer only. It does not have the shield—you will have to transfer the part over. I’m not sure about thermal paste other sites are speaking off…it may be a poor translation to mean screen adhesives?

Arthur Shi -

I have an two iphone xr red, one donor and one to repair, the screen works on the donor vice versa but doesnt work on the other one(touch screen work on bottom half only…) you guys know why?

Antoine RD - Replica

How do I fix my iPhone XR screen? Just the glass part though & I don’t have cutting wire to separate the glass screen from the lcd pls help me

Aleha - Replica

tried it step by step, and my phone won’t cut on..

jj imel - Replica

I am not a seasoned technician by ay stretch of the imagination, though I have tinkered with many things over the years. I followed the guide step by step, and took my sweet time. So far, the phone and all of it’s peripherals work like and look new, face recognition included. I highly recommend the iFixit Mako Driver kit for this project, but I suppose that as long as your tools are of a high quality, you won’t have many if any issues. I used a cheap low wattage heat gun, but after completing this project, I have drawn the conclusion that I really wish that I had the iOpener and am going it order soon. I also could have used a few high quality spudgers and prying/seperator tools. This was a great step by step guide, and I believe that a budding professional could likely take any advice that they can find on iFixit. Excellent work.

Ryan Kennedy - Replica

I recommend buying the magnetic project pad or be well prepared to organize the screws and parts. The screws are tiny, so you might consider a head-mounted magnifier if your vision isn’t perfect. Excited to have this repair under my belt and not have to run to the genius bar for cracked screens any longer.

Jean-Paul Cozzatti Cozzatti - Replica

When you buy a new screen are you buying a new LCD thingy ma bob, or do you have to buy that separately? If it’s all together I should be good to just follow these steps right?

Leah - Replica

Hi Leah!

The LCD is just another term for the screen, so yes, all screen kits should come with it. However, iPhone screen kits get a little confusing. Some kits come with more components pre-installed than others. Our kit currently requires you to transfer the LCD shield from your existing iPhone, so it will require a few additional steps. Here is the proper guide for the part we sell.

Arthur Shi -

Im not an idiot and have done repairs to MacBooks and even replaced batteries on two iPads. I preface what I am about to say with that so if it’s simply user error, I no longer should be allowed to use an iPhone much less repair one.

I am on step 13 and I cannot for the life of me get the screws out for the battery piece. I have no less than 4 iPhone repair kits so that’s a minimum of 4 screwdrivers that should fit. Nope. They aren’t stripped (yet). I don’t know what help you can provide other than confirm that it’s possible that I was multiple kits for iPhone repair that simply don’t have the correct screwdriver gauge needed for an iPhone XR?

Cary Serrano - Replica

Do you need to have the new screen reprogrammed from the old screen to keep true tone?

Jeremy Jett - Replica

Great job. I would like to ask what speaker is it when you voice text? Thank you

Billy Ferguson - Replica

I replaced my screen and lighting connector port assembly and now I dont have Airplay anymore. What did I do wrong and how do I fix that.

Wynand - Replica

Thanks guys!! Helped me a lot!

A nice thing would have been to include removing the plastic “guides” for the earpiece, speaker and cameras. I couldn’t line mine up so I just went without it. Still works perfectly fine but for someone to whom this may be important, would have been a nice inclusion.

All in all, thanks for your help!!

tw1st3d - Replica

Did this today. Happy with the new screen. Most difficult steps 27-29 and of course screwing little screws back. Took 2hrs.

Gary - Replica

This guide helped me execute my screen replacement flawlessly! Thank you!

Mike Ross - Replica

Will Face ID work? Or will it be bricked completely with a replacement screen. Will it work if I clone the data using the chip cloner?

Ethan V - Replica

Hi Ethan,

If you successfully transferred over the front-facing sensor assembly to the new screen, Face ID will work!

Arthur Shi -

Thanks for the write up. Helped me to replace the screen on my partner’s phone.

Neil - Replica

I have to say that I went into this one feeling pretty pessimistic, but figured I could live with a busted phone and an additional $120 for a display as my worst case scenario. So, when I turned it on and everything worked as new? Well howdy doo! These instructions were excellent. THANK YOU!

J Olin - Replica

What kind of screwdriver I need for the 2 screws in the front

colin17harris - Replica

Thank you! I have been using ifixit for years. Repair went great!

fehrfam6 - Replica

Je viens de terminer avec succès le remplacement de l'écran sur iPhone XR selon ce tutoriel très bien fait.


La principale difficulté concerne les manipulations de ces microscopiques vis.

Si elles tombent, considérez qu'elles sont perdues. Donc préparez l'environnement de travail en conséquence. ( une serviette de bain sur votre surface de travail afin d'éviter le rebondissement de la vis si elle vous échappe)

merci mille fois a Ifixit et au concepteur de ce auto.

Ricardo - Replica

Just wanted to thank you amazing bunch of people for another perfect guide - you really are a godsend. Your work is much appreciated!

Matt - Replica

Super gute Anleitung. Hat alles problemlos funktioniert. Vielen Dank dafür!!!

Christoph Franke - Replica

Excellent instructions. Worth going at it very slowly, gently applying sufficient heat so things come apart. Took five minutes to get the screen out. The Ifixit kits and sucker puller work well + the magnetic work tray to keep everything contained. Most of all, the right screwdriver tips. I thought I had everything - but not a P000 Y shape! Many of the screws are unbelievable small, and make your fingers and your other tools look like sausages. One thing extra: my new screen came with a protective blue plastic layer on the back. When reassembling, steps 31-30, this needs to come off, otherwise it leave a tag sticking out. For removing all traces of the old glue seal and bedding it a new one, it's worth reading the separate instructions. Quite tricky and you get one shot. When it comes to the final mating of the parts, important to hook in the tangs at the top of the phone and keep some pressure on, to locate the bottom end correctly. Very happy when it all came back and functioning.

Iain Boyd - Replica

Hello, good repair guide. But I feel that it is missing couple more steps to explain how to fit the adhesive of the new screen before to reassemble it all.

I have bought the screen with adhesive in the EU store of iFixit.

Julien Boeuf - Replica

Thanks so much for this excellent guide! Another electronic device saved thanks to a clear and well written guide! Keep up the amazing work!!!

RealityMan - Replica

Thanks so much for this excellent guide!

Javad - Replica

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