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Panoramica Video

Questo smontaggio non è una guida di riparazione. Per riparare il tuo PlayStation 4, usa il nostro manuale di assistenza.

  1. Smontaggio PlayStation 4, Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 1, immagine 1 di 1
    • No, davvero, stiamo per smontare la PlayStation 4. Ecco i pezzi che ci aspettiamo di trovare:

    • CPU AMD "Jaguar" x86x64 da 8 core

    • GPU Core Next Engine da 1,84 TFLOPS AMD Radeon Graphics

    • 8 GB di RAM GDDR5

    • Disco rigido rimovibile e aggiornabile da 500 GB

    • WiFi 802.11 b/g/n e Bluetooth 2.1

    • USB 3.0 + Ethernet 10/100/1000

    • Condensatore di flusso da 1,21 GigaWatt (ok, questa è più una richiesta che un'aspettativa)

    I remember the frustration!! Sitting in filth and diarrhea, trying to disassemble my PS4 without any help and it was impossible. Missing a few screws we lost to the filth but the PS4 runs great again. Thank you for all your help!

    Tronald Dump - Replica

  2. Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 2, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 2, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 2, immagine 3 di 3
    • Che hardware produce una gestazione di 7 anni? Abbiamo appena fatto in tempo ad aprire la scatola che il primo sguardo rivela:

    • Un'altra scatola. Andiamo oltre.

    • La console PS4 (Se manca dalla scatola, contatta gentilmente il tuo rappresentante di Sony Computer Entertainment)

    • Un controller DualShock 4

    • Il cavo d'alimentazione

    • Un cavo HDMI

    • Un cavo micro-USB

    • Una cuffia mono con microfono, tasto e fermaglio per maglietta

    "Jim Washburn was an ex college coach. He'll get on his motorcycle and drive from Coast to Coast; and if he sees anybody that looks like a big, explosive pass rusher, he'll pull over and work em out."

    - The Coach (Jon Gruden)

    Tronald Dump - Replica

  3. Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 3, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 3, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 3, immagine 3 di 3
    • Qui ad iFixit siamo dei fieri oppositori della mentalità black box. Quello che c'è all'interno dell'elettronica di consumo non dovrebbe essere un mistero incomprensibile (e non riparabile).

    • Detto ciò, dobbiamo però ammettere che la PS4 è una black box maledettamente bella.

    • Sette anni di innovazione hanno portato la PS4 ad avere una forma nettamente più geometrica, una striscia d'indicazione luminosa e un logo identificativo più delicato della precedente generazione.

    • Troviamo anche:

    • Un lettore Blu-ray/DVD

    • Due porte USB 3.0 alimentate

    • Alcuni loghi delle collaborazioni della Playstation: HDMI, DTS, Dolby e Blu-ray.

  4. Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 4, immagine 1 di 1
    • Ora che avete tirato fuori dalla scatola il vostro luccicante monolite, vorrete collegarlo a qualcosa. Sul retro Sony ha posizionato delle porte:

    • Presa alimentazione

    • Uscita audio digitale ottica

    • HDMI

    • Ethernet

    • Una porta ausiliaria proprietaria per collegare dispositivi esterni, coma la PlayStation Camera

    In power inlet:Ps4 from japan cuh 1100A multi volt or not?

    eXcel lent - Replica

  5. Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 5, immagine 1 di 1
    • Molti acquirenti della PlayStation 4 hanno riportato dei malfunzionamenti su internet.

    • Uno di questi problemi hardware, come riportato da Kotaku, impedisce alla PS4 di trasmettere alcun segnale video al display.

    • Stando a quanto scritto su Kotaku sembra che "un pezzo di metallo nella porta HDMI del sistema doveva essere allineato con la parte inferiore della porta, ma invece si è piegato verso l'alto, ostruendo alcuni dei contatti della porta."

    • Questo "pezzo di metallo [...] ha danneggiato alcuni dei 'denti' del cavo HMDI—quello incluso con la PS4."

    • TL;DR: se la tua PS4 ha dei problemi a trasmettere il segnale video assicurati che la porta HDMI non sia piegata o danneggiata.

  6. Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 6, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 6, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 6, immagine 3 di 3
    • Ci fa piacere che Sony abbia dato il potere al popolo riguardo il disco rigido della PS4: è sostituibile dall'utente.

    • Avremo presto una guida dettagliata per gli intrepidi giocatori interessati a montare un disco rigido più capiente o un veloce SSD, ma per ora ti basti basti sapere che tra te e il nirvana del tuo disco rigido ci sono solo una copertura in plastica e delle viti.

    I don't have the part that you can open and there is no where else I could possibly open it

    Rayshon Dennis - Replica

    If it aint raining, boy, we aint training!

    Am I right?

    Tronald Dump -

    How bout it?

    You ever wing-finger a wench? Buffalo style?

    Tronald Dump -

  7. Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 7, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 7, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 7, immagine 3 di 3
    • Sfiliamo il disco rigido SATA II da 500 GB a 5400 RPM prodotto da HGST (una sussidiaria di Western Digital).

    • Con solo una vite che tiene fermo il supporto scorrevole del disco rigido è molto semplice sostituirlo.

    • Non solo questo disco rigido è sostituibile dall'utente, ma è anche uno standard SATA da 2,5" (ovvero come quelli nei portatili), il che significa che potete sostituirlo con qualsiasi disco preferiate, a patto che rispetti questi standard: alto al massimo 9,5 mm e non più piccolo di 160 GB. Felicità per gli utenti!

    • Ma questa è una vittoria amara sull'espansione di memoria: la PS4 non supporta dei dischi rigidi USB esterni, riducendo drammaticamente l'utilità della PS4 come centro multimediale.

    i see is step 8 taht you write ANY drive, does this mean that both HDD and SSD can be used ? thank you very much :)

    best regards

    Peter Grønborg

    pgronborg - Replica

    Yes as long as it fits the measurements stated

    Demonkid -

    I've tried to fix the misinformation that the ps4 still doesn't work with external memory ,which they changed in an update in June of 2015 ,

    Demonkid - Replica

    Yes you can use external storage now

    Cody Frederick - Replica

  8. Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 8, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 8, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 8, immagine 3 di 3
    • Per andare più a fondo dobbiamo rimuovere delle malvagie etichette. Ignorando il loro minaccioso messaggio anti riparazione, togliamole subito dalla circolazione con le nostre fidate pinzette...

    • ...solo per trovarci di fronte a delle moderatamente subdole viti Security Torx.

    • Per fortuna le viti inconsuete non hanno speranza con noi, grazie al nostro kit di cacciaviti Pro Tech.

    • Siamo lieti che non sia un grande problema, come quello delle etichette, ma queste malizie non passeranno inosservate al momento di assegnare il punteggio di riparabilità.

    Some PS4 models only have the two (stickered) screws I. The middle the top cover is held in place with 2 tor’s screws under the black plastic hard drive section cover that is removed near the start

    Fred Bloggs - Replica

    You cracked the code

    Tronald Dump -

  9. Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 9, immagine 1 di 2 Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 9, immagine 2 di 2
    • Interrompiamo questo smontaggio per comunicarvi una notizia importante:

    • L'odioso impero anti riparazione ha fatto della propaganda contro i vostri diritti di smontare, modificare, moddare, migliorare, personalizzare e fare quel *** che volete dato che si tratta del vostro dispositivo.

    • È una trappola! Questa propaganda afferma di essere ambientalista, ma abbiamo molti dubbi su quanto riciclabile sia questo dispositivo.

    • Vogliamo che vi organizziate e vi ribelliate! La riparazione è il futuro. È un tuo diritto. Solleva in alto il tuo manifesto e unisciti all'Alleanza della Riparazione!

    • Ed ora torniamo alla normale programmazione...

  10. Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 10, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 10, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 10, immagine 3 di 3
    • Ignorando felicemente il nostro manuale dell'utente, procediamo...

    • ...e svitiamo le quattro viti Security Torx T9, permettendoci così di rimuovere la scocca della quarta generazione della Sony PlayStation. Sgraniamo gli occhi mentre aspettiamo di dare un primo sguardo a cosa c'è sotto questa bellezza.

    • Eppure non vediamo altro che sentimenti di nostalgia. Guarda come sono cambiate le cose.

    “how things have changed” links to a “Forbidden Access” page… The curse of reading old teardowns, I suppose.

    dgw - Replica

    • Nello smontaggio della PlayStation eseguito dalla stessa Sony, il responsabile della divisione engineering Yasuhiro Ootori ci ha mostrato la ventola centrifuga personalizzata da 85 mm:

    • "Il volume di aria e la pressione generati, come la direzione del flusso d'aria, fanno parte del design esclusivo di PS4."

    • In questo video esclusivo il nostro chief information architect, Miroslav Djuric, espone la propria opinione su questa meraviglia dell'ingegneria.

    Spinning the fan by hand generates a back EMF. DO NOT DO IT, it can damage the motherboard.

    me - Replica

    Me said it! It must be true!

    Spencer Folgate - Replica

    ME must be short for “Mechanical Engineer” , and they never do anything wrong. :)


    peyton mcvinney -

  11. Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 12, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 12, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 12, immagine 3 di 3
    • Il nostro ingegnere di smontaggio telecomandato svita e rimuove delle eleganti alette di fissaggio...

    • ...mentre si gode un meritato spuntino tipicamente canadese con i nostri collaboratori di Chipworks.

    OMG Tim Hortons!!! its been ages since i lay my hand on those...

    krisnadi imam - Replica

    Where's the birthday cake timbits?

    jeremy boyle - Replica

    Yes! Extra large triple triple w/ 3 shots please.

    peyton mcvinney - Replica

  12. Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 13, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 13, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 13, immagine 3 di 3
    • Messe da parte le alette e le ciambelle. prestiamo attenzione a come rimuovere l'alimentatore.

    • Nessun mattone sul quale inciampare lungo il filo: questo alimentatore è ancora annidato dentro la scocca.

    • L'alimentatore è certificato per un ingresso AC di 100-240 Volt. Questo significa che puoi portare la tua console in viaggio in tutto il mondo; ricordati solo di portare con te gli adattatori necessari.

    I see it's multi voltage, but did your unit state on the back of the box and the unit that it was 100 ~ 240v ?

    My unit only says 120v, both on the box and the unit,it could be that you had a multi voltage unit ?

    Please confirm for us all

    Many thanks

    Paul burton - Replica

    Mine say 110V. I also wonder if it is dual voltage.

    Donald -

    So it's dual voltage or not ?

    Vova - Replica

    Can you please advice my ps4 110v i need to know can i plug it to 220 or not, please advice ASAP, many thanks

    Mokhtar -

    minE ALSO SAYS 120v on the unit and the box so i dont know if its multi voltage... did yours say that

    obasi - Replica

    Can you specify the exact model you tested in the video and what it says on the rear side regarding the voltage?

    I bought in US aunt model CUH-1001A. On the rear plastic it says "120V" only, and the manual for CUH-1001A specifications show also only 120V.

    Is this the same model as you tested? If so, I can assume my internal power supply is 100-240V as in the tested unit, if not - I may have to buy a voltage transformer.

    Amir - Replica

    OK, I trusted some older posts and plugged it in - happy to say its working great and nothing burned :)

    I have a model CUH-1001A saying at the bottom "120V 2.1A 60Hz". Working in Israel on 220V.

    Amir -

    mine says 100V 50-60Hz I bought it in Japan and using in Eurtope with 220/240VAC

    I was really afraid before trying. but i managed thanks to this guide and willing to play!! it works! it is definetly dual voltage.

    they make them all the same, i guess in the same factory in China, i am wondering about the Blue ray disc, does the region depends by the hardware or the software (i guess the second one) i haven't tryed it yet

    Matteo - Replica

    Hey i just picked up a PS4 from Japan...CUH 1201B Model...on the box and on the back of the PS4 its clearly written 110v....pls can someone confirm if its actually duel voltage.....these posts are about 3 years old...has someone tried it recently......

    hooghan -

    i wouldn"t chance there are adapters out there this website is too concerned with canadian doughnuts to tell you there are two screws to remove the psu casing i don't think these people care if you are trying to affect you own repair rather than give money to sony or if your trying to cleanout your fan and any other area that is dust related which isn't fair to the (if you will "not so knowledgeable") consumers of the this website.

    and to be clear by not so knowledgeable i meant people who aren't electronically inclined

    SKHILLBILLYslurrrs - Replica

  13. Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 14, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 14, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 14, immagine 3 di 3
    • Non abbiamo finito di con te, caro alimentatore. È ora di diffondere i tuoi succosi segreti.

    • Liberare l'alimentatore dalla sua copertura ci rivela quello che ci aspettavamo: dei grossi condensatori, nessuno dei quali ci mostra il flusso che cercavamo.

    • Sembra che questo alimentatore si muova solo avanti nel tempo (sigh).

    • Ora che l'alimentatore è stato rimosso, puoi finalmente pulire la tua ventola.

    • Avere un alimentatore interno significa che la PS4 dovrà raffreddarlo, rendendo così la pulizia della ventola molto importante.

    Please be careful and DO NOT touch the capacitor (those pesky cylindrical objects) wires. As they retain a considerable amount of charge even hours after unplugging them from the power source.

    milp - Replica

    There is a danger here for little kids. The 120 volts for the power supply readily accessible to little fingers and probing metal tools like coins in the hands of children. The ends of the 120 volt wires are exposed, the fuse is exposed which will have 120 volts on BOTH ends, the capacitor is right there along with the power transistors, choke coils, and other things, including the transformers. Many will still be live even when the console is turned off.

    Make sure to unplug the unit when there are small children around and the unit is sitting out in the open. When using it, put the back away from where little fingers can reach it.

    John Pombrio - Replica

    That’s one of the reasons so many products are “not user serviceable”. So you can’t fail against them when you electrocute yourself. ;)

    John clark - Replica

    I just got a little shock

    jordan28.r - Replica

    Name part ? That

    Kim Toribio - Replica

  14. Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 15, immagine 1 di 1
    • Il lettore Blu-ray/DVD è il nostro prossimo obiettivo, fissato da qualche vite.

    • Sfortunatamente la PS4 non è retro compatibile con i giochi PS3, PS2 e PS1. Questo lettore potrebbe far girare i tuoi vecchi dischi, ma non li leggerà.

    • Stranamente, non legge nemmeno i CD musicali, anche se questo sembra essere una limitazione software che Sony risolverà con un aggiornamento.

    • Ma a chi serve ancora un lettore, ora che abbiamo il potere del cloud?

    • Dato che la situazione è proprio questa, Sony ha in programma di lanciare un servizio di game streaming nel 2014 supportato da tecnologia Gaikai, che ti permetterà di giocare titoli PS3 sulla PS4. Tutto verrà processato ‘nel cloud’ dai server Sony, con il segnale video trasmesso alla tua console.

    • Tutto ciò è bello e buono, ma vediamo cosa ci interessa davvero: possiamo giocare a Crash Bandicoot?

    "Held down by a couple screws..."

    ... And those would be... ?

    tekgeekster - Replica

  15. Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 16, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 16, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 16, immagine 3 di 3
    • Questa è la storia di un lettore ottico e della sua scheda... scoprili con noi, uniti in un viaggio di scoperta, per scoprire di che cosa erano fatti.

    • Troviamo degli IC sulla scheda del lettore:

    • Renesas SCEI RJ832841FP1

    • Mitsumi 312 3536A

    • IC Driver Motor ROHM BD7763EFV 325 T62

    • STM8ED 9H A07 VG MYS 331Z

    So, is the optical drive a custom-built Sony component, or is it manufactured by someone else?

    Finster Dexter - Replica

    Mylar connectors. I HATE Mylar connectors. They are flimsy, prone to popping out when shipping, and are great for making intermittent contacts. The are also hard to get in and out without destroying the wire, the socket, or both.

    John Pombrio - Replica

    My ps4 was slammed on ground is there anyway I could buy a replacement optical drive

    joshua - Replica

    The gear and arm in the blueray disc drive just like two person dancing with a ball! ^_^

    Alvin Ma - Replica

    The pins in my optical drive were not aligned so I disassembled it and realigned the pins. However when I put it back together my ps4 is not turning on

    Anthony Santiago - Replica

    I lost my screws to fix my

    Laser deck do you know what screws I need?

    callumcrombie123 - Replica

    Hey there, this is a teardown, not a repair guide, check out our repair manual for the PlayStation 4. You can follow the optical drive replacement guide to find out more about the screws you need, step 12 has the screws I think you're talking about.

    Sam Goldheart -

    I cant seem to find anyway to get new rollers from

    Robert Bentham - Replica

    hi i have 7 ps4 motherboards and 7 optical drive boards; how can i understand which one belongs with motherboard??? please help me. all boards not working and i can not try it/ thanks!!!

    NAREK - Replica

  16. Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 17, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 17, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 17, immagine 3 di 3
    • In una corsa per la scheda madre, abbiamo svitato alcune viti per liberare il corpo della PS4.

    • Stiamo rimuovendo pannelli come se stessimo rimodellando uno studiolo degli anni 60.

    • Siamo molto vicini; possiamo quasi assaporare i chip (in realtà speriamo siano al gusto delle Fully Loaded Baked Potato).

    • A preso, scheda madre, a presto.

    What type of screw driver for this part?

    Itz kell - Replica

    The majority of the screws are T9 Torx security screws.

    akira2800 - Replica

    The majority of the screws are T9 Torx Security. You’d need a T9 Torx Security screwdriver to remove them.

    akira2800 - Replica

    The top cover can be a little stubborn. There are locating clips on the edge opposite the screws that like to hang on. Use the force..

    steve winter - Replica

  17. Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 18, immagine 1 di 2 Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 18, immagine 2 di 2
    • Alla fine siamo riusciti ad aprire quella gloriosa valigetta di intelletto e prelevare il nostro tesoro.

    • Diversamente dalle schede madri che ritroviamo nei sempre più sottili dispositivi mobili, quella della PS4 si erge ordinata su vaste distese verdi di fibra di vetro.

  18. Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 19, immagine 1 di 2 Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 19, immagine 2 di 2
    • Campi di chip freschi e maturi per la raccolta!

    • SoC SCEI (Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc.) CXD90026G (include cores AMD "Jaguar" e la GPU AMD Radeon)

    • 4 Gb (512 MB) di RAM GDDR5 (totale di 8 moduli da 512 MB = 4 GB) Samsung K4G41325FC-HC03

    • Processore secondary / low power per le attività di Network SCEI CXD90025G

    • 2 Gb di SDRAM DDR3 Samsung K4B2G1646E-BCK0

    • 256 Mb di memoria seriale flash Macronix MX25L25635FMI

    • Controller ethernet Marvell 88EC060-NN82

    • SCEI 1327KM44S

    What a great teardown. Interesting to see that 2 Gb (256 MB) of DDR3. I think it's used by the subsystem containing ARM CPU, right? I find it quiet interesting that the ARM CPU is the southbridge in the system. Makes me think we'll see some nice features implemented over time.

    Rob Ban - Replica

    I can't believe it is a 2Gb DDR3 chip... it costs 200$ ! Is it a mistake ?

    Freed - Replica

    Per Chipworks, the 2 Gb (256 MB) DDR3 is used by the dedicated network co-processor. That also seems reasonably apparent from the board layout.

    Jeff Suovanen - Replica

    Which gyroscope are they using?

    Deron - Replica

    thought u said it had 8gb ram????

    Hozi - Replica

    I only see 4GB of RAM on the PS4? Am i missing something?

    Don - Replica

    Look at step 21, the other memory chips are on the board's underside.

    xtcrefugee -

    Where is the temperature sensor?

    Eugenio Schualle - Replica

    There are little gray rubber-like things on the RAM… if one of these is missing will it affect anything??

    Junkman Junior - Replica

  19. Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 20, immagine 1 di 2 Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 20, immagine 2 di 2
    • Dicono che gli IC dell'altro lato sono sempre più verdi...

    • Hub controller USB 3.0 Genesys Logic GL3520

    • 4 Gb (512 MB) di RAM GDDR5 (totale di 8 moduli da 512 MB = 4 GB) Samsung K4G41325FC-HC03

    • International Rectifier 35858 N326P IC2X

    • Memoria flash seriale CMOS Macronix 25L1106E

    • 39A207 1328 E1 3FU

    What is the iron mask? Is it the unrevealed HDMI transmitter?

    Amuro Ray - Replica

    Is it possible to tell what the small, square chip is near the SATA port?

    dumbo - Replica

    Where is the temp sensor?

    Eugenio Schualle - Replica

    In total it has 16 ram?

    Nestör Oyorsabal - Replica

  20. Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 21, immagine 1 di 2 Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 21, immagine 2 di 2
    • Ti chiedi cosa ci sia dietro la porta numero uno?

    • Chip LSI comunicazione HDMI Panasonic MN86471A

    • E la numero due?

    • SoC single-chip integrato 2x2 WLAN/Bluetooth/FM Marvell Wireless Avastar 88W8797 7

    • Skyworks 2614B 315BB

    • Queste immagini sono una concessione di Chipworks. Grazie ragazzi!

    The Panasonic chip is the HDMI 1.4 transmitter. The HDMI 2.0 version is MN864777.

    Roberto Pezzali - Replica

    The linked details suggest that the Marvel chip supports Bluetooth 4, but PS4 specs only say 2.1. Possible for Sony to update this in a later software update?

    frandom - Replica

    I would suppose so. We'll have to see about that. So the Marvel chip supports BT LE (Low Energy). That's kinda interesting. Would be awesome for external accessories such as heart rate monitors and different sensors.

    Rob Ban -

    Look at picture n°1 ... is the board damaged ?? wtf ..

    Giuliano Biasi - Replica

    They had to take a metal shield off to see this chip, not surprising if that caused some damage.

    frandom -

    Sorry but there's a ton of damage around the Panasonic IC and on the Marvel daughterboard... In this condition, it looks like at the very least you'd have a hard time playing HDCP content and connecting the controllers wirelessly?

    Is this damage from Chipworks or is this something that occurred during initial take-apart; that is to say, is this something that would happen if one tried at home?

    Since they aren't identified previously, its hard to understand how they end up in this condition.

    ...I vote that iFixit demonstrate how the take-aparts posted affect the product functionality by documenting reassembly and restored function. Without that, the scores only represent how easy it is to disassemble a device.

    cspurgeon - Replica

    As far as I can tell the damage is because metal shields that were covering the chips have been removed so that we can see what they are. These shields aren't intended to be removed and aren't relevant to repairability.

    frandom -

    frandom is correct. Chipworks removed the shields in a quick-n-dirty fashion because we wanted to identify what chips lurked underneath the metal covers. There is no way this PS4 will work afterwards since CW took all the main chips off the board in order to depackage the chips themselves. Consider this PS4 to be sacrificed at the altar of chip investigation.

    Miroslav Djuric -

    You could’ve easily avoided all of the board damage if you simply had used a hot air rework station or maybe a soldering iron, some flux and desoldering wick. Sorry guys, but you did a crappy job of removing those shielding cans…

    Pitipu Corrado - Replica

    Under normal circumstances you’d be correct, but as Miro mentioned above, board damage is all but irrelevant here since the next step in the analysis is to depackage the individual chips—i.e. remove them from the board, slice them open for a cross-section, grind them down layer by layer, and analyze them under a scanning electron microscope. You can see what the process looks like in our Apple A4 teardown. Trying to keep the board pretty while you harvest all the chips is sort of like asking the demolition crew not to get mud on the carpet as they’re wiring up the building with explosives.

    Jeff Suovanen -

  21. Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 22, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 22, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 22, immagine 3 di 3
    • La scocca inizia a sembrare vuota mentre facciamo uscire la protezione EMI contro i disturbi elettromagnetici.

    • Ostinato a restare collegato, il dissipatore abbraccerà la protezione EMI per il resto della vita. Non si staccherà mai.

    • Credici: ci abbiamo provato. Ma ha opposto resistenza.

    • I cerotti non sono molto fotogenici, ma indossiamo le cicatrici delle riparazioni con orgoglio!

    • Il nostro onorevole martire dello smontaggio ha commentato: "Questo schermo EMI è fantastico, come grattugia".

  22. Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 23, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 23, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 23, immagine 3 di 3
    • E alla fine, la più grande fan della PS4!

    • Va bene, è stato un brutto gioco di parole. Ma è davvero una bella ventola. Guarda che curve.

    • La bellezza è una cosa, ma questa ventola ha anche una funzione: è progettata per operare più intelligentemente e silenziosamente di quel ronzante frullino della PS3, accelerando e rallentando gradualmente per tenere il rumore basso.

    I wonder what the weight tolerances are if someone would press on the top of the console and possibly damage the fan. I wonder if that is what causes most blue light flashing issues? Any way someone could test that?

    Jeremy White - Replica

    hi i recently bougth a ps4 slim 1tb CUH 2016B model. It camed with the cooler broken so i have to replace it. Ive been looking on ebay and i cant find that model of cooler (it looks the same as the one on the video) so im wondering if i could replace it with the cooler of the ps4 CUH-1215A. What do you recomend? What model of cooler will work with a ps4 CUH 2016B? Thanks

    lucas dal masetto - Replica

    There's also the part you should note: The PS4 fan runs like a jet engine, and a boring 747 produces less noise

    Russell Repair Co. - Replica

    I need to replace the power supply of the fan (the 3 pin part from the motherboard), but I don't know the part number or how to search for it. My PS4 model is CUH-1004A. Can you please help me? Thank you

    Adrian Iusan - Replica

    • Ogni rispettabile nuovo dispositivo deve avere un qualche scandalo da tirar fuori. Quindi, mentre ci avviciniamo alla fine dello smontaggio della PS4, ci prendiamo un momento per confermare il wobblegate.

    • Ecco la conferma: sì, dondola se la spingi.

    • La soluzione: non spingerla.

  23. Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 25, immagine 1 di 2 Smontaggio PlayStation 4: passo 25, immagine 2 di 2
    • Finito lo smontaggio, abbiamo tirato i pezzi sul tavolo in segno di vittoria.

    • E poi li abbiamo riordinati, poiché le nostre madri ci hanno visto.

    • Ciao mamma!

  24. Considerazioni Finali
    • L'assenza di adesivo rende facili lo smontaggio e il riassemblaggio.
    • È facile accedere all'hard drive di tipo non proprietario e sostituirlo; cambiarlo non annulla la garanzia.
    • Le viti di sicurezza e i sigilli antimanomissione scoraggiano gli utenti che vogliono smontare e riparare la loro PS4.
    • Devi smontare un bel po' del dispositivo per poter accedere alla ventola per pulirla; è anche peggio se devi sostituirla.
    • L'affilato strato intermedio può farti male alle dita se non presti sufficiente attenzione in fase di smontaggio.
    Punteggio Riparabilità
    Riparabilità 8 su 10
    (10 è il più facile da riparare)

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73 Commenti

extra 256mB DDR3 chip eh? strange design. sat normally everything is upside down in the case.. and the way it sucks air through the power supply, then through the heatsink and up into the case.. guess the hot air blows out of the front? or is there something on the other side of the bottom cover to guide it towards the back? also saw that replaceable cr2032 battery... that will be dead in 4 years and I don't think anyone's gonna be replacing it.. wonder why they didn't stick in a rechargeable one like the dreamcast. or make it a user changeable one like the wii/wii u

King - Replica

Traditionally, blower fans blow air out of a system (hence the name). So no, it isn't drawing air in through the PSU, that wouldn't make much sense.

Also, I've seen plenty of 10+ year old systems with BIOS batteries that are still fine, so I've no idea where you've got that 4 year life from.

xtcrefugee -

Figuring out the airflow of the PS4 is like doing origami. The air comes in from the top of the back and goes out the bottom of the back. There is a aluminum-mobo-aluminum sandwich about a half inch thick in between.

The air come in through the top slots, over and through the bottom of the sandwich as the mobo is upside down. The air cools the sheet, cools the memory chips by little dimples on the sheet and then is sucked through the sandwich by many small holes in the sheet metal and then through the mobo- yes, there are airholes strategically placed on the the mobo! Look by the battery for most of them that are directly over the fan intake.

Now the air comes to the fan intake via those small holes and a couple of vents over the hard drive. The cutouts over the fan intake are particularly strange, square holes, small round holes, L shaped holes. From there it is out the fan across the top sheet, then the CPU/GPU heatsink, again with memory dimples, and out through the hot parts of the power supply.

John Pombrio -

You may be right John - from the blower design I'd assumed there were vents on the bottom, but there don't appear to be, at least from the unboxing videos I've seen. Having the intake and exhaust right next to each other is traditionally a no-no for cooling, off the top of my head I can't think of any other piece of consumer electronics that does it like this.

xtcrefugee -

the dreamcast DID have a cr2032, in both the console AND the VMU's

ducky wilson -

Yes, and the DC one was rechargeable. That’s my point.

King -

Can you tell us if the power supply is multivoltage.


Luis Antunes - Replica

can i use ps4 with vga port lcd tv ? (just with cable,no converter)

Ulas Bulut Ezberci - Replica

HDMI doesn't support VGA signals, so you're going to have to convert it.

shokikugawa -

Any determination on sata 2 vs sata 3?

Phillip Auge - Replica

This is I want to know also...

David Hairston -

I see that sony are still leaving massive gaps down the side of the Heatsink which does nothing for airflow efficiency. Some models of the ps3 slim were like this and I did an experiment with a jailbroken one so I could see the temps, with the gap blocked off I got a decent drop in temps.

danguy2009 - Replica

Just a heads up.. I had an intercooler attached to my first ps3 and it burned up. On the second one i put a fan behind the system and it never over heated. I just gave it to my grandson after having it for six years and it still works fine. I am doing the same with my new ps4. Bill2208

margiebill2208 -

Never buy a fan that attaches to your PS3 or PS4, i found that it burns your system up. Instead get a small fan and place it behind the unit and it will cool it just fine. I just gave my Grandson Dustin my 6 year old PS3 it still works great...

margiebill2208 -

The PS4 is supposed to have 8 gb of GDDr5 not 4. Where is the other 4gB?

Alexis - Replica

Is it something regarding about this?

rupang886 -

4G is the density of the RAM. Desnity is in bits and not bytes, so 4G bits per chip = 512MB.

There are 8 chips on the top of the board and 8 on the bottom making a total of 16 giving 8GB of GDDR5 RAM.

For an explanation of part number see

Suraj Subramanian -

They wrote 8 x 512MB = 4GB, wrong math

Alexis - Replica

Yes but it has 4 GB of RAM on both sides of the motherboard. 2 x 4 x 512 MB = 8092 MB (8 GB) of RAM.

Mika Aleksi -

This is a great picture guide on how to tear it down. I havent seen many places helping find the best hard drive until I found this guide here - there are 5-6 hard drives that work with the PS4 that have high reviews

psguy - Replica

I wonder what the weight tolerances are if someone would press on the top of the console and possibly damage the fan. I wonder if that is what causes most blue light flashing issues? Any way someone could test that?

Jeremy White - Replica

Can we please get a Dual Shock 4 controller tear down, and a Playstation Camera teardown?

zZz - Replica

SONY does away with ALL conventional ways of pulling heat from the console chips. The first is that the CPU/GPU is facing DOWN towards the bottom of the console. The next is that the heatsink is NOT touching the CPU/GPU chip directly and is also facing down in the case. The high speed graphics chips need to be cooled and it is done by dimpling the two sheet metal panels, 16 dimples in all. The ONLY means by which these SEVENTEEN contacts are made is by some sticky stuff on the graphics chips, thermal paste, and TWO SCREWS. Two screws mounted diagonally from each other and the holes can been seen in the mobo. Give this thermal sheet metal sandwich a good twist, squeeze, or bump and some of these 17 contacts are going to be bent, squeezed, or separated. Any non or poor contact will cause the board to measure overheating, stopping the console.

SONY took a big risk in trying to innovate here and it may be the cause of many of the consoles problems. That and Mylar connectors ( I hate Mylar connectors!)

John Pombrio - Replica

Uh, you might want to take another look at the teardown pictures. Step 23 very clearly shows the underside of the heatsink plate, along with the thermal paste. As with the Xbox One (and other AMD APUs), the GPU is on the chip, so is cooled by the same cooler. As for your concern over only 2 screws being used to secure the cooler, that's really not going to be an issue for a heatpipe-based cooler like this. Massive, heavy copper heaksinks (like some Zalman ones) are secured with similar 2 screw brackets in PCs without any problems.

For me, the real concerns are that the fan draws air in from underneath the console - I wonder how many of these will end up being used while on carpets, and how much dust will end up getting sucked up. Also, that radiator looks awfully small when compared to the one the Xbox has; that either means more airflow is needed (so potentially noisier) or coping with higher temperatures.

xtcrefugee -

Right is the the other poster and wrong am I! The heatsink not only has a cutout for it AND is held down by the two screws but it also has a bump out that makes better contact with the ALU. I am still trying to wrap my head around a screw that goes through a aluminum sheet, the motherboard, another aluminum sheet and into the heatsink is going to prevent the sheets from moving or bending. I would have to play with it to figure that out. Still, not a single chip gets blown on by the fan on the mobo as they are encased in that very thin sandwich.

John Pombrio -

I find it interesting that it looks like AMD is going back to a (sort of) shim for both the PS4 and Xbox APUs rather than the heat spreader used on current desktop chips. Was this something specified by MS/Sony I wonder, or something AMD decided? Does it result in better heat transfer?

xtcrefugee - Replica

Can you confirm if the European PS4 has a power brick 100v-240v as well? Pls, I need this information!

duroforce - Replica

Hi any idea, if Blu-ray/DVD drive can play European games, and blu ray movies?

Planning to send one out of state.


Diego - Replica

Where abouts are the light emitting diodes on the ps4? I assume they are Smds on the motherboard, but can't quite tell?

Shawna Flannigan - Replica

need a replacement power supply unit!!! where can i find one?

David Martin - Replica

Pls i am getting a ps4 from canada and it is 120 volt on it, please can any one confirm if it is safe to use in uk where there is 220 to 240 volt please help me on this

Max - Replica

what size torx screws are used? Length-wise?

ajsanaje - Replica

Our step by step repair guides will have more information about screw sizes than the teardown!

Sam Goldheart -

Quick Question, is it a T9 or T8? I see people on eBay selling T8 for the PS4.

Thanks in advance

KcXbox Repair - Replica

The screws are T9 Torx Security.

akira2800 -

I took mine apart to clean. It wont turn on now. I did my xbox 1 still works perfect

blazeharris - Replica

In step 18 you unscrewed the metal plating to get to the motherboard... unfortunately mine has some screws screwed in backwards, so i can only see the threaded parts of them! how can i get them out? is mine the only one with this problem? is it the fault of some chinese Foxconn worker?

gavtopscorer - Replica

Hi there! I suppose it's possible you have a different model with a different screw pattern, but before you panic, check the motherboard replacement guide, this is a teardown and is not meant to be followed as a repair guide!

Sam Goldheart -

Quite possibly the worst guide I've seen on here so far.

James Russel - Replica

This is a teardown, not a guide. If you're looking for instructions, you can find them here.

Jeff Suovanen -

Very good.

Thanks, you save my day.

Valdemar Martins - Replica

I have a PS4 with that will not start when you push the on/off button. put it will start when you load a disk in the disk drive. Is it possible to get a replacement for the on / off button?

curtis britten - Replica

You guys use to be so good about showing all the locations of the screws. Well, better look elsewhere.... (I have extra screws, and I need to find out where they go!) Now, I see they replaced the time they took labeling the screws and instead tell us what they are snacking on! SMH! Please stop including USELESS information!

Edit: So I see in other comments, that this is a teardown, not a guide. But when I Google "PS4 disassembly" THIS is what comes up first thing. I guess...... MY BAD!

Harrison - Replica

I found what I needed thanks to Jeff Suovanen. Thanks for posting the link in other comments.

Harrison - Replica

The screws on the back of the ps4 are NOT t9 screws nor are they t8 screws neither one fits both too big. After 2 trips to lowes home improvement to get the correct one at 20 miles each way twice.

Todd Sawasky - Replica

Care to share which driver ended up working for you? There is more than one revision of the PS4; this teardown was for the launch version, which may have used different screws.

Jeff Suovanen -

is it possible to remove the blue ray drive and run the ps4 without a blue ray drive installed??

Rocky Lee - Replica

Single worst repair guide I have ever read.

Nick - Replica

"This teardown is not a repair guide. To repair your PlayStation 4, use our service manual."

Sam Goldheart -

This might be late but - Does anyone know the dimensions of the RAM? Or any links to RAM heatsink on Amazon?

frankinstyyn - Replica

I have this little black gear with a spring I have no idea where it goes please help

denverspalding - Replica

Also it came from the disk drive

denverspalding - Replica

Looking thru have 4 black Security screws where shall those be placed?? I have bought a torn Down ps4

Karl eriksson - Replica

That bluetooth chip appears to support 4.0, while the pre-slim PS4s controllers only used 2.1 (and had a lot of interference)? Does anyone know if using the V2 DS4 would form a 4.0 link? Was it just controller side that didn’t support 4.1?

tipoo - Replica

Does anyone have an idea of what the heatsink is made out of?

Shaun Alvarez - Replica

I’m interested in changing/improving the heatsink.

1. Add a “copper shim” between processor and heatsink with one drop MX4 on both sides.

2. Build out the heatsink with parts from a PC processor heatsink or replace it entirely with a PC heatsink and cut it to fit.

Anyone tried 2.?

Peter Johansson - Replica

Do you know were i can find a replacement motherboard the usb ports dosen’t seem to work on mine after my baby sister chewed on one of my cords as it was plugged in and shorted them out.

Kole - Replica

It would be fun to upgrade the HDD AND the RAM. But I dream…

Isaiah - Replica

My USB ports are not working

Kiante Augustin - Replica

Hello, my PS4 Model CUH-1267 only has 2 screws on the back. Can you please explain how to open it. Since a few days it won’t start up again. Starting it, I only get a screen saying “connect the dualshock 4 with a USB-cable an next press the PS-key”, which doesn’t do anything. I got it once in safe mode and tried to reinstall everything, but then it crashed again and now I am stuck! Thanks for your support.


Bisshop Jyr - Replica

Sorry, I misread the model it should be CUH-1216B.

Bisshop Jyr - Replica

I used this guide to teardown one for cockroach cleanup.

Awesome guide! F&$@ the roaches.

Tplan - Replica

I wonder if the playstation 4 supports SSD hard disk.

nellysade lumma - Replica

Hello guys, i have a problem with my ps4, I bought a new hdd, it’s a seagate barracuda 1T and when I plug it in the ps4 it says “error CE-34333-6”. But when I start the ps4 without the hdd it says “error CE-34335-8”. I checked on the internet but no solution, it only says that my hdd is open. like the ps4 can do the difference when there is a hdd so it says “error CE-34333-6” and apparently the hdd is open and when there is no hdd and it says “error CE-34335-8”. if anyone here got the same problem please give me some advice :)

elliot cuillandre - Replica

The system will always throw error CE-34335-8 if there’s no HDD inserted, it cannot boot without it. Your other error code indicates the new HDD is faulty.

Kara Meyers -

Is the grounding shield necessary that's on top of the power pack

King Jordan - Replica

Hola buenas quería hacerles una pregunta yo desmonte mi Ps4 para limpiarla todo bien hasta aquí la volví a montar y funciona bien solo que el mando no funciona es decir si le pongo auriculares el audio no se escucha y en am los juegos el mando hace lo que quiere solo funciona todo si pego el mando a mi Ps4 literalmente tocándola a medio centímetro no funciona que puede ser? Si me pueden ayudar les agradecería les dejo mi mail por si me quieren escribir ahí. muchas gracias de antemano

manolitosoft1 - Replica

Some PS4 models only have a single screw on the back where you have 3 in Step 8.

There is a different method to remove the panel, and I don’t know what it is, but using this guide i was not able to complete the teardown

Joshua Selvidge - Replica

What model do you have? i think you can find it on the package for example, my ps4 (slim even if they don’t say so on the package) is cuh-2116b

Daniele Carminati -

best information

Amelia Spears - Replica

Don’t know why it is claimed you can’t use external storage. I have been using a 4tb external hard drive successfully for over three years. It is connected to one of the two usb ports on the front. I only use it for games, haven’t used it for movies, but I assume it would work for that also.

Roger - Replica

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