great guide!!!
button replaced and now it's working again!! awesome.
a couple of tips though...
1. take your time!!! this phone has a ridiculous amount of tiny screw, washers, rubber thingies and what not... don't be against the clock.
2. almost no force is required in this!!! only part you should some force is when pulling out the display from the metal frame. and even there, a suction cup will greatly help you.
3. i did have some difficulties putting the logic board back, just try and wiggle it around until you see it is sitting nice and snug in there and all screw hole are aligned.
4. try to have a screen protector film on your display because most of your work will be with the display faced down. those things are like $1 so get one.
5. after your are done, test your speakers, vibrator, wifi, cellular reception, cameras and of course the home button.
6. tap yourself on the back and have a cold beer when you are done, you just disassembled and reassembled the entire phone almost completely.that is not easy.