Hello, my name is Kyle Taniguchi and I am a Design undergraduate at University of California, Davis. I come from a family of mechanic and automotive lovers, and have been always fixing everyday objects from a young age.
As a product designer, I aspire to approach sustainability though extending longevity of use. Most items todays are designed to break or design to be thrown away. I aim to create a system of products where it and transform with the needs and wants of the user. This comes with how understandable the system is, how accessible the system is in terms of financial and educational standpoint, and how easy it is to repair.
Microsoft Softwares (Word, Excel, Powerpoint)
Adobe Softwares (Illustrator, Photoshop, Indesign, After Effect, XD)
3D Softwares (Autodesk, Rhino, Vectorworks, SketchUp)
Web Design Softwares (Figma, InVision,)
Basic Level Programming (Python, Java Script, Java, Processing)
Artistic Skills (Painting, Drawing, Sculpture, Photography)
Woodworking Skills (Machine operating, CNC)
Laser Cutter Operation
Soft Goods Fabrication (Sewing, Knitting, Crocheting)
Problem Solving
Time Management
Guide alle quali Ho Contribuito
Kyle Taniguchi
Hello, I am Kyle Taniguchi! I am a Fourth Year product design undergrad at University of California, Davis.
UC Davis, Team 4-8, Whithaus Spring 2024
Tag del Team: UCD-WHITHAUS-S24S4G8