Hello! My name is Estefania Gomez. I’m a freshman at the University of California, Davis majoring in Design. I’m currently exploring my interests in the field of Design. After completing my degree, I hope to pursue a career in UX/UI Design or Automotive Design! I love creating things! I enjoy making collages and infographics for projects. They’re one of my favorite and proudest creations. I’ve never fixed anything too complex. However, I’ve been diving into the world of Vehicles and would love to learn more about their engineering process. I’m currently a member of the Economics and Business Student Association here at Davis! I’m also part of their Design and Marketing Committee.
In my spare time, I like to draw, listen to music, watch movies, and make collages. My favorite music genres are jazz, pop, R&B, and rock! My favorite genres of movies are dystopian, horror, and psychological. Otherwise, this experience will allow me to explore the world of repair and perhaps even learn a new skill or hobby!
Microsoft Excel
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Estefania Gomez
UC Davis, Team 4-8, Whithaus Spring 2024
Tag del Team: UCD-WHITHAUS-S24S4G8