Hello! My name is Kelly Knight and I am a 26 year old junior at California State University Bakersfield. I am majoring in Communications with a concentration in Public relations.
I have already obtained my associate degree in communication from my local community college, Bakersfield College. I graduated Suma Cum Laude, as well as being accepted into the Sigma Chi Eta honor society. I hope to continue this theme of excellence in my time at CSUB.
These next two years I have hopes to get a few internships, paid if I can, to gain the experience I need to land a job after graduation. Currently, I am a Shift Lead at the store I work out. It's one of my greatest accomplishments to date. I really enjoy the leadership and collaboration I have with my team members. Our team gets constant compliments on our customer service and clean environment. I get feedback from my team that a lot of those compliments come from my collaboration with them. I do not have a lot of repair experience, most of my skills relate to writing and schoolwork. However, I was able to fix a broken sink drain, and I like to "tinker" with things to figure out how they work. I guess that's why Tinkerbell is my favorite fairy.
Last summer I was the maid of honor in one of my close friends' wedding, and to date it remains one of my favorite experiences. I got to plan the bridal party (a trip to the beach) and stand right behind my friend as she got married to an amazing man. It was a truly magical experience.
This particular project is one that involves people in my life. So many people I know tend to go the "if it's broken, buy a new one" route in their lives, and I'm one of them! I hope that by doing this project I can pick up some skills to help me fix other things in my life.
Besides these things, in my day-to-day life I enjoy watching, listening to, and reading about true crime. I have podcasts, shows, and nooks on the internet that help me get my true crime fix. It also heavily relates to my favorite holiday, Halloween. In fact, my family and close friends have all found ways to incorporate Halloween into their lives. My best friend owns a small, year-round horror shop that I help out with when I can. my family sets up and runs their own haunted house every year, which I also love to participate in. My boyfriend, unfortunately, does not have such a huge love for the holiday. He does tolerate it though! I cannot wait for this Halloween, and I am so excited to do this project and acquire some new skills!
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Kelly knight
I am a Public Relations major. In fall 2023 I am in my junior year, with only two more years to go! One of my favorite things to do it watch tv. My favorite shows are all true crime related like Law and Order SVU and Criminal Minds.
California State University Bakersfield, Team 4-6, Chiang Fall 2023
Tag del Team: CSUB-CHIANG-F23S4G6