I removed the two screws which face downward (if you're hold the iPad upright in front of your face). They appear to hold the connector to the rest of the device. I put the whole thing back together (minus screws), and it has worked like a charm since. I have no idea why this worked (and I'm a prior Electronics Technician). Now that it is working, I have no plans to open the iPad again just to figure it out. If you are going to follow the ifixit instructions for opening the iPad, I would add two caveats: 1) The opening instructions aren't quite right. Metal clips hold the front screen tight to the aluminum only on the top, bottom, and left sides. The right side has plastic tabs which are inserted into recesses in the aluminum. The best way to open it would be to start from the top, then work your way around the LEFT side and along the bottom, then tilt the left side out and slide the front panel towards the left. When I took it apart, the ambient light sensor cable came off by itself, but was not broken....