Me and my Dog
Hello! My name is Amy and I am a current first year at UC Davis majoring in Design. I chose to study Design as I loved the idea of creating something in order to fulfill the needs of others.
Although I would like to go into Graphic Design, it being project based gives me thrill when working. In the future, I hope to go into a career that will allow me to design posters, whether it being for musicians or for advertisements.
Repair Experience and Skills
On my own, I tend to fix things that I didn't know that I was capable of, such as bike breaks. I grew up with a father who was very hands on with everything as he was a carpenter and now a mechanic. He always wanted me to try things out myself before I asked for help. As I was raised with trying things out first, I tend to put that into everything I do. This also has helped me develop my skills when it comes to doing things. I tend to like doing my task as specifically as I can. With that, communication is my main priority when I work with others in order to successfully complete a task.
Poster of Jaemin of NCT Dream that I made
- Designing posters
- Playing GameCube games
- Learning choreography
- Cross Stitching
Le Mie Guide
Amy Ayala-Gallardo
UC Davis, Team 1-8, Andersen Winter 2023
Tag del Team: UCD-ANDERSEN-W23S1G8