The guide is excellent, and the parts provided first-rate. I do not know if the adhesive used on the digitizer plate is the same as in the original iPad. I found that the adhesive strips were not as strong as I would have liked, and although I was very careful to throughly clean the surfaces being attached , I found that the digitizer would still flex slightly when pressed.
I used a strong contact adhesive to secure the plate, and settles on Goop. I used it on the corners and also around the area of the home button, that needs to be seated very securely in order to make a good contact with the two pins it connects to. I followed the adhesive instructions carefully (thin bead on both surfaces, let it air dry for a couple min before contact), and then tightly secured the digitizer to the frame and bezel with scotch tape to keep things pressed down. The next morning the plate was on as tightly as when the iPad was new. I don’t know if this precludes future removal of the screen, however.
Be sure you follow step 37 and free the headphone jack ribbon cable. I missed that step and found myself puzzling how to get the rightmost screw on the logicboard.