I also have a huge problem with my note4 n910c. Last night i was using the phone but battery was only 10% left. I switched it to u.power saving mode, but today when i woke up and plugged in the charger. While ultra power saving mode was disabling, my battery was only 1% so my phone turned of but after it my phone is showing no response not even charging. I asked some shop keepers and they said that there is a problem of software which means its bricked And they can fix it but my warranty will be voided. So then i went to another shop and that shop keeper plugged in the charger for 10 minutes and my phone was heating up, he said they phone is not powering up because of short circuit. I asked myself that how the !&&* is this possible. Still i have warranty and accidental coverage so i think i should talk with them about my problem, what do u think guys? Can someone please tell that what could be the problem with my phone. "sorry for my bad english, still learning"