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The second iteration of Samsung Galaxy Tab tablet computers with a 7.0-inch screen. Model numbers: GT-P3105, GT-P3100, and GT-P3105.

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Why won't my Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 charge?

When I plug in my Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 to charge, there is an X over the energy symbol if there is more than 50% of charge left. If I restart my Tab when it shows it is less than 50% charged and then plug it in, it will start to charge. If I don't restart it, there is an X over the energy symbol. If the battery is completely depleted, it will still charge—but very slowly.

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What charger are you using? How long has this been going on? Did anything happen to your Tab prior to this?


The red 'x' always appears when I charge my samsung tablet 2 7.0 whenever it's on. It's really ticking me off because it's not charging while it's on. I tried everything that the "victims" of this problem said but it's not working. My mom called the place for the samsung service thingy but they said that it really isn't fixable unless we buy a new one (BS!). I JUST WANT TO KNOW HOW TO FIX THIS RETARDED PROBLEM!!!!! D:


- Try with the original Samsung Charger

- Try restarting device and then charge

- Try shutting device down completely and then charge


hi this happened to me to, but Thomas i used the original charger, thats the only charger i have


It's possible that you received a 5.0v charger with your tablet. Samsung shipped the wrong chargers for a short period. The charger needs to supply 5.3v before the tablet will charge normally. Google 5.3v 2amp charger or call samsung to get the correct one.


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74 Risposte

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Something that worked for me:

Plug the cord to your Tab first, then connect the USB cable very slowly into the PC/laptop at a gradual pace. The flash sign should appear when the USB cable is almost half inserted. Insert it completely. The Tab should then charge with a white charging icon instead of any red cross sign.

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I FINALLY DID IT!!! Okay here's how I fixed mine, I had the Galaxy Tab 2.0 7inch and had lost the stock charger, i ordered one online and when i plugged it in after getting it in the mail got the charge loop. I found online that you should unplug it hold down power for 1 minute then while still holding power plug in to the charger, then continue to hold power button for 30 seconds. then just let it go. i charged mine for an additional 3 minutes and it booted right up and and didnt charge. it needs to stay off for a couple of hours in order to charge it wont work with the non-stock charger or wallbrick while on. it was a miracle and the only thing that fixed it. Good luck and Happy Charging!!


Omg nicole peterson I did what u said and I tried it and it worked .wow ur the best


So u only do that ones


And mine is about 58 % and when I plug it in the red thing is still on there so do I just plug the cord and it would charge with the red thing or I have to hold it for 1 minute or what?


Thank you so much!!! I tried other things I saw online and this is the only thing that worked!! You Rock!!!


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Hie Friends

To those who may be lucky, please try this it worked for me.

press and hold the power button 10 sec (without releasing it)

press and hold both power and volume down buttons for 10 seconds, then release vol. down button while holding down power button for another 10 seconds, before releasing.

plug to pc and wait to be recognized?

Good Lucky

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This worked for me. Thank You


My samsung galaxy tab 3 gt5200 wont charge and o ddnt open it. How can i fix it?


I fixed mine by putting my PS4 into power save mode and plugged my Tablet into it. It was the only thing that worked. I had reseated the battery, tried many chargers. Think it was the low power that did the trick. Works well now!


try finding a power source with higher voltage i assure you your cable and your gadget would charge again


My battery shows half a white circle in the middle but tablet all black


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Hey the same thing has been happenin to me my tablet wouldnt charge everytime I would connect the charger it had a red 'x' over it nd it would only charge wen I would power it off but I would leave it for 3 hours nd it would only charge for about 10-20%

Heres how I fixed my problem

Nd hopfully it helps u guys out

Turn off ur tablet then press thepower button nd volume button at thesame time for about 10 sec u will see dat it turns on but dot let go keep holding it until the littke greent android guy comes out then it will have a menu but u wannah click on the first obtion nd after ur tablet is gunnah restart nd it will turn on aftertry pluging in ur charger nd if it worked for u it isnt gunnah have the red 'x' nd it will charge normally

Hope this helps u guys goodluck c;

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Let me knoe if this worked for u guys heres my email


this worked on the wife's unit, I'm a hero now.


Tried holding the buttons many times before it finally worked. I already lose my hope until I let it just stay, after many attempts, with the charger still plugged in. 30Mins after letting the tab closed, I pressed the power button and the green android appeared (Huhhhhraaaay!) I chose the 1st option (system reboot) and then the tab restarted and saw the charging icon WITHOUT THE 'X' MARK.

Thanks a lot!


Thanks for the info, this helped me. My tablet is now charging.


hi, it really worked for me. Thaks


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I also experienced the same thing

Then, I tried to unplug and plug in charger quickly

'''First: Plug Charger

Second: Unplug Charger Before Mark "X" Appears In Battery

Third: Put Back Charger'''

This way will Work Until You Turn off Samsung Galaxy Tab

If you Turn off and Turn on Your Device

Ways That You Need to Repeat

Good luck ^.^

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i had the same problem but this answer helped and it really works!

thanks! :]





Jun 16

Permalink • History

I also experienced the same thing

Then, I tried to unplug and plug in charger quickly

'''First: Plug Charger

Second: Unplug Charger Before Mark "X" Appears In Battery

Third: Put Back Charger'''

This way will Work Until You Turn off Samsung Galaxy Tab

If you Turn off and Turn on Your Device

Ways That You Need to Repeat

Good luck ^.^"


Fast and reliable. Thx for the post


hi everytime i put my tablet to charge the red X appears but it shuts of and doesnt come back on can someone help me


thanks for the worked for me..God bless!


worked for me as well THANKYOU


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I was just having this problem with red x and now I have it gone by using the weird charger it came with instead of a normal one I already had. Works now.

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Do u know the CallTouch Tablet couz that my tablet and i cant see how to fix it i search it everywhere!. GRRRRRRR!!! Im so angry at this and nervous because my mom gave it to me and i know that she will get angry at me. .~.


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just unplugin then slowly put et to half iff that not work just try to go back and foword it will work truts me if that work put a 1 min to charge then plug in to the end after that you will have fixed samsung galaxy tab 2 10.1........sorry because my bad english

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thank you sir it work on my samsung tab2 :D


Worked, Thanks.


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Normal USB can only supply 500mA, so when connecting to PC or Power Supply that has not shorted Data + and - from USB, the 'flash' (for fast charge) will not show.

I modified a 2A Power Supply (5V == 10Watts) with an intermediate adapter to shorten Data+ and Data- and it immediately works and charges fast with (up to) 2A.

Update: Today I had also the problem that always the 'x' was shown, but it was a software problem, I think the charging is somewhat controlled by software. Now I had to restart the device to get it charging again. First time this happened.

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Thomas is correct but maybe not about the cheat he used (I don't have the correct knowledge to know if that is good enough or not).

I just purchased a Satechi UH3-10P.

It is a 10 Port USB 3.0 hub with a 5v adapter.

It has 1 iPad charging port at the end. I plug my Samsung in to that port and it charges at the same time I can use it without problem.

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Just got 2 new tabs today and suffered the same issue...

It is to do with the chargers. I received the genuine Samsung chargers consisting of usb cable, power block and European connector. in the box there was also a dodgy looking European to UK adaptor.

the power block to European or uk connector is a fairly standard format now.

As I didn't want to use the dodgy looking connector I used normal uk usb chargers but none of them were working. The usb to pc charger is not designed to work I don't think. At this point I was thinking the devices were broke.

I then tried the dodgy connections and it worked. Also tried another (apple) charger that has the power block and uk connector (not one piece) and it worked too. Must be something to do with the power coming through the differing connections.

Try it, it will work.

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No it doesn't


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The Evil Red-X. I had it too. When I got my tab2 it only came with the cable. No charger. I was using a charger that had two output ports in it that I use for my phone. It worked for a couple months and then I started getting the red X. I found a different charger, and tried that. Still the Red X. Powered down/up, pluged it in the other charger, and the Evil X is gone. It is now charging at a good rate. It hss gained 10% in the last 10 min. I'm guessing the charger I was pluged into didn't have the needed Amp output. Next time at Wally World I'll pick up a bigger Amp rated Charger. Life is Good!

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My wifes tablet would not charge or even come on for that matter . After being on the charger for three days i was about to give up. Then I decided to hold the power on and the volume both down at the same time till it came on . Works great now.

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this rele works ? ama try


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even I had the same prob, but finally, i learnt how it works do not insert whole usb to port at once.slowly insert the usb(connected to tab) to port(of pc) upto its approx 1/2-3/4 will see charging.

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I had the same problem which started after a year of using my tab 2. I changed the data cable and the problem was solved. Try changing your data cable. X symbol means it is not charging. Try calibrating the battery using battery calibration app.

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That happens to me all the time. It typically means that the cord is not fully plugged in, or there is not enough energy going to the battery for it to charge. Try unplugging the charger and plunging it back in. Or try checking the connection points to see if some thing is preventing contact. I.e. lint or corrosion.

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Slowly plugit into the block while pluged in untill the white lighting bolt appears and then plug it all the way in. It does this because u are using a lower voltage than it should have so it kicks it into pc mode and tries to connect to a device. But for some weird reason when u plug it in slowely to about the half way point it will absolutley work!

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This worked. It's not as straight forward as it sounds. I went in slowly at first and it didn't work. I tried the same for a few more times and still did not work. I then tried the slow technique and at about half way I would kind of wiggle and tilt the plug gently till finally I got the white lightning bolt.

Granted you shouldn't have to do this to make this work but at least it can prevent you from buying a new charger or cord that may not work either.


Yep it worked for me


Omg! It actually worked for me too. It took a few attempts and just being patient. Go slowly and give it a wiggle as the cable is going in. Thank you


Thank you, was ready to chuck it into the round file till I read this. Thinking to myself what a crock and how many people are getting punked but works. Thank you Kristin Henderson.


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Check our power supply, for my Galaxy s3 and tab the problem is this.

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All you do is plug it in slowly then wait 5 mins turn it on if it doesn't charge keep trying till it does then you wait another half hour but don't look at anything it'll shut off then check if it has at least 10% if it doesn't just leave it if it does check your mail or stuff then wait like a night to charge it'll be fully charged hope I helped outro of darkness then redness then whiteness # tobuscus

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you will have no problems charging if you use the 2000mA charger that comes with your device. Otherwise you will have to fool your tab into thinking its connected to one by shorting pins 2 & 3, d+ & d- together by hacking a usb extention lead and fitting this between the tab lead and usb charger.

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Hardware was probably only engineered to work long enough for the best thing to come out. We're all screwed!!!


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i had problem wouldnt come on at all after water problem and it came on after few hours plugged it in me laptop had blue bar going up and down then came on had red cross on battery sop thought it was broke so tested it in me original charger i got it wiv and chargeing well atm touch wood it stays well :)

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You shouldn't have to ponce around like this to charge a samsung tablet, come on it's not a cheapo chinese tablet it's a branded one. Lead in lead out hold down buttons this is a joke i'm going to to try and buy a new lead if no luck with that back to the shop. Just tried pushing the lead in slowly while standing on one leg and rubbing my head and f*** me it started charging. lol

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Plug and unplug very quickly two or three time and then plug again. I already try this to my tab

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I drove myself crazy thinking there was something very wrong with this great tablet that I really think is great well it turns out that all you half to do is push the flat end into to tablet hard and tight thats it nothing to it. This is a flaw and Samsung should tell you more about this issue so we all half to play a guessing game but at the end of the day its still a great tablet I hope this helped.

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Mine would charge really slowly with the red cross through the charging icon and if left to go too flat would get stuck and I would have to put the plug in and out multiple times till it started charging again, I brought a new cord (genuine Samsung ) and now it is fixed.charges really fast and is working much better ,

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I've read a lot of strange answers on how to fix this from quickly plugging in the charger to turning off wifi. I can confirm the answer above about the charger. For some reason the latest os doesn't seem to like the original USB adapter any more. I fixed this problem by plugging the cable into the USB adapter for my iPhone 5 and it now charges like a dream. No more red cross and charges quicker. Just change your USB adapter.

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Had the same problem with my Samsung Tab 2. Hadn't used it for quite a while and decided to try it. Ordered a new Samsung cable for £1.50. Cable came, plugged it in and it wouldn't charge. Tried everything advised above and still no joy. I had the cable plugged into the Samsung fast charger, looked for the original charger, found it, plugged it in and it started working straight away. I now have a fully charged tablet. So yeah make sure you're using the correct charger as they seem to not like other chargers.

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what i say might seem funny but its freaking true. does someone else in ur family use a samsung phone by any chance????? an ordinary non android phone. if the slot matches with ur tab then plug it in :). i got my tab on sunday and bang my tab stopped charging yesturday afternoon. been putiing it on charge continuously it woudnt stand on it self. it onned and offed periodicallly and automatically. then it went flat off. then when i tried to on it it would show a empty battery with a circle spinning in the middle and once in a blue moon it showed the yellow triangle. it went of before i could even read wht it said. then today morning at 5.00 i tried to on i saw the logo screen and then it showed a black screen with things written on it. i was so relieved tht i forgot to read wht it said. i ran to charge it yet it went of as soon as i put it for charging.i was utterly misserable. brand new phone and already it had such problems and all. before it went off i did see two options battery use or ok. i pressed none. by the way i had a brain wave just now. my mom uses a non android utter ordinary phone worth 3500rupees from samsung. i nicked her charger and tried it. bam bam bam bam it workssssssssssssssssssssssssss now my phone is back on and i am alright. now. its charging. i dont understand wht happened but i learnt my lesson i will always charge it n never ever let it go off like that ever again. hope my experience helped u guys. this is actually my first phone bought for me by my mom which is not koreean or indian. its freaking 25K here n i would have been killed if anything happened to it. ehhehehe

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My device is completely 'uncharged', and the battery icon blinks on and off with a blue bar when I am attempting to charge. I spoke with Samsung a few days ago and they told me to try one of the chargers at Sam's,Walmarrt or Best Buy to determine if it was the charger/cord or the device itself. I did, and determined it was the charger/cord. The Samsung rep at Best Buy took a new one from the box, and my device began to charge normally. Samsung is sending me a new one.

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If it is powered off, Samsung Galaxy Tab 2, it seems to charge fine. Only when it is powered on do I get a red "X" on the battery...when plugged into the computer. When the SGT2 is on and plugged into the wall power adapter the red "X" on the battery is not present. Whether wall charger or through the computer it charges fine...only when on does the computer charging not work through my experience on the SGT2. I also own the first generation SGT and it has the benefit of charging whether on or off in the wall or computer usb to charge. I hope this helps.

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Follow this video, my tab now is charging from the computer!!!


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I started to notice the red x when I got the last Jellybean update 4.2.2 for my Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 inch. I am to the point now that I just turn it off and plug it into the PC to charge if I am using USB. Otherwise, I just plug it into the wall with the adapter it came with and let it charge that way. I am not to pleased that now I can't have it charging and using it while plugged into the PC, but at least I can charge it with the PC now...

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I have the same prob...started after software update about late 2012...if it doesn't start taking a charge...unplug at tablet...hold power button down at least 10 sec..while still keep[ng button held down..plug cord back into tab ..and Presto!!!! sometimes i think all my cords ARE A BIT GOOFY. Then i turn all my electronics off and go outside for a couple hours..breathe fresh air and get some sunlight...then everything works great

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I just had this same problem tonight so I tried turning off my tablet completely and tried letting it sit with the cables plugged in while it was off. After about 10 mins I turned it back on just to see if it charged up any because I kept getting the red X over the battery symbol while it was plugged in and turned on. When I turned it back on with the charger still plugged in and letting it sit turned off it came back on and then said that it was charging. Idk if this will work for you or for how long it'll work if it does work for you but for now its working for me when I just now tried it on mine. Good Luck

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Hi everyone who is having a problem charging your Samsung tab 2, I bought a new lead from eBay and all working as it should now.

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You can't charge the Tab with a USB cable while on ,the USB is for data transfer if you try to charge it while on you will get a red x , you can charge it while off , and it will show the battery charging . I thought mine was broken Samsung said you can't use the USB cord to charge the tab while in use only when powered off .

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I contacted Samsung and once we determined that the issue was the non-standard charger, they sent me a new one. Tablet is successfully charging now


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i have after a while several usb-chargers in my house (phone cameras etc) but i have to use the charger for samsung galaxy tab 2.0 to charge it (make no fu.. sence) but my tab charge now...

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Had the same problem, I cleaned it with 90% alcool and a cotton swab, now the battery icon is going all the way up instead of 1/4 up and rebooting. It seems it is charging now!

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Pls do not let your tablet go to drain complete battery charge ,must charge it at least battery warning pop ups . I had the same issue with my tablet it start charge two blocks , I have charged for around one full day change the USB adapters ,then it starts charging , after I never my tablet to go below 20% charge . Once it shut down automatically don't worry it needs at least 24 hours to restart charging with all programs .

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I just want to add what happend to me. Same as all of you my tablet didn't seem to charge. I tried everything above and nothing. (well, i tried the couple ones that i did read until this "idea" occurred to me). What i did was simple and it worked. I simply just blew into the charger and into the tablet and pow!! it said "charging". Idk if this will fix your problem, I hope it does, but it fixed mine. Just giving my 2 cents.

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1. Unplug the USB cable

2. On the cell phone, dial the following number: *#7284# Once the last # is hit,

the PhoneUtil application is launched.

Choose USB -> Modem and then USB -> PDA mode.

The good mode should be PDA.

Even if the mode is PDA, switch to Modem and then back to PDA.

3. Plug the USB cable.


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This one works for me,....thanks, rock!!!


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From my experience, I found that simpley switching off your tablet plugging in the charger and then switching it back on can sometimes work.


If you switch off your tablet, plug I charger into mains and then switch it back on. If the 'X' is still over the battery icon then un plug the charger and plug it back in (slowly) and then it should work.

Hope this solves your problem :)

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I found this out the hard way. I have been using Mophie pro external batteries and all of a sudden 3rd party cables stopped charging my Samsung tab2 7.0. I switched back to the samsung charging cable and all was well. Not sure what happens with non Samsung original OEM cables but they may work for awhile but not for long.

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Here's the problem. There is too much play in the USB connector. Even with brand new tablets. Go to a store and jiggle the power cord and you'll see it go from charge to no charge. Here's the solution. Put a piece of tape on the bottom of the connector, the metal part. This will remove some of the play and ensure the contacts are made properly.

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it will charge even with the x but very slowly turn it off and it will charge. i have the galaxy tab 2 and i have the same problem, if it goes compleatly dead and its actin like it wont charge its fine.......let it sit and on the charger all day

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It was my USB cable that was causing it not to charge, it is working perfectly now 1% charging. No red x. I borrowed my grandmother's android usb cable instead. So I am pretty sure it was either that black box that you plug into the wall or the usb cable itself.

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I had the same issue while device is on and the 'X' sign appear while charging from my Macbook.

What I did was, i unplug the cable from the device, and then plug back slowly, and the 'X' sign disappear.

Now even though my Tab device is on, I can still charge.

You may want to give this a try.

Good luck !



Chances are, your batts are gone.

I had the same problem too after using my Tab for 2.5 years, totally cannot charge at all.

Replace new batt immediately.

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The reason why the battery sign has a X on it is because you are using the wrong charger. When you use the wrong charger, it could cause problems in the tablet. Some chargers are strong than others and some chargers are weaker than others. If you use a charger that is stronger, the tablet would get way to hot. The tablet will probably not turn on if you keep doing it. (The tablet should tell you that it's to hot.)

TIP: If it has the X on the battery sign, turn the tablet off and don't mess with it until it's charged completely. (If you play on the tablet while it has the X on on the battery sign, then it won't charge.)

If you are using the right charger, then there might either be something wrong with the charge or the tablet. If there's something wrong with the tablet, there might be something loose in the tablet, due to dropping it. If there something wrong with the charger, check the charger cable. Look for any visible wires. If there is visible wires get a new charger. (If there isn't any visible wires, I really can't help you. You should take it to the shop.) One reason why you might see visible wires is because you probably kept bending the charger. When you do that, the charger insulator will slowly rip.

Ex: If you keep folding paper on the same crease, the paper will paper will eventually rip without a problem.

Like the wire insulator

I've learned by experience.

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The reason it is going to the red X. There are 2 problems first you do need the charger that came with your Tab 2 or any that put out 5v 2A. If you are using the 2A charger and still have the red X then you need to replace the cable that you are using to charge your Tab 2. I did this and now it charges with the Tablet turned on and NO red X. I figure if you at some point kink the cable or roll a chair over it making a flat spot it might of broke or messed up one or a few of the many wires inside the usb cable. So buy a few extra cables just in case. this of course is just my 2 cents. I had the problem of the red X and buying a new cable worked in my case. I tried the power down thing pulling the cable in and out fast. Nothing worked until I got a new cable.

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Been having the annoying red x / slow charging / trouble turning on issue on my Tab 10.1. Thanks for all the suggestions, obviously a known issue!! Tried many leads and Samsung plugs but made no difference.

What worked for me - holding down the power and volume buttons for about a minute. The Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 logo flashed up every 10 seconds or so. When I let go it started up normally and there was a white lightening flash on the battery icon as normal.

Thanks guys

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Pressing the on/off and volume buttons together fixed it temporarily - but as soon as the tab was unplugged and plugged back in the red x came again. If the battery drained right down it was almost impossible to bring the tab back to life. I even bought a new battery as I thought the battery must be duff.... no.

The problem was with the charger. The Tab and Note use a TWO AMP (2A, 2amp, 2Amp) charger. I was using the plug from my S3 phone with the tab lead. I looked at the small print on the plug and it's a one amp (1A, 1amp, 1Amp) plug. I had muddled up my plugs and leads. Hunted around for the 2amp plug and YAY! Immediately got the green battery charging icon, was able to switch the unit on easily and it is charging away now with a white lightning icon.

Please guys, save yourself a massive headache - check you are using a two amp charger.

I really hope this helps someone else. Good luck.


Worked for me. THANKS


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Usually when this happens, it would probably means your battery may nee a replacement or there maybe some charger interface plugging in/out problem.

Best to get them change or replace a brand new set.

Just my 2 cts opiniion

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Im using the tab 2 10.1 and was having the same problem but the unpluging didnt work for me. I changed the plug(not cable) to a samsung galaxy phone charger and its working now. Just a suggestion for those of you who are still struggling.

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New charge cord fixed mine.

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i was using a charger i got from BestBuy. it was only rated at (output - 5.1V --- 850mA) then i plugged in the cord for the tab into my note 3 charger (output - 5.3V --- 2.0A) and it charges much faster and the red X is gone when i have it plugged in and running at the same time.

in conclusion, you need to get a more powerful power supply. you can get a note 3 charger here - - and they are cheap!


if your battery is getting charged really fast and then discharges really fast here is how you fix it (well it worked for me)

turn off and unplug device.

hold power button for 30 seconds.

plug device back up.

wait for about 2 min.

hold power button for another 30 seconds.

this just resets the battery. then you should be good to go.

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So i had the same problem... it can be a problem with your charger. If you see any holes or rips in it, you should just put tape tightly around it and then try. If it stills doesnt work make sure your charger is hooked it straight. Then some tablets can't charge on the computer depending on what charger you have.

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I guess it really needs the 2.0 amp charger...I used a standard apple 1.0 charger and it got VERY hot...and smelled like a medicine know like overheating wires...stopped using that at once...I just got this it..

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Hi, I had the same problem when I left on holiday without my original charger; I bought a replacement on Ebay but that would not work. I also tried all the advertised alternatives, ie, used my wife's I-pad charger, no joy, tried a car ciggy connecter, no joy, tried a hi-power mains charger I use for a video camer;, no joy, tried connecting it thru a USB cable to my laptop, no joy.

When I got home 2 weeks later I connected my original charger and hey presto it started charging all the way up to full I phoned Samsung Technical to get further info( I previously worked in Korea and had contacts within Samsung Korea while there) and it was confirmed to me that just like the new I-pads, Tabs have a software prog that "recognises" genuine chargers(and by corollary) will not recognise third party chargers or methods(for I-pads the connectors are now called Lightning Connectors and only Belkin is authorised as a 3rd party supplier, to sell these, other than Apple...about £15 against £25 from Apple). For info, anyone with an I-pad can use a 3rd party connector once only, by switching the I-pad off and then on again when it will charge once only before X-ing out the charge.

Again, for info, after re-charging my Tab with the original charger and when discharged down to 70% charge, I again plugged in the 3rd party charger, the ciggy lead, and a USB cable, and none would re-charge, each showing a red X across the battery icon.

Samsung will replace a charger if it is less than 6 months old or will supply a replacement at cost) and remember the Tab itself is guaranteed for 2 years(I was not aware of this until I spoke to Samsung Tech), and unlike many other manufacturers, Samsung recommend that customers return under-guarantee products to them and NOT to the shop where it was bought(I have had a very poor experience with Carphone Warehouse in this regard where they said my I-5 was beyond repair yet I was talked through a software re-set by Samsung Tech.).

Again just for the record I am not a Samsung employee nor am I connected with them in any way.

Hope this may help some of the people who have posted in various places their problems with Tabs not charging, but from my own review, most of the problems have come from the use of non-Samsung chargers.

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Additional Info.

Most hi power chargers will show the battery icon on a blank page with a flashing blue segment at the right hand side. This flashes for about 2-3 seconds and the dots below also flash and then the battery disappears for about 10 seconds , before this sequence again occurs.

What is happening is that the battery/software recognises a large current, lets it run for about 1.5 seconds before switching off to prevent an overcurrent charge.

This happens for safety reasons as lithium ion batteries can self-combust under certain circumstances!!!!


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Ok here goes. the charger must supply at least 5.3 volts dc in order for the tablet to show that it is charging properly. The higher the current rating the better but the voltage is what tells the tablet that it has a proper supply. That's all there is to it. Try to use a charger that supplies at least 2 Amps or 2000 miliamps. If yours is 1700 miliamps or 1.7 amps then that's ok too. The higher the current the faster it will charge. If the voltage is not at least 5.3v then the tablet will throttle charging at about .5 amps (500ma) which will take forever and show a red X on the battery icon. The charger does not need to be samsung but samsung makes their chargers run at 5.3 volts on purpose. If you have a samsung charger and your tablet still shows a red x then the charger is faulty by not supplying the required 5.3v. Google 5.3v 2 amp charger to find a suitable one. I hope this helps. Cheers!

btw.. usb ports on laptops and other types of computers are regulated at 5.0v. Which means that your tablet will charge but show a red x and charged at a much lower rate. Some chargers are unregulated which means they do not supply the same voltage. Even if they are made by the same people. they could be 5.0v, 5.1v, 4.9v etc.. the tablet needs to see 5.3v minimum before it will use all available current from the charger.

If your tablet is dead and switches between a battery and blank screen periodically then all is ok. all you need to do is plug in the charger for 10 seconds and unplug. repeat this about 20 times. What you are doing is supplying the full current of the charger before the tablet cuts current to a 'safe minimum'. this is sort of a boost charge to get things going. Once this is done the tablet will begin to charge normally (if the charger is not 5.3v then charging will resume with red x).

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My Samsung galaxy tab 2 7.0 stopped charging today. As all the battery was drawn out so when I plugged for recharge it was continuously rebooting after showing one bar of battery. I was using the original cable that came with the tab few years back. I checked this thread and it appeared that the cable is bad and most of the people fixed it by changing the cable. So I decided to attempt cable clean up for any dust inside. I took my regular aftershave lotion and rinsed both sides (connector and USB) in the lotion. Then I used air pressure to dry it out. I reconnected after few hours and it worked just as new and my tab is now charging.

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I had the same problem with the red x and tried everything I could find in the forums.. All efforts failed. The tablet drained so low that it would not power on at all. Battery icon flashed one bar only. I left it off but plugged into the charger for a coupla days. Meanwhile, on another computer, i ordered a new power cord/charger for $8 that came in 3 days. It slowly recovered to 17%, enough to power on. Plugged that sucker in and Voila! the red X was gone and the lightning bolt indicating proper charging was restored. This tells me that the frail little cord was damaged and inadequate to do the job sufficiently, but not totally shot. It has been working like new since then.

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I've read the whole tread and the only thing that worked for me was plugging in and out the cable several times slowly just half way in.. Of course it failed during the first attempts, I would still get the red "x"and the annoyng vibrating alert..Then, after several attempts, the vibrating alert was gone and , even though I still got the red x, the sound changed and it was the same as the battery charging one...Boom! Tried 2 more time and now it is working, and I inserted the whole plug after few mins.

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Just hold the power button for few seconds without releasing, the display will off and started to charge with the battery charging symbol. Hope it will be useful.

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i had the same problem! ive been searching around and 80% of people have suggested to use you car adaptor and charge it in the car (because the socket it very strong and can charge much better than a household pulg). After its charged use your normal charger to charge it and it should be back to normal.. if not, stick to your car!!

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to fix my tab i open the it and i exchange the battery with my cousin tablet which is also not working not charging and cannot open..i changed my battery with her and there is goes its charging...but after some days it goes back again its easily low bat and charge a 100% but when i unplug it,low battery again..then i decided to buy a new usb cable for my charger..and now its working and not easily low battery..i thought my battery have a problem but its my usb cable.i also tried the push the power for battery reset..its working but after still coming back to the prob...only the new usb cable is the answer..

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I was having a similar problem. First my tab would get the red X when I plugged it in, then one day I accidentally drained the battery completely and it would not charge when I plugged it in. The screen would light up momentarily with the battery and the little star-like loading symbol in the middle of it, then it would begin to "fill" with the blue that usually indicates it's charging (when powered off), then the screen would immediately turn off and start the process all over again.

I finally fixed the problem!

1. after unplugging the charger, I removed the back cover (carefully!)

2. I unhooked the battery connection to the motherboard (you can see what that looks like here Samsung Galaxy Tab Teardown Step 8, third picture -it's for an older device but the connection is nearly identical)

3. Then, I unhooked the connections for the touchscreen and the display (see step 11 on the teardown link above, it will outline what those connections look like)

4. I then re-connected the battery-to-motherboard connection

5. I plugged my charger cable into my computer's USB port, then into my tab and left my computer on (not in sleep mode) so that my battery would get a "trickle charge" (from my research, this is necessary when the battery has become completely drained. It's very slow, but you only need to leave it charging on your computer for an hour or so)

5. I came back after an hour and reconnected the touchscreen and display connections, then gently pressed the power button (not holding it down to turn it on, but just pressing it to see if the screen would display the battery status)

6. My tab finally showed the battery and the charging status without continually turning off! I then removed the cable from my computer and plugged it back into the outlet charger. It's charging a-ok now!

For anyone who's still reading, I thought to do this because it seemed that the trickle charge wouldn't work when the screen kept turning on and off. It seemed to drain what little charge the battery was getting each time it cycled, so I hoped that by unplugging the display, it would allow the battery to charge up enough to successfully overcome the constant drain/charge pattern. I don't know if this is why it worked, but it worked, so I'm gonna go with that :)

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I ended up getting a new data/charging cord from Amazon and I don't have the problem any more.


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if your samsung galaxy tab 2 7.0 is not charging and has no battery life and is blinking on and off with charger plugged in to charge. this was happening to me until, i took a normal steak knife and scraped lightly where the charger connects in the tablet on the pins, it worked. even on charger cord put knife in there and run along pins too.just lightly this works guys i was without tablet for 4 days until i tried this. i dreaded in thinking of having to buy a new one.....thank goodness the church bells are ringing my tablets charging and im so happy

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I know the answer its the charger u need to buy a new 1 it worked 4 me

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I had this problem also. You have to open it up, unplug the battery, then plug the battery back in. Somehow the signal to charge is getting blocked. Reseting the battery is needed. Once this is done it will charge immediately. Bad news is I have had it happen about 3 times. Good news is it works everytime. This is a widespread problem with the tab3. Opening is not difficult. Just run a plastic spudger/guitar pic around the edge of the screen to release the clips. It did not appear that there are any cables to worry about damaging. You should hear the clips snap as you release them. There are about 4 per side. If your unsure there are videos on how to do it on youtube. Hope this helps.

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After trying all the fiddling around as suggested I checked the ratings of my USB mains adapter and, as suggested here, it seemed underpowered with an output of 1.0a. Although it's a Samsung adapter its suggested here the output should be 2.0a.

My tab2 is flat and won't come on and refused to charge, although it would charge with what I have when not flat. I went to my car and plugged it into the USB adapter I have in the cars' power socket. Its rated at 5v 2.1a. Instant normal charging indicator on tablet. Tickety Boo as they say!

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Try using a very small amount (seriously a little is alot) of hand sanitizer or cotton q-tip dipped in rubbing alcohol to clean the ports of the charging cord, I did the USB port too. With the plug not connected to the wall, slip the charger into the tablet in and out to clean the tablet port with the small amount that is on it's end. Allow ends to completely dry before plugging into outlet. Because it is alcohol based it will dry quickly.

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I had the same problem replaced usb lead to charger with an offical samsung lead, works perfect everytime. Simple at a cost of a fiver well worth it.

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I tried all of the suggestions on this thread...halfway connecting, wiggling the connector, pressing buttons, etc. I used contact cleaner to clean the USB side and the Samsung side. I used a toothpick to clean the contacts. Nothing. just a single blue stripe on the battery icon and then a reset. I just brought it to the local Best Buy and the Samsung reps plugged it into her power supply and voila! It worked. I was never happier to see multiple blue stripes before. A trip to the local MicroCenter and I have a new cord ($6.99) and a working Tab 2.

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Hi I Have the same Problem with Red X on top of the Battery Logo while charging my Samsung Tab 2 and managed to fix it by brushing the charging port using old toothbrush and 70% Isoprophil alcohol.


1. Get an old tooth brush

2. Put small amount Alcohol on the toothbrush, enough to make the brush wet.

3. Brush the Charging terminal of the Tablet.

4. Let the Alcohol evaporate for 1-2 minutes.

5. Use 5.2V 2.0A output Charger to charge the Tablet.

It will works Fine at this moment.

Good Luck!

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I had this problem too. What worked for me was charging from a backup battery. Neither the computer nor any standard USB chargers would charge with power on, would only get up to 13% or so, only charge when off. Plugged in battery , bang, charging, no error! Not ideal, need to find original charger, but works for now.

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When I put to charge it will charges 1 or 2 second and it started to re charge and it is not opening screen and not working power button and it takes late charge


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