@christophe80469 the connector is a Switchcraft 35RASMT6CHNTRX Available at Mouser.com part number 502-35RASMT6CHNTRX or at Digikey.com part number 137-35RASMT6CHNTRXCT-ND
=== UPDATE 03/16/2023 ===
@christophe80469 additional pictures posted to explain what is the " through the hole" is referring.
those are the "legs" that have hold it to the board. The shown part is definitely the right one. The contacts are still surface mount.
@christophe80469 the connector is a Switchcraft 35RASMT6CHNTRX Available at Mouser.com part number 502-35RASMT6CHNTRX or at Digikey.com part number 137-35RASMT6CHNTRXCT-ND
=== UPDATE 03/16/2023 ===
@christophe80469 additional pictures posted to explain what is the " through the hole" is referring.
those are the "legs" that have hold it to the board. The shown part is definitely the right one.
those are the "legs" that have hold it to the board. The shown part is definitely the right one. The contacts are still surface mount.
@christophe80469 the connector is a Switchcraft 35RASMT6CHNTRX Available at Mouser.com part number 502-35RASMT6CHNTRX or at Digikey.com part number 137-35RASMT6CHNTRXCT-ND
=== UPDATE 03/16/2023 ===
@christophe80469 additional pictures posted to explain what is the " through the hole" is referring.
those are the "legs" that have hold it to the board. The shown part is definitely the right one.
@christophe80469 the connector is a Switchcraft 35RASMT6CHNTRX Available at Mouser.com part number 502-35RASMT6CHNTRX or at Digikey.com part number SC2853-ND
@christophe80469 the connector is a Switchcraft 35RASMT6CHNTRX Available at Mouser.com part number 502-35RASMT6CHNTRX or at Digikey.com part number 137-35RASMT6CHNTRXCT-ND
@christophe80469 the connector is a Switchcraft 35RASMT6CHNTRX Available at Mouser.com part number 502-35RASMT6CHNTRX or at Digikey.com part number SC2853-ND