@fredp01 yes you can replace the WiFi card. Should be something like a PA5197U-1MPC. Once you’ve disassembled your Toshiba (use something like [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHQTxV_Fi-U|this video]), check your antenna/wires first to make sure hat those are not the issue. Also, toshiba is a totally '''PARANOID company that ABSOLUTELY DOES NOT SUPPORT ANY DIY''' attempts. So there will be no official help regarding manuals, schematics etc. for your laptop from them.
@fredp01 yes you can replace the WiFi card. Should be something like a PA5197U-1MPC. Once you’ve disassembled your Toshiba (use something like [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHQTxV_Fi-U|this video]), check your antenna/wires first to make sure hat those are not the issue. Also, Toshiba is a totally '''PARANOID company that ABSOLUTELY DOES NOT SUPPORT ANY DIY''' attempts. So there will be no official help regarding manuals, schematics etc. for your laptop from them.
@fredp01 yes you can replace the WiFi card. Should be something like a PA5197U-1MPC. Once you’ve disassembled your Toshiba (use something like [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHQTxV_Fi-U|this video]), check your antenna/wires first to make sure hat those are not the issue. Also, toshiba is a totally '''PARANOID company that ABSOLUTELY DOES NOT SUPPORT ANY DIY''' attempts. So there will be no official help regarding manuals, schematics etc. for your laptop from them.