Hello all… I’d like to add some information for those who are still struggling with this. Just a bit more of a clue, as I managed to briefly get my 24” Cinema Display to work today. Also, a cautionary tale… as I immediately fried it right after.
I’ve tried pretty much everything on this and several other threads to no avail. Today, I thought I’d give it one more go before pitching the Cinema Display into the bin. I took it all apart, put it back together while checking for loose connections. I left the glass off and the LCD connected, but not screwed down, in the hopes that I could check some connections while it was powered on. I do NOT recommend doing this. It was simply a last-ditch attempt on my part.
In the image below, you will see the heavy black cable that connects to the Logic board. I’m not entirely certain what this is, but when I unplugged it, and then plugged it back in, the monitor started working! Full brightness, brightness control returned, etc. I went about trying to repeat this, to narrow down the issue, and found that once I unplugged the power, the old problem returned (very dark, flickering if brightness is turned up, blacks out, etc). I wasn’t about to dismantle the monitor every time I wanted to use it and re-seat this plug, so I kept trying different combinations of plugging, unplugging, etc. I was able to get it to work with this method over and over… and then disaster struck. The LCD slipped out of my hand, and shorted the power supply BZZZT! So, on one hand I’m relieved that this effort is over, and on the other, happy to have finally gotten close to a solution, also… RIP 24” Cinema Display :)
I hope this information helps someone else get their display fixed, but be careful if you’re working with live juice. It’s NOT a good idea :)