So I had this issue as we have 2 cameras connected, on one the mic stopped. My wife said pushing the microphone cord in helped once. I took the camera apart to investigate when the issue persisted. It appears the speaker wires fray at the spot they were connected to the motherboard, there were soldered on the back side of the motherboard but one side was not and appears as you bend/move the microphone and even move/turn the camera it causes tension and stress on this connection causing the wire to fray and therefore the mic to fail. When I took it apart I was able to move the wires to get the speaker to work as a temp fix. I'm going to solder them here in that spot and see if that becomes a more permanent fix. For those who have curiosity or interest it's real easy to take apart and look at, pop off the rubber feet and there are 4 screws, that gives you all the access you need. I ended up popping off the plastic surrounding the mic and remocing the antenna & screw as well as the motor to move the camera in order to get a view on the back side of the motherboard. This shouldn't be necessary as the back side is soldered and appeared to maintain good connection. It appears it's a faulty design with a high stress point of wore contact that was never soldered to the motherboard board cause the mic wires to tug and pull and fray eventually losing the capability.
So I had this issue as we have 2 cameras connected, on one the mic stopped. My wife said pushing the microphone cord in helped once. I took the camera apart to investigate when the issue persisted. It appears the speaker wires fray at the spot they were connected to the motherboard, there were soldered on the back side of the motherboard but one side was not and appears as you bend/move the microphone and even move/turn the camera it causes tension and stress on this connection causing the wire to fray and therefore the mic to fail. When I took it apart I was able to move the wires to get the speaker to work as a temp fix. I'm going to solder them here in the next couple weeks in that spot and see if that becomes a more permanent fix. For those who have curiosity or interest it's real easy to take apart and look at, pop off the rubber feet and there are 4 screws, that gives you all the access you need. I ended up popping off the plastic surrounding the mic and removing the antenna as well as the motor to move the camera in order to get a view on the back side of the motherboard. This shouldn't be necesary to fix. It appears it's a faulty design with a high stress point of contact that was never soldered to the motherboard board causing the mic wires to tug and pull and fray eventually losing the capabilty to work.
Hope this helps for those that come across this issue in the futuee and are curious about taking it apart to find the issue.
So I had this issue as we have 2 cameras connected, on one the mic stopped. My wife said pushing the microphone cord in helped once. I took the camera apart to investigate when the issue persisted. It appears the speaker wires fray at the spot they were connected to the motherboard, there were soldered on the back side of the motherboard but one side was not and appears as you bend/move the microphone and even move/turn the camera it causes tension and stress on this connection causing the wire to fray and therefore the mic to fail. When I took it apart I was able to move the wires to get the speaker to work as a temp fix. I'm going to solder them here in that spot and see if that becomes a more permanent fix. For those who have curiosity or interest it's real easy to take apart and look at, pop off the rubber feet and there are 4 screws, that gives you all the access you need. I ended up popping off the plastic surrounding the mic and remocing the antenna & screw as well as the motor to move the camera in order to get a view on the back side of the motherboard. This shouldn't be necessary as the back side is soldered and appeared to maintain good connection. It appears it's a faulty design with a high stress point of wore contact that was never soldered to the motherboard board cause the mic wires to tug and pull and fray eventually losing the capability.
Hope this helps for those that come across this issue in the futuee and are curious about taking it apart to find the issue.