I have a 2009 Toyota Tacoma.
I had an issue about a year ago where it started to “click” when I would start it.
First I was told it was the battery so I bought a new battery. A couple days later it started doing it again and I was told it was the starter so I bought a new starter.
Now almost a year later, my friend tells me yesterday it started doing the “click” before turning over thing again.
It happened 3 times yesterday and today while she was telling me about it, it took 5 times before it turned over. I could hear the “click” each time she tried to start it.
Surely the starter can’t be bad I just replaced it a freaking year ago.
Also, it seems to be getting worse at an alarming rate considering it just started yesterday and went from 1-2 “clicks” before turning over to the 5 I heard this morning.
Any ideas on what it might be?
I do understand it could be a faulty Starter but I also know it could be a dozen other things. Spark plugs, fuel filter, air filter, wires, pipes… whatever.
I am hoping that with the alarming rate it appears to be dying at or at least having issues whatever the problem is it will give someone a tip to point me in the right direction.
I have had starters die before but Never one this fast so I am hoping it is something else as I will be seriously PO’ed as I had it less then a year and it is dying….. I already drove over the 24,000/2 year warranty so I can’t even use that.
Anyway, if you can help please do so,