What sort of message are they? What app did they come from, or what function of the phone? If you're referring to voicemails, a google search brought me [https://community.sprint.com/t5/Samsung-Galaxy-S-III-S-III/Samsung-Galaxy-III-Archived-Voicemail-Messages/td-p/217985|here], which resolved the issue for the user by following these steps:
What sort of message are they? What app did they come from, or what function of the phone?A google search of "Samsung Galaxy Note 3 archived messages" brought me [https://community.sprint.com/t5/Samsung-Galaxy-S-III-S-III/Samsung-Galaxy-III-Archived-Voicemail-Messages/td-p/217985|here], for archived voicemails, which resolved the issue for the user by following these steps:
Select your Message screen and in the blue bar at the top is a dark blue colored down pointing arrow (very vague you can barely see it). Press the down arrow. It will pop up and show you INBOX, TRASH and ARCHIVE voicemails. You can then select the type of messages you want to retrieve.
I also found [https://www.wikihow.com/See-Your-Archived-Messages-on-Facebook-Messenger|here] for archived messages on facebook messenger, with these steps:
1. Open the Facebook Messenger App. Facebook Messenger is a blue speech bubble icon with a white lightning bolt in it.
2. Tap Home. It's the icon that looks like a house, and it appears at the top left corner just under the search bar.
3. Press and hold on a conversation. Doing so will reveal a pop-up menu.
4. Tap Archive. The conversation will be moved to the "Archived" folder.
5. Tap the blue speech bubble icon. It's in the bottom-right corner of the screen, and doing so will start a new conversation.
6. Type in the recipient of your archived conversation.
7. Tap on the recipient's name. You will now see the archived messages from the conversation appear in the chat window.
What sort of message are they? What app did they come from, or what function of the phone? If you're referring to voicemails, a google search brought me [https://community.sprint.com/t5/Samsung-Galaxy-S-III-S-III/Samsung-Galaxy-III-Archived-Voicemail-Messages/td-p/217985|here], which resolved the issue for the user by following these steps:
Select your Message screen and in the blue bar at the top is a dark blue colored down pointing arrow (very vague you can barely see it). Press the down arrow. It will pop up and show you INBOX, TRASH and ARCHIVE voicemails. You can then select the type of messages you want to retrieve.