I found a better solution, with this two simple steps:
1. I got this 20$ [https://www.ebay.com/itm/For-Toyota-Camry-RAV4-Tundra-Matrix-USB-Aux-in-Adapter-MP3-Radio-Interface-A8Q4/131754076822?epid=707557293&hash=item1ead27aa96:g:9UEAAOSwGFxZeAo8&vxp=mtr|aux adapte]r off ebay.
2. installed it like this [https://youtu.be/0hl2RenoWog|youtube video].
2. installed it like this youtube [https://youtu.be/0hl2RenoWog|video].
and it works!
the volume is a bit lower than the radio but the sound quality is great.
I found a better solution, with this 2 simple steps:
I found a better solution, with this two simple steps:
1. I got this 20$ [https://www.ebay.com/itm/For-Toyota-Camry-RAV4-Tundra-Matrix-USB-Aux-in-Adapter-MP3-Radio-Interface-A8Q4/131754076822?epid=707557293&hash=item1ead27aa96:g:9UEAAOSwGFxZeAo8&vxp=mtr|aux adapte]r off ebay.
2. installed it like this [https://youtu.be/0hl2RenoWog|youtube video].
and it works!
the volume is a bit lower than the radio but the sound quality is great.
I found a better solution, with this 2 simple steps:
1. I got this 20$ [https://www.ebay.com/itm/For-Toyota-Camry-RAV4-Tundra-Matrix-USB-Aux-in-Adapter-MP3-Radio-Interface-A8Q4/131754076822?epid=707557293&hash=item1ead27aa96:g:9UEAAOSwGFxZeAo8&vxp=mtr|aux adapte]r off ebay.
2. installed it like this [https://youtu.be/0hl2RenoWog|youtube video].
and it works!
the volume is a bit lower than the radio but the sound quality is great.