Adjusting action properly involves several facets, and is not a job for a novice, as much as I like to encourage people to do their own work. The frets must be leveled, the fingerboard angle must be set correctly to the guitar body, and the nut and saddles for each string must be adjusted. In addition, all this will most likely change the intonation, so where the saddle pieces sit under each string must be set for that. And, yes, the truss rod might be involved as well, or maybe not. Complicated interaction between all these parameters. OK, you still want to give it a go. I'm saying Bravo! But, please do it mindfully. Watch some youtube videos on it before you start. There's a wealth of info out there. The easiest thing to do, if your guitar has an adjustable bridge/saddle, is to lower the saddle pieces a bit until you get string buzz. Then raise it back up a bit. Fret the string up and down the neck, and set it as low as possible with no buzzing anywhere. Do this for all strings. Then, play the instrument like you normally do, and see if your style of playing produces any buzzing. If so, figure out which string(s) and raise their saddles slightly until you get no buzzes. Last, using preferably a strobe tuner, but other kinds will get you pretty close, play each string open, then fretted at the 12th fret. The two notes should be an octave apart. If the 12th fret note is lower, move the saddle piece closer to the nut. If higher, move the saddle away. Do this for all strings one at a time. This is a shortcut, incomplete method, but I have done it this way and it works pretty well. For a first class action set, either learn what is involved and do it properly, or go to a qualified luthier. Have fun! Please no criticism from the purists out there. I know darn well this is a shortcut method, and I think I have provided a proper disclaimer about it.