What's the difference of GSM vs CDMA internals (for replacements)?
Noticed on eBay or similar sites most note 4 parts for sale are
sprint or verizon compatible 910P/910V
such as the midframe and housing. I'm looking
to swap just my note 4 mainboard which is GSM
into a CDMA complete chassis (screen/frame/charging port connector). Everything looks identical but many sellers Selling sprint shells say it's only for CDMA.
Scrictly speaking snapdragon 805 versions, what's the difference of the internals minus the mainboard? I will be using my same sim and micro sd adapter on the board of the 910a at&t version in, for example, sprint 910p or vice versa. Reason for this is because I can find many sprint shells/parts more common and lower price. Thank you so much!