My downstairs iMac intel used to automatically join my airport extreme network at home (Airport Extreme Base Station with 802.11n, version 7.4.2).
For the past few months, however, the downstairs iMac no longer joins automatically. After it falls asleep, the connection is lost, until I manually select the network, which takes a long time to show up.
There have been no changes in our local equipment.
Nor have there been any added appliances or furniture moves that would create an obstacle or interference.
I have a Time Warner Cable router for internet access, an airport extreme base station attached to it, and in the house we have as other equipment accessing the wifi (no more than two at a time): upstairs an iMac (2.33 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo), plus a MacBook Pro, a MacBook Air, and two iPod touch.
My downstairs iMac intel used to automatically join my airport extreme network at home (Airport Extreme Base Station with 802.11n, version 7.4.2).
For the past few months, however, the downstairs iMac no longer joins automatically. After it falls asleep, the connection is lost, until I manually select the network, which takes a long time to show up.
There have been no changes in our local equipment.
Nor have there been any added appliances or furniture moves that would create an obstacle or interference.
I have a Time Warner Cable router for internet access, an airport extreme base station attached to it, and in the house we have as other equipment accessing the wifi (no more than two at a time): upstairs an iMac (2.33 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo), plus a MacBook Pro, a MacBook Air, and two iPod touch.