We all know accidents happen, and a burn hole in your favourite fabric can be frustrating. But don't worry! We're here to show you how to effectively patch it, not only extending the life of your favourite garment but also adding a unique touch!
Cosa ti serve
Locate the burn holes in the garment and gather the tools needed for the repair.
Lay your garment on a flat surface.
Draw a line around the bottle lid to use it as a guide.
Note: In this example, we chose the lid because it was at least 1cm larger than the hole on each side. For future patching, please keep this margin in mind.
Use a pair of scissors to cut around the patches and set them aside.
Place the top edge of the patch carefully onto the item, and apply gentle pressure.
Use the backside of a spoon to apply harder pressure, and use a circular motion to press down around the patch for 1-2 minutes.
Look for additional burn holes and repeat the same steps shown before to patch them.
Note: Sometimes you will need to patch both the outside and inside part of a garment.
🛠️🏆👏 Congratulations! The repair is complete, and you're ready to go!
In need of another repair? Don't worry! Check out our other guides to find quick solutions for your favourite clothing, footwear and equipment!
In need of another repair? Don't worry! Check out our other guides to find quick solutions for your favourite clothing, footwear and equipment!