Hi @kathyellis13826
Try replacing the DC power inlet jack. You will need soldering tools and skills to do this
Search online for Cassio CDP-22OR DC power jack (example only) to find suppliers that suit you best.
Alternatively search online for Casio 10334294. This is the part number for the part. It is used in a lot of Casio models, so if the seller doesn't list your model but lists one of the ones shown below it is compatible with your model as well.
AP-220BK, AP-220BN, AP-245, AP-260BK, AP-260BN, AP-270BK, AP-270BN, AP-270WE, AT-3, AT-5, CDP-120, CDP-130BK, CDP-130SR CDP-135, CDP-220R, CDP-230RBK, CDP-230RSR, CDP-235R, CDP-240RBK, CDP-S100BK, CDP-S150BK, CDP-S350BK, CTK-6000, CTK-6200, CTK-6250, CTK-7000, CTK-7200, CTX-3000, PX-130BK, PX-130RD, PX-130WE, PX-150BK, PX-150WE, PX-160BK, PX-160GD, PX-160WE, PX-330BK, PX-350MBK, PX-350MWE, PX-360MBK, PX-3BK, PX-3SBK, PX-560MBE, PX-5S, PX-730BK, PX-730CY, PX-770BK, PX-770BN, PX-770WE, PX-7WE, PX-870BK, PX-870BN, PX-870WE, PX-S1000BK, PX-S1000RD, PX-S1000WE, PX-S3000BK, WK-6500, WK-6600, WK-7500, WK-7600
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