VTech RM5764-2HD Cameras will not "beep" or enter pairing mode.

Hi all, I recently purchased a used Vtech RM5764-2HD Baby monitor. Both of the cameras show a steady orange light when I turn them on and will not connect to the parent unit. I have attempted to factory reset the cameras by holding down the pair button as instructed. However, the cameras do not make an audible "beep" as the instructions indicate and just show a steady orange light. Any help is greatly appreciated, TIA.

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2 Commenti:

Hi @jeramiedemaris

Can you "see" the baby monitor WiFi SSID appear in your phone's WiFi network list or your home network wireless router?

This is just to prove that the 2.4GHz wifi is working in the baby monitor.


I am having the same issue. Orange light, the pair button seems unresponsive.

Twist: My unit has been in use for two years. This happened in the last 24 hours. According to the wifi log, it seems like the camera lost wifi connectivity, and now the parent unit is having trouble connecting to wifi as well.


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