Lanciato il 25 settembre 2015. Modello A1688/A1633. Si ripara in modo simile alle generazioni precedenti, richiede cacciaviti e strumenti di apertura. Versioni GSM o CDMA /16, 32, 64, 128 GB / Oro rosa, Oro, Argento, Grigio siderale.
Yøüñg Gëñërãl @yoeuenggeneral
Rep: 1
Postato: 17 nov 2023
Questa è una buona domanda?
1 Commento:
Is this something new that started occurring? Has anything happened to the phone recently, such as being dropped, exposed to liquid, etc.?
Does the button seem to work, it is it stuck in or out? Have you verified the phone is charged?
17 nov 2023 da Jerry Wheeler
Ultime 24 Ore: 0
Ultimi 7 Giorni: 0
Ultimi 30 Giorni: 0
Tutti i Tempi: 35
Is this something new that started occurring? Has anything happened to the phone recently, such as being dropped, exposed to liquid, etc.?
Does the button seem to work, it is it stuck in or out? Have you verified the phone is charged?
da Jerry Wheeler